Xbox appears to be teaming up with Game of Thrones on something as the television series heads toward its final few episodes, as the console’s social media channels on Facebook and Twitter both posted teaser trailers hinting at a shared project. Microsoft’s Xbox One console is also moving toward the sunset of its life cycle, with many fans eagerly awaiting an Xbox E3 2019 conference that could shape the platform’s future while introducing the device’s next-gen successor.

Xbox could certainly use a win after its past month has been shaky at best. The unveiling of the Xbox One S All-Digital didn’t go as planned, with consumers almost immediately turning on the offering for being a current-gen device at the tail-end of its run that has stripped away features rather than adding them. While the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is a nice new feature for online subscribers, it’s really no secret that Microsoft and Xbox are banking on a major E3 2019 presence to help restore some of the hype surrounding one of the most prominent console manufacturers in history.

Prior to that event, though, it appears that Xbox isn’t hesitating to capitalize on the popularity of the global phenomenon that is HBO’s Game of Thrones. Xbox released two different teaser videos on its social media channels yesterday, both of which heavily imply that a partnership with Game of Thrones will be announced soon. What that partnership may be, though, is quite difficult to tell from the teasers, which only make it clear that there’s something coming:

It’s hard to tell what’s in the works based on such a short teaser, but the prospect of a combined partnership between Xbox and Game of Thrones is an enticing one. The most palatable announcement would, of course, be an Xbox-exclusive Game of Thrones title, which is exactly what the company needs heading into a new console generation that sees both Sony and Nintendo more firmly entrenched as the de facto best options in console gaming. That being said, however, it seems unlikely — we’re much more likely to get a special edition console, given that the tie-in with the various symbols being shown in the trailers make for great decals on a device.

Whatever it is, though, it’s an exciting announcement from a company that desperately needs to make a few more of them. Obviously, E3 2019 will be the stage that decides the future of Xbox — whether that’s a powerful new device or a streaming platform that’s similar to Google’s Stadia. Until then, though, keeping the brand in the spotlight while associating with one of the most powerful properties in television doesn’t seem like a bad idea for Microsoft, and fans are excited about what the wait could yield in the near future.

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Source: Twitter/@Xbox