One of the most popular theories in Game of Thrones suggests that Jon Snow is the reincarnation of a legendary hero, Azor Ahai. However, another theory posits that Jon isn’t Azor Ahai reborn, the Prince That Was Promised, but is instead the embodiment of Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes.

As Game of Thrones season 8 quickly approaches, fans are anxiously awaiting anything which might provide some insight in what happens in these final episodes. And without a proper Game of Thrones season 8 trailer, episode synopses, or any material from the books (seeing as the Game of Thrones’ narrative eclipsed the published novels seasons ago), what we’re left with are attempts at predicting what comes next by analyzing popular theories based around prophecies found within the story.

The Prince That Was Promised, a prophecy which predicts the second coming of Azor Ahai by looking for specific telltale signs (smoke and salt, a bleeding star, etc.), is by far the most prevalent prophecy in Game of Thrones. But this particular interpretation from Reddit user luxurysedan3030 takes an interesting approach in that it argues the original legend surrounding Azor Ahai has been taken too literally. And if the legend is read more symbolically, then what the prophecy predicts about Azor Ahai reborn, wielding Lightbringer against the darkness, may not refer to a literal sword but something - or someone - else.

  • This Page: Azor Ahai Explained & Why Jon is Lightbringer Page 2: How It Changes Game of Thrones Season 8 & Why Jon Isn’t Lightbringer

The Legend of Azor Ahai & Lightbringer Explained

Azor Ahai is a legendary hero who is said to have led the fight against the darkness some 8,000 years, ending The Long Night. To accomplish this incredible feat, Azor Ahai forged a powerful, flaming sword - Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes. However, the forging of Lightbringer was an ordeal, and fitting with its mythic stature, a great sacrifice was necessary in order to create the sword.

As the legends goes, after being chosen as R’hollr’s champion, Azor Ahai had to forge a mighty sword. For 30 days and 30 nights he worked, but when it came time to temper the steel in water, the blade broke. Undeterred, Azor Ahai began again, this time laboring for 50 days and 50 nights, and when it came to time to temper the steal, he drove the sword into a lion’s heart - but again, the blade broke. Finally, Azor Ahai understood what he must do, and he again worked for another 100 days and nights at forging the sword. When he was finished and needed to temper the steal, he called for his wife, Nissa Nissa, and asked her to bare her breast to him. Azor Ahai then drove the sword in to Nissa Nissa’s heart, killing her but also infusing the blade with her very soul. This sword was Lightbringer, and its blade would forever radiate its own heat and be as warm to the touch as Nissa Nissa had been.

The story of Azor Ahai and the forging of Lightbringer have since become synonymous with the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. As a part of the prophecy, it’s said that Azor Ahai reborn will again wield Lightbringer against the darkness - but whether the sword needs to be rediscovered or reforged is unclear. Of course, that’s also assuming that Lightbringer is an actual sword, because as prophecies and legends go, the language can be interpreted either literally or more symbolically. In which case, if the legend and prophecy surrounding Azor Ahai is approached more symbolically, then Lightbringer need not really be a sword at all.

Why Jon Snow is Lightbringer - Not Azor Ahai

Long before Melisandre declared Stannis Baratheon to be Azor Ahai reborn, the Prince That Was Promised, there was another person who many believed to be the prophesied savior - Rhaegar Targaryen. Of course, Rhaegar dies before Game of Thrones’ story even begins, which makes him appear to be an unlikely savior. However, if we take a symbolic reading of the Azor Ahai legend - as Reddit user luxurysedan3030 does for this fan theory - then Rhaegar’s role as the Prince That Was Promised begins to make sense.

