A fan petition to have the final season of Game of Thrones remade has reached over one million signatures, which is a result of growing dissatisfaction with the direction that the end of the series has taken. Many fans aren’t onboard with how things are turning out.

The audience reaction to Season 8 of Game of Thrones has been mixed, with many fans feeling unsatisfied with how many of the plotlines that have been built up for almost a decade have been resolved. There has been a growing negative reaction to the Night King being easily killed by Arya, and the entire army of the dead being disposed of within a single episode. The death of Rhaegal at the hands of Euron and his fleet also rubbed fans the wrong way, as one of Daenerys’ mighty dragons was easily disposed of. The penultimate episode of the show involved Daenerys massacring the citizens of King’s Landing after the city had surrendered, suggesting that she had inherited the Targaryen madness in a twist that hadn’t been alluded to in the prior seven seasons of the show.

The negative response to the creative team behind Game of Thrones led to the creation of a petition on Change.org that wants the final season of the show to be remade with a new writing staff. The petition was created on May 15, where it quickly earned over 350,000 signatures. It seems that the discontent with Game of Thrones was bigger than anyone thought, as the petition has crossed over one million signatures in the space of four days, with the number growing every second.

There’s still one more episode of Game of Thrones to go, which means that the petition might grow exponentially within the space of the next 24 hours, depending on how well the final episode is received. The creators of the show have over an hour of material left in order to win back the audience, but the caliber of the final season and the fan reaction to it suggests that they might not be able to end the story in a satisfying way.

The chances of the final season of Game of Thrones being remade are slim to none, regardless of how many signatures the petition receives. The actors and creative staff are done with the show and are moving on to other projects, while HBO is already gearing up for the development of a Game of Thrones prequel show. It’s possible that the final episode of Game of Thrones pulls a Dexter finale and leaves the audience feeling unsatisfied, but the creators only had a single shot at ending the show, and they won’t have a chance to do it again.

More: Game of Thrones: Elizabeth Olsen Opens Up About Her Terrible Daenerys Audition

The Game of Thrones series finale airs May 19, 2019 at 9pm EST on HBO.

Source: Change.org