The Game of Thrones season 8 episode runtimes have been revealed. Based on clever investigative work, a new report lists the exact durations for the HBO series’ final six episodes. Game of Thrones season 8 will premiere on April 14, and has been described as being like “six movies.”

In recent weeks, the hype for Game of Thrones has obviously increased, as the HBO series has significantly impacted pop culture over the past 10 years. Earlier this month, EW released 16 final season cover photos, one of which teases “Cleganebowl.” When the official Game of Thrones season 8 trailer released, fans received various bits of information about what to expect moving forward. Unsurprisingly, the release of the trailer itself became a cultural event, and has prompted even more theories about beloved and infamous characters. But while Game of Thrones will undoubtedly deliver with each of its final six episodes, the durations haven’t been confirmed, at least until now. recently reported that Game of Thrones’ season 8 premiere will be 54 minutes in duration, and that episode 802 will be 58 minutes long. This is based on HBO’s updated schedule, thus making the information highly credible. Now, is reporting that a reader discovered a way to pinpoint the exact durations of the final four episodes: “If you change the number at the end of the urls, you can discover the runtimes for each of the final six episodes of the show!” So, it now appears that the highly anticipated Game of Thrones episode 803 will be 70 minutes long. While this duration aligns more with an indie film runtime rather than a Hollywood blockbuster, fans can expect the filmmaking to be purely cinematic. For Game of Thrones episode 804, HBO will indeed keep pushing with a 78-minute runtime. The penultimate episode 805 will be even longer at 80 minutes, and the Game of Thrones series finale will also be 80 minutes.

Recently, we discussed how Game of Thrones’ final episodes are fixing season 7’s mistakes. With all the major players coming back, aside from Littlefinger(?), HBO has the opportunity to deliver one of the finest seasons of television ever produced, and the Battle of Winterfell will be pivotal to the season 8 narrative. Even the original Game of Thrones author, George R.R. Martin, doesn’t know how HBO’s adaptation ends, and fans have been re-watching the first seven seasons to not only re-acclimate themselves with the series, but to also find clues that may connect with the final six episodes. 

While Game of Thrones’ new season 8 trailer is action-packed, the biggest clues may lie in the original teaser, entitled “Crypts of Winterfell.” We know that Jon Snow is a Targaryen, and that more will inevitably be revealed about his bloodline, but perhaps the biggest mystery is whether the Stark family crypt will prove that winter has finally arrived. Fans will get to find out when Game of Thrones returns next month.

More: Game of Thrones Season 8 Theory: The Starks Are Descended From White Walkers

Game of Thrones season 8 premieres Sunday April 14 at 9pm on HBO.

Source: WinterIsComing.Net