A book of the photography of HBO’s Game of Thrones reveals that many of the faces in the House of Black and White were taken from real people close to the production, including the the show’s creators, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. The book, The Photography of Game of Thrones, is part of a four-book series released by Insight Editions and HBO covering behind the scenes elements of the show. As the name suggests, The Photography of Game of Thrones includes photographs from the series, as well as tidbits of information about Game of Thrones that fans may not already know — such as the origins of the faces used for the House of Black and White.

The House of Black and White is also known as the house of the Faceless Men, the order of assassins that Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) joins while on her travels away from Westeros. The Faceless Men are known for their ability to take on the appearance of anyone, changing their face (literally) when carrying out a job. As Arya trains with them, she learns their secrets — in one dramatic scene, Arya is shown the Hall of Faces, where hundreds upon hundreds of faces rest in stone alcoves, waiting to be used by the men. Throughout the show, she sees the faces of those she knows there, in visions and nightmares, but it turns out, most of the faces actually belonged to crew members and their families.

The Photography Of Game of Thrones reveals that prosthetic skin was used to create the faces for the scene, and the ones shown in close-up were (as any viewer knows) crafted to be as lifelike as possible. Others may not have received that attention, but they did come from an interesting source:

Obviously, the background faces didn’t received the same care and attention as the prosthetics for those of recognizable characters that viewers saw in close-up; however, using the crew as models for the other faces was a great way to make sure that the faces looked realistic and different — and to give a nod to the people working behind the scenes to create something so visually impressive.

There were a number of hidden cameos in the Hall of Faces… including various artisan’s relatives, producers, and other crew members, as well as David Benioff and D. B. Weiss themselves.

This isn’t the only time that Game of Thrones borrowed from the crew to create their world, either. The book also reveals that principle photographer Helen Sloane actually had her own baby in the show. In Daenerys’ (Emilia Clarke) vision of Drogo (Jason Momoa) and their unborn son, the baby used for the scene was Sloane’s own child. Interestingly, Sloane’s child is a girl, while the baby that Danerys and Drogo would have had was a boy, but this is obviously unimportant for the scene. Furthermore, because Helen had her daughter on set quite often, the baby already knew the actors, giving the scene a more realistic feel.

The Photography of Game of Thrones includes small details about Game of Thrones throughout, as well as the stunning photos that were taking during filming, and descriptions of how these incredible photos were shot without disrupting the creation of the show. The Photography of Game of Thrones is available from Insight Editions/HBO, as part of a four-book series that also includes Game of Thrones: the Storyboards, The Art of Game of Thrones, and Game of Thrones: The Costumes.

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