Game of Thrones had been one of the most popular shows on television for almost a decade, and even though it had similarities with many other fantasy shows, it was still unique in its own way. And one of its best parts? The costume designs.

Every character on the show always had clothes that reflected the state that they were in, the situation, their occupation, and so on. Of course, one of the main female characters was bound to be the same, so here are Daenerys’ 10 Best Outfits In The Show.

Dothraki Outfit

There is absolutely no doubt that Daenerys changed after she spent some time with the Dothraki and learned from them. Just like her worldview and her personality, her clothes transformed dramatically. Before she became Khaleesi, Daenerys would wear innocent dresses, but after that, she started wearing Dothraki clothes.

This outfit is the one she is wearing after she kills Drogo and has to wander through the Dothraki sea with the remains of her khalasar in search of a safe place. Once they do find it in Qarth, she is forced to start dressing differently once again, though this time she is not as eager as she was before.

Dragonscale Dress

Long after Daenerys began wearing the beautiful dresses in Qarth, she had decided to turn back to her Targaryen origins along with her Dothraki past. This dress is one of the many outfits she wore that had small details pointing to her background.

If you look at it closer, you will notice that some parts of the fabric clearly look like scales. At the same time, the dress is revealing her belly which is similar to the Dothraki two-part outfits she used to wear.

Red Black Dress

The reason why this dress stands out from all the other outfits Daenerys usually is that it has the color red in it. To be more specific, it is a dark red tone with black. Unlike her usual clothes, this dress corresponds to Daenerys’ red-and-black Targaryen flag the most.

In addition to that, this is the one she wears at the celebrations in Winterfell after the defeat of the White Walkers (and before that when she is on Dragonstone). This is when Daenerys is starting to get more and more “bloody” and starts having negative thoughts about her future ruling because she feels like nobody loves her.

Dragonstone Queen

This is probably the darkest outfit Daenerys has ever had. She wears this dress mostly while being on Dragonstone, but also in some other scenes. The island is a dark and kind of depressing place, so it is understandable why she chose an almost entirely black dress.

Moreover, the dragonglass that they later start mining is also dark black which resembles the color of the dress. Daenerys’ favorite dragon, Drogon, is black, and her family flag is also partially black. This dress has so many connections to Daenerys that it is simply amazing.

Light Blue Qarth Dress

As mentioned earlier, Daenerys is forced to wear beautiful dresses in Qarth rather than the Dothraki outfits she got accustomed to. This light blue dress is perhaps the most gorgeous of them all. It is elegant and looks perfect on Daenerys.

The color of the dress is also important as this is the first time she starts wearing blue. In fact, this color is light blue, but the tone gets darker with every season until it eventually turns into the black she wears while in Westeros.

Westeros Dress

This is another one of the dresses Daenerys wears while staying in Westeros. Just like the others, it is quite dark and even almost black like the one she wears on Dragonstone and the red-and-black dress.

The model and basic design are almost entirely the same, but if you look more carefully, you will notice that the dress has sparkles (or what looks like sparkles) all over it. This could be interpreted in different ways, but one explanation is that there is a correlation either with salt (Dragonstone) or with snow (Winterfell).

Royal White Dress

There are some colors Daenerys wears more often than others, but they usually change according to the season. For example, in the beginning, she would usually wear khaki or beige because of her Dothraki outfits. Then, she started dressing in blue and white.

This royal white dress is one of the few purely white dresses she wore throughout the show, and it was absolutely stunning. The cape-like part on her back is also scaled which reminds us about her connection to dragons, but overall, the dress is more of a celebration of the beginning of her peaceful rule rather than more aggressive conquest past.

Dark Blue Dress

Daenerys wore this dark blue dress in one of the most iconic scenes in the whole show. After she frees yet another city, the slaves call her “Mhysa” (which means mother) and lift her up into the air allowing each person to touch her.

Compared to the light blue dresses she wore in Qarth, this one is much bolder and has a design more practical than the long models she had in that city. It is definitely a dress for active conquest rather than passively sitting and waiting for luck to come her way.

Another White Dress

It is undeniable that this was one of Daenerys’ best looks ever. The dress, the hair, the brooch on her chest (or something that looks like it) - all of it is perfect. It is a wholesome outfit she chooses to wear while attending the fighting games with her second husband Hizdahr zo Loraq.

At the time, Daenerys was trying to get the people of Meereen to respect her. The dress clearly shows that she is royalty, but doesn’t have the scales that would remind everyone that she is a Targaryen and not Ghiscari. Nevertheless, she didn’t get rid of her Targaryen elements entirely and wore the brooch with three dragons.

Snow Queen

The most outstanding of Daenerys’ outfits has to be the one she wore in Westeros while being in the North. It is a combination of almost everything she has worn before and also has some newer elements to it that make it look so good.

The design is just like most of her dresses both for warm and cold weather. The white fur is both a hint at her white dresses and the white snow of the North. But underneath the fur, we see the darker fabric which is a callback to her darker outfits and her background.