Game of Thrones has given us some of the most memorable characters of the last decade. Whether it be the solemn and honorable Ned Stark or the fiery, regal Daenerys Targaryen, we will not forget the characters that the show has introduced us to. However, aside from the show’s constant desire to kill its main characters, there is another constant that has remained throughout every season of Game of Thrones - Jaime and Cersei’s twincest.

The love between the two kickstarted the events of the series and the two shared a final embrace in the last season of the show. However, their relationship was far from healthy. This article will list 5 reasons why Jaime should have dumped Cersei and five reasons why Cersei should have dumped Jaime.

Cersei: He Left Her To Help The North

Despite the fact that Jaime was doing a good thing when he left Cersei in order to head north and take part in the fight against the White Walkers and the army of the dead, it was undoubtedly a betrayal of Cersei. Not only was it a personal betrayal of Cersei, but it was also a betrayal of her authority as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Cersei should have certainly ended things on the spot with Jaime and it was surprising that she forgive him so readily before their eventual death in season 8.

Jaime: She Destroyed The Great Sept

While Jaime started out life on Game of Thrones as a villain, he slowly started to take shape as a more honorable and moral character. On the other hand, Cersei appeared to get more and more villainous as the series progressed (ignoring her capture by the Faith Militant).

Her villainous nature arguably peaked in season 6 when she destroyed the Great Sept of Baelor, destroying the Tyrells, the Faith Militant, and even some of her own family including Kevan and Lancel Lannister.

Cersei: Over Joffrey’s Dead Body

One of the worst things Jaime ever did occurred shortly after Joffrey’s death in season 4. While Cersei was mourning the death of her son by grieving next to his corpse in the Sept of Baelor, Jaime forced himself on her, making her have sex with him despite her protests.

Cersei seriously should have dumped Jaime after this as it is one of the worst things, if not the worst thing, that he has done to her.

Jaime: Cersei’s Betrayal Of The North

During season 7 of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen sought counsel with Cersei in order to implement a ceasefire so they could all join forces against the army of the dead and the White Walkers. Cersei agreed to the ceasefire and promised to help in the battle against the Night King’s army.

However, Cersei later revealed that she would not be sending any help to the north. Her plan was to let her enemies fight the army of the dead in the hope that the White Walkers would weaken their forces. Jaime should have seen from this that Cersei wasn’t the ideal partner.

Cersei: Helping Tyrion Escape

While Tyrion was imprisoned in the black cells in season 4 shortly after he lost his trial by combat, Jaime Lannister helped his brother escape, knowing that he was not responsible for the death of Joffrey. However, letting Tyrion escape would be a huge mistake for Jaime.

Tyrion wouldn’t flee King’s Landing straight away, he would return to Shae and then find that she had been sleeping with his father. Tyrion, after killing Shae, then went to Tywin’s chambers and murdered him with a crossbow. Knowing that Jaime was, at least in part, responsible for the death of their father should have led Cersei to leave Jaime.

Jaime: When Cersei Married Euron

Despite the fact that Cersei’s marriage to Euron was obviously for political gain rather than love, it was still a deeply hurtful thing for Cersei to do. She knows that Jaime is deeply devoted to her and she should certainly not have agreed to marry Euron to cling on to her throne.

Essentially, Cersei was choosing between her throne and Jaime when she made this decision. Her choice to marry Euron clearly meant that she valued her throne more than Jaime and this should have ended their relationship.

Cersei: Jaime Killed Their Cousin

The Lannisters don’t tend to shy away from killing their own kin. Cersei killed her uncle and cousin the Great Sept of Baelor, Tyrion killed his father, and Jaime killed his cousin.

In order to escape from the Starks, Jaime strangled his own cousin, Alton Lannister, in order to get the attention of a Stark bannerman. This scant disregard for the life of his own family members should have told Cersei that she could do better than Jaime Lannister.

Jaime: She Cheated On Him With Their Cousin

While Jaime was away, Cersei did indeed play. While Jaime was waging war against the Starks/ being captured by the Starks, Cersei started sleeping with her cousin, Lancel Lannister. This was not only a betrayal of her own relationship with Jaime, but Cersei was also taking advantage of her own kin.

This should have been a sign to Jaime that Cersei was not a very good partner and it should have been a sign to Cersei that she should end it with him out of respect.

Cersei: He Pushed Bran Out Of A Window

Attacking a child isn’t typically seen as a romantic gesture. However, in the case of the Lannister twins, it clearly is. While Jaime and Cersei were committing twincest in the Winterfell tower, Bran Stark climbed up the tower and saw them in the throes of passion.

Jaime sees Bran, proclaims ’the things I do for love’, and pushed Bran out of the window with the hope of killing the young Lord. As a rule of thumb, if your partner commits attempted murder on a child, you should probably dump them (even if you do live in Westeros).

Jaime: Driving Tommen To Suicide

While Cersei didn’t intend to cause the death of Tommen, her actions in season 6 definitely pushed the young King over the edge (literally). Not only did Cersei destroy the religious leader and the holiest building of Tommen’s faith, but she also killed Tommen’s wife in the process.

Her quest for revenge completely disregarded her own son’s wishes and welfare. This should have shown Jaime that Cersei was hell-bent on power and vengeance.