Game of Thrones brought to life the wonders and dangers of George R. R. Martin’s universe, as well as some of the most memorable characters in TV history. Tyrion Lannister walked into some dangerous situations but was always able to talk himself out of them. As one of the leading protagonists, Tyrion represents the good within the Lannister family despite his other family members’ ulterior motives.

Though Tyrion had his fair share of darker moments, regrettable decisions, and a drinking problem. Without further ado, here are ten of the most shameful things Tyrion Lannister did in Game of Thrones.

Killed His Father

Most of Tyrion’s mistakes are justified, but the murder of his father is a difficult one with which to reconcile, as it marked the beginning of the end. With Tywin out of the picture, the real ruler of King’s Landing became Cersei with a weak-minded Tommen on the throne.

With no guidance from Tywin, Tommen was left under the influence of his manipulative mother while The Faith into the fold. Tywin treated his son horribly, there’s no doubt about that. But this selfish action would later lead to the death of thousands, all at the hand of The Faith.

Failed to Save Lord Varys

Competitors at first but friends at the end, Lord Varys and Tyrion knew what Daenerys was before it came to fruition. Her anger and temper would lead to death rather than liberation, with the two attempting to slow her down. However, when Lord Varys tried to act, Tyrion didn’t support his friend even though he saved him from certain death after Tywin’s murder. Tyrion was thinking about the long run, being the only person to properly counsel Daenerys on political and military matters, but his ignorance towards his friend’s death was nothing short of selfish.

Fell in Love with a Prostitute

No this isn’t Shae the prostitute, but one from a story told by Tyrion the day before going into battle. As stated before, Tyrion’s heart is easily bewitched, blinding his morals and sense of right and wrong. Once Tyrion reveals it was all a setup, the prostitute is killed in front of him, all because he couldn’t learn his lesson.

Brutal and excessive, yes, but, considering he made the same mistake again down the road, it goes to show how ignorant he is sometimes.

Slaps Joffery Around

Joffery is the most hated character in GOT history, there’s no argument about it. His impulsive and brat-like behavior incurs death to innocents, and, though Tyrion slapping him like the child he is was comedic and well-deserved, it sometimes spiraled into something bigger. Tyrion is wiser and older, but Joffery is a prince who must be treated like one. With Tyrion making fun of him, it only enlarges his ego causing destruction and chaos in the courts and on the battlefield.

Helped Jaime Escape

Jaime’s character arc was wasted, spending an entire show to change only to wind up back with the woman who made him a monster. And who let him go back to her? Tyrion, of course. However, Jaime and Tyrion both care for each other and always have, but that doesn’t mean they always make the right decision.

Tyrion once again thought with his heart rather than his mind, which lead to Daenery’s only leverage slipping out of her hands.

Got Drunk and Verbally Threatened Joffery

Tyrion drinks and knows things, that how he does it all. But one drink too many can lead to some regrettable actions, especially to those with power. When Tyrion threatens Joffery after wedding Sansa, he makes some remarks that’d lead to a swift execution.

Thankfully, Tywin stepped in to defuse the situation, something that surely would have escalated to a catastrophic level. Tyrion’s drinking is commonly associated with his knowledge and wit, but it sometimes gets out of hand.

Relied on Champions in Trials

Tyrion’s deformity forces him to rely on others for protection—physically, not mentally. In his trials, Tyrion always chose trial by combat with his champions shedding blood for him. However, when Tyrion is put on trial and is faced with fighting the mountain, he’s sending Prince Oberyn to his death.

However, he does manage to beat him… until his pride gets in the way. So, Tyrion is responsible for Obery n’s head being crushed like a melon, forcing him to flee King’s Landing.

Sent Jorah Away

Jorah the Andal may have betrayed his queen, but his love for her never weakened even after he was exiled by Daenarys. Tyrion had the deciding vote to cast him away after she asked him what she should do with a traitor. Tyrion knew he was valuable in terms of experience, but thought his love for her would only get in the way. Not only that, but he believed it would weaken her image as a ruler despite her PR approach to appear as the breaker of chains. Tyrion could have kept Jorah where he was, but he decided to send him away so he could properly help her, only to have to go against his advice in the finale.

Prolonged Slavery

Tyrion is a clever negotiator but sometimes lacks the consideration for his colleagues. Trying to rid Mereen of slavery, Tyrion proposes to prolong the act until the slave owners can find another business venture. Missandei and Grey Worm are former slaves with Tyrion essentially stepping on their upbringings.

Though the deal worked in the end, Tyrion didn’t get any more popular once this decision was made. War isn’t pretty, and neither are business negotiations, but this could have been dealt with a little more sensitivity.

Brought Shae to King’s Landing

Tyrion’s hubris is his weak and compassionate heart, a caring attitude rarely found within characters from GOT. However, when Tyrion brought Shae to King’s Landing, he was thinking only for himself. Not only did he confine her to his quarters and the kitchen, but he treated her like a prostitute despite announcing his love for her. That’s not to say Tyrion shouldn’t involve himself romantically with someone, but this was act was selfish and naive, and he learned his lesson the hard way.