Kit Harington spoiled the ending of Game of Thrones to his wife and former co-star Rose Leslie. Leslie played the wildling known as Ygritte over the course of three seasons on the show, and she is perhaps best known for her line, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

When Jon Snow and Ygritte first meet in Game of Thrones, they’re loyal to two opposing sides - Jon with the Wall and Ygritte with the “free folk” (or wildlings) who live beyond the Wall. However, the two eventually become allies, falling in love and developing a complicated relationship as a result. While the fate of their relationship isn’t exactly a fairytale ending, the same can’t be said for the two actors who played them, as Harington and Leslie married in real life in 2018. Now, though, Harington is in trouble with his wife after revealing a bit too much about the show’s final season.

During an interview with Tom Green and Daisy Maskell on the KISS FM radio show (via: EW), Harington revealed that he spoiled the ending of Game of Thrones to his wife - but only after she asked. He added that after revealing the ending to her, Leslie refused to speak with him for three whole days. He said, “I told my wife last year how it ended, and she wouldn’t talk to me for about three days. And she’d asked!”

Harington was tight-lipped in the interview when it came to the specific content in Game of Thrones’ series finale, but he did say that he was satisfied with how it came out (though he won’t be truly satisfied until he sees it) and that he believes the ending will be “groundbreaking.” As for Harington’s future in George R. R. Martin’s fictional universe, he’s confirmed that he won’t be appearing in any Game of Thrones spinoffs and that his association with the franchise ends with the upcoming season.

Outside of the cast and crew who worked on the show, Leslie is now one of the few people who knows how Game of Thrones will end. And, though her reaction suggests that the finale is particularly shocking, fans of the show wouldn’t expect anything less. Still, no matter what the ending might be, having a show as popular as Game of Thrones spoiled is no doubt immensely frustrating. The internet used to be a minefield for spoilers when Game of Thrones was still covering material from the Song of Ice and Fire novels, and now, Leslie is clearly well aware that to “know nothing” actually has its advantages.

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The final season of Game of Thrones begins on April 14, 2019.

Source: EW