Jon Snow was one of (if not the most) popular characters in HBO’s Game of Thrones. His selfless nature and compassionate attitude labeled him as one of the only truly honorable people in Westeros. But Jon made some mistakes along the way, some worse than others. And honestly, in GOT, who hasn’t?

Jon certainly put up with enough rain to reach the rainbow, but not everything he did along the way was perfectly admirable! Whether it be selfish or foolish, he’s made some mistakes that left a bitter taste in his mouth. With that, here are most shameless things Jon Snow did in Game of Thrones.

Tried To Leave The Night’s Watch

The Night’s Watch is a lifelong commitment with no members leaving no matter what other duty calls to them. But Jon seem to believe he is a special case, as he nearly left to go join Robb against the Lannisters. Jon’s naive thinking early on in the show goes to show how impulsive he can be. Had it not been for Samwell Tarly, Jon would have likely been killed alongside his brother, Robb.

Got Intimate with Ygritte

Jon’s relationship with Ygritte was nothing short of perfect. She brought out the best of him, teasing him every time she got the chance all the while Jon finally lost his virginity. However, Jon is a man of honor and was dedicated to the Night’s Watch.

The first woman he meets his vows fly out the window along with any and all regard for his own safety. This was a beautifully romantic scene, but Jon should have known better than to sleep with the enemy.

Chased After Rickon

The Battle of the Bastards was without a doubt one of the greatest episodes in Game of Thrones. The CGI was pristine, the action was nonstop, and the blood did not stop pouring. But before all of that went down Jon made one of his biggest mistake as a leader - falling for Ramsay’s game.

Rickon was held hostage and like any good brother, Jon ran after him. But it’s his failure to remember his role as a leader and symbol of hope that bothers fans. Selfless, sure, but stupid considering Jon doubles as their commander and one of their best warriors.

Was Insubordinate to the Lord Commander

Jon Snow was born to lead, but he made some embarrassing mistakes on his way to becoming Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Poor Jeor Mormont wanted Jon to follow his lead as his steward, to become the man he wants him to be. When Jon notices Craster leaving the keep with a baby, he can’t resist dipping his nose into the man’s business (despite being explicitly told not to), and discovers that he’s leaving the baby in the woods for the White Walkers.

He’s caught, beaten up by Craster, and thoroughly upbraided by Mormont. Though his intentions were genuine, Jon didn’t know when to shut up and listen sometimes, rather than act based on instinct and impulsive thoughts.

Fell For Daenerys

Jon and Daenerys were a power couple for sure, with their dragons and popular following from fans. But like anything else, it was too good to be true.

After learning he’s a Targaryen, or to be more precise, Daenerys’ own nephew Jon continued to play along before truly calling it into question. You’d think after learning your girlfriend was actually your aunt you’d call off the whole thing, but not true for Jon Snow. Not for quite a while, anyway.

Let Sansa’s Mistrust of Daenerys Grow

By season 9 Sansa matured into one of the smartest leaders in Westeros, having witnessed and experienced irreversible traumas. But her suffering made her averse to and wary of invading parties, like Daenerys. However, when Jon brought the two together, he simply stood aside and let them have at it.

If Jon cared about Daenerys (not even romantically) he could have said something instead of letting Sansa walk all over her. However, Sansa’s actions were justified because she’s looking out for her own people as their leader. Jon simply stood there instead of mending the rocky the relationship between the two.

Left Ghost Behind

The internet never quite forgave Jon’s notoriously touch-and-go treatment of Ghost. The two were nearly inseparable since they met in season 1, but their relationship slowly began to diminish. Perhaps it was more the show runners’ fault in the end, but there is one key point in particular resting squarely on Jon’s shoulders.

After everything they’d gone through, Jon contemplates letting him go. Not only had Ghost saved Jon countless times but he remained loyal and proved a valuable asset against the White Walkers.

Doesn’t Listen to Sansa

The Boltons were expected to win the Battle of the Bastards simply because of their superior numbers. Sansa, knowing Ramsay well, knew Jon needed more men in order to win. So she counseled him as much as she could, but Jon chose not to listen and decided to act with the men he had. Instead of heeding Sansa’s advice (which would’ve turned out well as she had Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale up her sleeve), Jon was impulsive and opted to fight a battle in which the odds were clearly against him.

Lied to Daenerys

Jon’s heritage was a shock to everyone, leaving him stranded in the middle of two warring families. After telling Daenerys he’d keep his lineage a secret, Jon gathers Arya, Sansa, and Bran to discuss who he really is.

Granted Jon was frightened and dumbfounded by his newfound knowledge. But if Jon is a man of his word, shouldn’t he have had all of them meet to discuss moving forward?

Killed Daenerys

Daenerys was destined for greatness as the one true liberator of Westeros, but she fails to break the wheel. The sins of her father come back to haunt her with the people of King’s Landing suffering as a result. Jon knew what needed to be done, but chose to act alone.

Daenerys wasn’t fit to rule, and it’s difficult to say that Jon’s actions aren’t justified, but it’s a huge decision that he approaches and accomplishes without much delay. There’s also the fact that he just turns himself in for the crime, making no effort to prove his innocence – that more or less defines shamelessness.