The characters in the hit HBO fantasy drama Game Of Thrones faced a zombie apocalypse of their own in the final season. After the Night King destroys the wall with his undead dragon, the White Walkers and their army of wights devastate the North and almost destroy Westeros before the final battle at Winterfell.

Several characters proved their worth during the Long Night. Some of them demonstrated why they would be valuable allies in the zombie apocalypse whereas some only just managed to survive. Here are five Game Of Thrones characters we would want on our team in the zombie apocalypse and five we wouldn’t.

On Our Team: Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen proved in Game Of Thrones that she is a valuable ally and a formidable enemy. With her three fire-breathing dragons, she has the most powerful weapons that could destroy a horde of zombies with ease and, luckily, she has demonstrated throughout the show that she can be a team player.

Daenerys helps fight the undead army in Game Of Thrones with Drogon, Rhaegal and her armies of Dothraki and Unsullied. She would likely agree to an alliance in the zombie apocalypse and would be capable of protecting her people with the help of her dragons.

Off Our Team: Sansa Stark

Sansa admitted herself in season eight’s “The Long Night” that, in terms of combat skills, she is a liability in the zombie apocalypse. Sansa’s skills are more suited to politics and she lacks the weaponry and martial arts skills that make her sister Arya an excellent zombie killer.

As Queen in the North, Sansa would make a powerful political ally but a poor team member in the zombie apocalypse. Like Tyrion, Sansa navigates situations from the sidelines rather than wading through the battlefield with a team.

On Our Team: Jon Snow

Jon Snow has plenty of experience fighting zombies. The former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch spent his years at the Wall learning about and fighting White Walkers. He is skilled in combat and an experienced battle tactician, making him a valuable ally for the zombie apocalypse.

The former King in the North spent most of his life uniting the people of Westeros before leading them in the fight against the dead. He is arguably the most experienced zombie-killer in Game Of Thrones and his compassion and camaraderie with his men make him more of a team player than his adopted sister.

Off Our Team: Samwell Tarly

Another character from Game Of Thrones who demonstrated his liability in battle during “The Long Night” is Samwell Tarly. Despite insisting on fighting on the front lines with the rest of the armies, Sam is pretty much useless in the fight against the dead. He endangers the lives of his allies and causes the death of Dolorous Edd.

Sam, like Tyrion and Sansa, is a character who thrives more in the background than on the front lines. His mind is his greatest weapon and, as a partner for the zombie apocalypse, his skills come up short.

On Our Team: The Hound

Although the Hound’s fear of fire almost caused his downfall during “The Long Night,” he ultimately came through for Arya and proved that, as one of the strongest fighters in the series, he makes an excellent zombie-killer. Although his team skills aren’t perfect, the Hound’s size and ferocity make him an ideal ally for the zombie apocalypse.

The Hound is a vicious and skilled warrior who would have no trouble taking out swarms of zombies. His companionship with Arya proves that he is capable of compassion and could be a valuable partner in a post-apocalyptic world.

Off Our Team: Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister is an excellent manipulator, questionable Hand of the Queen and excels at playing the game of thrones. However, like Sansa Stark, his skills come into play primarily in political situations and he is more of a liability than an asset in the zombie apocalypse.

Tyrion stays in the crypts with Sansa, Missandei and the Northern women and children during the Battle of Winterfell. Sansa herself states that Tyrion is not a warrior and cannot help in the fight against the dead. Despite his intelligence, he is a poor partner for the zombie apocalypse.

On Our Team: Arya Stark

Arya Stark killed the Night King and ended the zombie apocalypse in Game Of Thrones. Of all the characters who would make great allies in the fight against the undead, she is the most valuable. Her experience fighting a variety of foes, face-changing skills, and ninja training make her a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Arya is less of a team player than Jon and would be harder to ally with. In season eight, she rejects Daenerys despite the Dragon Queen and her forces’ help in the fight against the White Walkers. Arya’s skills as a warrior make her a great partner for the zombie apocalypse but her agreeing to a partnership may be unlikely.

Off Our Team: Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister proved in the season seven finale that she is not a reliable ally. An invasion of zombies wasn’t enough to force the Lannister queen to team up with Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. Despite promising to send troops to Winterfell to defend the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei betrays the Starks and Targaryens and keeps her armies close to her in King’s Landing.

Cersei is a selfish and ruthless character who lacks combat skills and compassion. An alliance with her in the zombie apocalypse would be pointless and would more likely end in betrayal.

On Our Team: Melisandre

Melisandre was a surprisingly important character in the Battle of Winterfell. After Jon and Dany fail to light the trenches with dragonfire, Melisandre uses her magic to light the flames and ignite the Dothraki arakhs, as well as reminding Arya of her season three prophecy and inspiring her to kill the Night King.

Melisandre’s fire magic would make her a powerful ally in the zombie apocalypse. She trained with the Red Priests of R’hllor to fight against the dead and, despite her questionable morality, she could be a valuable addition to a team.

Off Our Team: Bran Stark

Many fans predicted that Bran Stark would be the living’s most important tool in the fight against the dead. However, despite his power as a warg and his visions as the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran’s powers proved almost useless in the battle and his arc concluded with him winning the Iron Throne rather than fighting the Night King.

Bran’s warging powers are impressive but he would be a poor addition to a team in the zombie apocalypse. The living had to protect him in season eight and several characters, including Theon, died to save him. Despite his mystical power, Bran would be a liability in the zombie apocalypse.