One of HBO’s greatest shows ever, Game of Thrones, came to an end this year, in 2019. Still, we’re not done talking about it. This show had many characters, story-lines, deaths, and romances. While we all have our favorite couple, character, and least favorite thereof, we know that you’d probably fight to the death GoT style in order to defend your choice.

Throughout the series, there were many marriages, romances, and bonds, some totally endearing and some completely jarring. So, without further ado, here are 5 GoT couples that were absolutely perfect for each other, and 5 that made no absolutely no sense, even for this crazy show.

Perfect: Jon Snow & Ygritte

Let’s be honest - you were absolutely devastated when this fiery gal got hit with an arrow. In fact, we’re still not over it. Even though Ygritte was long gone before the end of the series, it’s safe to say we still think this couple was absolutely adorable, and we would’ve loved to see where they ended up together.

However, if you’re feeling upset over it still, you can just look up Kit Harington and Rose Leslie’s IRL perfect and adorable marriage. That’s right, now they know nothing together forever and always.

No Sense: Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen

Say what you want about the last season, but we were both shocked and secretive grateful when Jon pulled the knife on this powerful Queen. We love both of these characters, but they did nothing beneficial for each other.

True, they probably could have been the most powerful couple in the history of their world, but their personalities were too different to mesh together well. Clearly, they valued different things, and it took Jon’s courage and heart of gold to end her tyranny (and their love, obviously). Plus - they’re related?!

Perfect: Daenerys Targaryen & Khal Drogo

Maybe we couldn’t get on board with Dani and Jon because they each had previous lovers that were their soulmate. Sure, this arranged marriage started off pretty rocky, but their love for each other was raw and powerful.

They brought out the best in each other, and they would have been a huge force to be reckoned with if Khal didn’t suffer his unfortunate demise. We still love them, and we will be quoting their moon/sun and stars quotes until the end of time.

No Sense: Tyrion Lannister & Sansa Stark

Yeah, this couple wasn’t exactly a “couple”, but they were married, so. Honestly, of all of the men that Sansa had to deal with in this series, Tyrion was by far the best one. Still, this couple made absolutely no sense.

Through age, family-status, personality, values, and just about everything else you could think of, these two could never really be soulmates. Still, we appreciate Tyrion’s kindness, and these two characters remain as some of our all-time favorites.

Perfect: Myrcella Baratheon & Trystane Martell

These two were perfect for each other because they lived in a naive world of young love and total bliss. They were both strong-headed, ambitious, and literally just wanted to walk through the gardens and make out until the end of their days.

Yes, this did not end well for either of them, but we kind of wish they could’ve continued just living life to the fullest. Ah, young love, how much these two did not expect to be thrown into the GoT madhouse.

No Sense: Robb Stark & Talisa Stark (Maegyr)

You’re probably disagreeing with your entire heart at this list item. So, hear us out. Sure, they’re adorable, and they’re funny together and cute and happy-honey-mooning. However, think about how their marriage was literally the ENTIRE reason the Red Wedding occurred, and the ENTIRE reason the Stark family was almost decimated and the ENTIRE reason the Lannisters remained in full control of Westeros.

Yeah, Robb could have won the war and taken the Iron Throne, but he was too busy prancing through the flowers with this gal. Come on, Robb.

Perfect: Loras Tyrell & Renly Baratheon

In a totally corrupt and oppressive world, these two managed to find a pretty pure love. Sure, it wasn’t accepted by the public, and they had to keep it hidden, but that didn’t stop them from supporting each other and being with each other.

These two were funny and adorable, and it was pretty tragic to see Loras pretend to not be absolutely crushed when Renly was killed. We totally shipped these two, and we totally appreciated their love-oriented goals in their crazy world.

No Sense: Petyr Baelish & Lysa Arryn

Honestly, this marriage never made any sense. Lysa was probably one of the most annoying and frustrating characters on the show, and Little Finger was, well, Little Finger. For starters, Petyr was in love with Lysa’s sister, and then he tried to pull the moves on Lysa’s niece.

Yet somehow, this totally wild woman still wanted to marry this man. They didn’t really accomplish anything with their marriage, and in fact, it just made it way easier for Baelish to push her out the moon door. Honestly, this entire thing was a train-wreck from start to finish.

Perfect: Jaime Lannister & Brienne of Tarth

We’re going to leave the controversy over the last season out of the picture, but we will mention that we were absolutely devastated by Jaime’s character arc (or lack thereof). His relationship with Brienne, even before they got romantic, was honestly the most wholesome and powerful relationship on the series.

They brought out the absolute best in each other, and Jaime changed SO MUCH as a character after meeting this strong woman. When they finally got together, we were all dying inside. We’re going to pretend that’s how it all ended because we can’t bear to relive the ending of the series with these two.

No Sense: Jaime Lannister & Cersei Lannister

As if this really needs to be said, we’re taking no arguments for people who say these two were meant to be. For starters, they’re RELATED, but we can even table that argument. Honestly, these two were incredibly toxic for each other.

These two are at their absolute worst with each other, and Jaime becomes the biggest villain of the series in the presence of Cersei. They exploit each other, the people around them, and have horrible, horrible values when they’re together. Honestly - these two take the gold medal for the worst couple on the show, and they’re kind of the reason every bad thing happens. Again, we’re going to ignore the final season, because we literally can’t even talk about Jaime’s decision without throwing things.