The long-anticipated meeting between Daenerys Targaryen and the surviving Stark children didn’t go as well as some fans hoped. Daenerys allies with Jon Snow in season seven of Game Of Thrones and travels to Winterfell with her dragons and armies in season eight. Despite going North to aid in the fight against the White Walkers, however, the Dragon Queen is met with hostility and rejection.

Sansa rebuffs Dany’s attempts to forge a friendship and directly undermines the Targaryen queen as she pushes for Northern independence. The rest of the Starks show her similar disrespect, and their actions ultimately lead to her downfall. Here are the ten worst things the Starks did to Daenerys.

The Rude Reception At Winterfell

Daenerys and the Targaryen armies received a frosty reception upon arriving at Winterfell. Despite putting her war against Cersei on hold to help the North fight the White Walkers, the Northerners - especially Sansa Stark - give Daenerys the cold shoulder throughout the show’s final season.

Sansa had reason to distrust Daenerys. The Mad King killed her uncle and grandfather, and Sansa was at the mercy of a queen while a hostage in King’s Landing. However, she rebuffs the Dragon Queen even when Daenerys risks her life to defend Sansa’s home against the Night King.

“She’s Not One Of Us.”

Sansa isn’t the only Stark sister to reject Daenerys. Although they fought on the same side during the Long Night, Arya coldly informs Jon afterward that she isn’t one of them and sides with Sansa when she betrays the Dragon Queen.

Arya admits that the North needed Daenerys’ help to defeat the White Walkers but urges Jon to discard her after they have gotten what they want. This is a cruel blow to Dany and her armies, who sacrificed a lot when they allied with House Stark.

Sansa Tells Tyrion About Jon’s Parentage

Sansa betrayed both of House Targaryen’s last living descendants in season eight by telling Tyrion about Jon’s Snow true parentage. Jon swears her and Arya to secrecy, but Sansa, a true student of Littlefinger and Cersei Lannister, sees an opportunity to progress along the political hierarchy. She tells her ex-husband that Jon is the last true heir to House Targaryen, sowing dissent amongst Daenerys’ forces.

This has fatal consequences for Daenerys as the truth about Jon’s parentage contributes to her downfall. Sansa told Dany’s Hand, knowing that Tyrion would inform Varys, weakening Daenerys’ council and her claim to the Iron Throne.

Jon Lies About Bending The Knee

Although Jon Snow is technically Aegon Targaryen, he proves in the final season of Game Of Thrones that his true loyalty lies with House Stark. When Jon and Daenerys arrive in Winterfell, the former King in the North tells the Northerners that he had no choice but to bend the knee so that Dany would help him fight the White Walkers.

This isn’t true, however. In season seven’s “Beyond The Wall,” Daenerys agrees to help fight the dead after losing Viserion, and Jon swears fealty to her afterward. She mentions the reaction of his people who swore allegiance to him, and Jon reassures her as they share an emotional scene.

Jon Abandons Her While She Is Grieving For Missandei

Daenerys loses a lot of loved ones in season eight of Game Of Thrones. Jorah Mormont perishes in the Long Night along with a huge bulk of her armies, and Rhaegal and Missandei are killed by Euron Greyjoy and Cersei in the following episode. Jon tells Varys that the grieving queen needs support, yet seemingly abandons her straight afterward.

Daenerys and Jon share a harrowing scene in which the Dragon Queen implores him for comfort, only for Jon to reject her. Jon was struggling to come to terms with the incestuous reality of his relationship with Dany, yet still abandoned her when she most needed help.

Putting Her Armies On The Front Lines During The Long Night

The battle tactics during season eight’s “The Long Night” were questionable at best. Instead of hiding behind the walls of Winterfell, the catapults and armies were situated outside to guard the walls of the castle. It soon becomes apparent that this is a mistake as the Dothraki are slaughtered, and the Unsullied are left to defend the trench.

Daenerys’ army endures the biggest losses in the battle. The Dothraki and Unsullied are placed on the front lines, defending Winterfell and the Northerners who despise them.

Sansa Rejects Daenerys After She Defends Winterfell

Many fans were hoping that the icy relationship between Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen would thaw after Sansa saw Dany defending the North. Both characters have a great deal in common, and it would have made sense for Sansa to help Daenerys defeat Cersei Lannister, her true enemy.

Despite witnessing Daenerys defending her home, however, Sansa still coldly rejects her during the celebratory feast afterward. None of the Northerners shows her any gratitude or welcome at all, despite Dany sacrificing so much to help them. The scene is made even worse as Jon is showered in praise for riding a dragon whilst Daenerys is shunned and ignored.

Bran Doesn’t Warn Her About King’s Landing

Daenerys has a controversial breakdown in season eight’s divisive “The Bells” that sees the Breaker of Chains destroy King’s Landing with Dragonfire, despite defeating Cersei and winning the war. Bran has visions about this happening in season four, and, as he becomes the Three-Eyed Raven, there is doubt that he knew about Dany’s attack long before it happened.

Despite seemingly knowing this, Bran does not warn Daenerys or anyone else, and thousands of innocent people in King’s Landing die. Although it is never addressed, this conscious decision leads to him becoming King of Westeros, casting doubts about the Three-Eyed Raven’s real intentions.

Sansa Insults Daenerys During The Battle Of Winterfell

During “The Long Night,” Sansa directly insults Daenerys during the battle against the White Walkers while talking with Tyrion. This is made worse, considering that Sansa just witnessed Daenerys on the battlefield with Drogon defending her home while she hides in the crypts away from the fighting.

Missandei rightly informs Sansa that, without Daenerys, they would all be dead already. This makes her death in “The Last of the Starks” even more tragic as Missandei was one of the few people in the final season who remained loyal to her queen.

Jon Kills Daenerys

Jon Snow and House Stark were the true cause of Daenerys Targaryen’s downfall. After witnessing the Dragon Queen’s sudden descent into villainy, Tyrion convinces Jon to kill Daenerys to protect his sisters.

Tyrion urges Jon to choose duty over love, and the former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch stabs Daenerys in the heart while kissing her. This is Daenerys Targaryen’s ultimate betrayal as she is murdered by the man she loves during a seemingly ’loving’ reunion.