Warning: SPOILERS for the Game of Thrones series finale ahead!


Game of Thrones has ended and we now know the fate of Sansa Stark - she is crowned Queen in the North. The season 8 finale, “The Iron Throne” brings HBO’s epic tale of ice and fire to a dramatic and, in some ways, surprising conclusion. The ending to Game of Thrones is indeed bittersweet, but thankfully, Sansa receives one of the sweeter endings on the show.

Game of Thrones season 8 has been a divisive season, with audiences split on many of the choices made by its characters throughout the season. Still, it remains the most talked about pop culture event of its time, a testament to its incredible reach and sustained popularity. As characters go, Sansa is one who’s endured some of the harshest, most brutal story lines on the show, and at times the direction her arc went was not well-received by audiences. However, come season 8, Sansa has grown beyond her trauma, becoming the ruler of the North in all but name and a real fan favorite of this final season. Sansa Stark has finally ascended and in the final episode she gets not only what she deserves but what she has earned.

In the Game of Thrones season 8 finale, “The Iron Throne” it is Brandon Stark who becomes king in the end, having been chosen by the leaders of the Great Houses of Westeros. His sister, Sansa, however, says she’ll give her support on one condition - the North must be allowed to become a free and independent kingdom. Bran, unsurprisingly, accepts those terms and agrees to be king of just the six kingdoms. Sansa is later shown being crowned and proclaimed as Queen in the North. Sansa takes her rightful place as the oldest living child of Ned Stark and heir to Winterfell, but she wins her crown - and her people’s love - by always putting their needs first.

Ever since they took back Winterfell from the Boltons, it has been Sansa who has actually been running things in the North. Jon may have been who the northern lords named as their king, but almost as soon as they did, Jon goes south in search of the Dragon Queen’s help. Daenerys and her dragons may have helped in their victory over the Night King, but Jon gave up the North’s freedom to get it and Sansa never really forgives him for that. While he’s in the south or traveling north of the Wall, Sansa is at Winterfell, making sure her people have enough food for the winter and a castle strong enough to withstand an attack if needed. The North remembers, and they remember how Sansa fought and cared of them.

In order to best protect the North, Sansa knows it must again become a free and independent kingdom just as it had been in the centuries before Aegon the Conqueror. Sansa more than most understands the importance freedom, and she secures not only her own freedom but that of the North by defeating Ramsey Bolton. She later has Littlefinger executed, freeing herself of his manipulation as well. Once in control of her own fate, Sansa never relents in her goal - an independent North. When Daenerys comes to make peace, Sansa is willing but on one condition - the North remains free. When she shares with Tyrion the truth about Jon it is for one purpose - a North free of Daenerys’ rule. And when asked if she supports her brother, Bran as the new king, Sansa sticks to her principles, only agreeing when given what she has fought so hard for - freedom in the North.

There is no better ruler for the North than Sansa because there is no one who better understands their customs and history. Sansa knows the value of freedom and the responsibility of ruling. When Sansa left the North she lost everything, but now that she has returned, she has done everything in her power to protect her home and people. That is why the North names Sansa Stark their queen and long may she reign.

More: Game of Thrones: Why Jon Snow Went North of the Wall