Caution: Spoilers ahead for Game of Thrones season 8


Did you spot David Benioff and D. B. Weiss’ cameos in the most recent Game of Thrones episode? After last week’s intense and action-packed Battle of Winterfell, the latest offering of Game of Thrones season 8 was a noticeably calmer affair, as characters buried fallen friends, celebrated their victory and prepared to head straight back into the fray, this time against Cersei Lannister in a winner-takes-all battle for the Iron Throne. Despite the temporary reprieve granted by the Night King’s defeat however, there was absolutely no letup in death and destruction and the divisions within Team Daenerys continued to widen.

Before all that misery could truly take hold, the heroes of Winterfell did manage to find time for a single night of celebratory revelry. Wine was thrown back, toasts were made and Gendry was un-bastardized for his role in protecting Westeros from an icy doom. While the scene certainly had a feel-good quality, it was also a hectic and intricately shot sequence that managed to set up a number of plot points for the remainder of season 8. And due to the sheer amount of actors involved, it also proved to be the perfect scene to hide a cameo or two.

In HBO’s latest Game Revealed, an online behind-the-scenes series documenting how each Game of Thrones episode came to be, the mechanics of the feast scene are picked apart and David Benioff reveals that eagle-eyed viewers might have spotted himself and fellow showrunner D. B. Weiss in the background. The duo played two Wildling characters and were heavily disguised in false beards, long hair and thick furs. Helpfully, Game Revealed highlights the scene in question: the moment Tormund gives a toast and promptly necks a horn of wine, most of which ends up cascading down his mighty beard.

As Game of Thrones fans will likely already know, the show is no stranger to a good cameo and members of bands such as Coldplay, Mastodon, Anthrax and Sigur Rós have popped up briefly as background characters throughout the years. Somewhat more notably, eternal chart-botherer Ed Sheeran made an extended cameo appearance back in season 7 in a move that was roundly panned by viewers.

Benioff and Weiss’ turns as drunken Wildlings would have passed by largely unnoticed when this week’s episode first aired but now that their appearance is common knowledge, hardcore fans have an extra reason to go back for a repeat viewing and it’s details like this that arguably give the series an extra layer of cult appeal. Hopefully, it wasn’t one of the showrunning duo who left a stray Starbucks cup next to Daenerys in the same scene - a detail that didn’t quite go as unnoticed as this week’s cameos.

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Game of Thrones season 8 continues May 12th of HBO.

Source: HBO