In the legend, Azor Ahai tries three times to forge the sword, and it’s only on his third attempt - when he sacrifices his true love, Nissa Nissa - that the sword doesn’t break. By comparison, Rhaegar had a total of three children, but only his third child - Jon Snow, who Rhaegar had with Lyanna Stark - is still alive today. And when taken symbolically as opposed to literally, it becomes clear: the legend of Azor Ahai “tempering” a “sword” in the “heart” of the woman he loves isn’t really about creating a weapon, it’s about bearing a child. (Lyanna died in childbirth, after all.) So if Rhaegar was Azor Ahai reborn as many believed, then Lightbringer isn’t a sword - it’s Jon Snow.

Lightbringer was forged to drive back the darkness, and no one has committed themselves to fighting that battle more than Jon. The Night’s Watch oath, which Jon recites, includes the lines: “I am the Sword in the darkness; the Fire that burns against the cold; the Light that brings the dawn,” and by swearing that oath, Jon commits to fighting that darkness, the White Walkers. And when he is killed before he can carry out that duty, he is resurrected by R’hllor - the Lord of Light - so that he can fulfill his destiny.

Page 2: How This Changes Game of Thrones Season 8 & Why Jon Probably Isn’t Lightbringer

How This Changes Game of Thrones Season 8

When it comes to Game of Thrones season 8, Jon Snow being Lightbringer confirms an outcome that many people have already predicted - Jon is the key to stopping the White Walkers. Exactly how he’ll accomplish this remains a mystery, but as Lightbringer, it’s Jon’s destiny to drive back the darkness. That’s the purpose, according to this theory, for which Jon was born, and for that purpose only.

In which case, once the deed is done and the darkness defeated, Jon’s reason for being will be over. With his destiny fulfilled, Jon will almost certainly die - assuming, of course, that Jon doesn’t die while fulfilling that destiny, which seems even more likely. There’s no future for Jon upon the Iron Throne or married to Daenerys, or anything other than being the one who defeats the darkness. If this theory is true, then Jon is nothing more than a tool, a pawn in R’hllor’s fight.

A reveal like this would fit with the “bittersweet” ending Game of Thrones is reported to have, but while it’s a compelling argument built from a cleverly symbolic reading of the Azor Ahai legend, the theory behind Jon being Lightbringer only works by ignoring any evidence that says otherwise.

The Problem With Jon As Lightbringer

Jon being Lightbringer as opposed to Azor Ahai reborn is an interesting premise, but it isn’t without problems. While Rhaegar matches some of the criteria found in the Prince That Was Promised prophecy, he doesn’t match all of it. For example, there was smoke and salt present when Rhaegar was born, as the prophecy predicts, but there wasn’t a bleeding star. And if Rhaegar wasn’t Azor Ahai reborn, the Prince That Was Promised, then Jon cannot be his Lightbringer.

The other major issue with this theory is that there isn’t anywhere for Daenerys to factor in. And seeing as Dany is the one and only character who has actually “birthed” a weapon capable of destroying White Walkers, it’s a pretty big oversight not to include her. There’s an argument that can be made that since Jon is the one bringing Daenerys in to fight against the darkness, then he’s “bringing” her “light” - aka dragonfire - but that feels like a stretch for even the most symbolic interpretations. So without explaining what Dany’s role in all this is, the Jon as Lightbringer theory just doesn’t hold up against any serious scrutiny.

Prophecy is inherently tricky to understand, and more often than not in Game of Thrones, when characters hear a prophecy, their next actions force some version of it to come to pass. (Just look at Cersei and the prophecy she received about her children’s deaths.) In which case, since both Jon and Daenerys have been told repeatedly how they might fulfill the Prince That Was Promised prophecy, their actions in Game of Thrones season 8 are sure make a version of the prophecy come to pass. Whether this means that either Jon or Dany will sacrifice the other à la Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa, or if together they create a true Prince That Was Promised by bearing a child remains to be seen. But however it happens, you can be sure that once all is said and done, there will be a prophecy that in hindsight could have predicted everything.

Next: Game of Thrones: Is DROGON The Prince That Was Promised?

Game of Thrones season 8 premieres April 14 on HBO.