Game of Thrones highjacked a Bud Light Super Bowl commercial. And, in Game of Thrones fashion, the the ad managed to subvert expectations, while also ending with a lot of unexpected deaths.

With the final season of Game of Thrones approaching, the hype is growing. As fan theories pour out and HBO remains consistently tight-lipped on the details surrounding the eighth and final season, marketing for the series finale is finally beginning to increase. And, while the latest official teaser for the season was minimal at best - featuring Jon, Arya, and Sansa Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell as winter literally approaches - the latest ad doesn’t feature any of the show’s heroes. In fact, the latest ad is a humorous beer commercial.

During Super Bowl LII, a humorous promo for the final season of Game of Thrones also doubled as a commercial for Bud Light. In the commercial, the jousting scene from season 1 is recreated, introducing a character referred to as the “Bud Knight.” However, despite his grand introduction, the Bud Knight is knocked off his horse by none other than Gregor Clegane (aka The Mountain). And, apart from recreating one of the show’s most classic death scenes, the ad ends with a surprising, literally show-stopping cameo. Check out the ad below:

However, as if the Bud Knight’s death wasn’t horrifying enough, one of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons approaches from the sky and attacks from overhead. As the crowd attempts to flee - holding bottles of Bud Light, naturally - the dragon sets fire to the tournament and destroys everything in its path. And, as the title card announces the final season of Game of Thrones, the ad offers one last glimpse of the fallen Bud Knight, showing that even Bud Light understands no one is safe in Westeros - not even its own potential mascot.

Though the ad offers nothing in the way of season 8’s plot, it’s a fun distraction for fans eagerly - if not anxiously - awaiting the show’s premiere. Seeing as season 7’s finale was all the way back in summer 2017, this is the longest that fans have had to wait for Game of Thrones between seasons. That said, the wait will have no doubt been worth it once the series wraps itself up in the epic fashion HBO and showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have promised.

More: Ranking Every Season Of Game Of Thrones

The 8th and final season of Game of Thrones premieres April 14, 2019 on HBO.

Source: Game of Thrones