In the world of Game of Thrones, characters can be killed off at any second regardless of how essential they are to the show. Because the seven kingdoms are so dangerous, it leaves room for a lot of passionate relationships throughout. The fact that these characters can lose their loved ones in a blink of an eye only adds to the romantic spark because there is no room to beat around the bush. All of the feelings the characters have for each other are laid right out on the table which makes for a whole lot of beautiful relationships. While some of the romantic relationships on Game Of Thrones are OTP worthy, others are downright terrible. What are some of the best and worst pairings on the show? Find out below!


“Moon of my life” -Drogo

“My sun and stars” -Daenerys

Daenerys and Drogo may have had a rough start (their marriage was arranged and the dragon queen had no desire to be married to him), but over time they eventually grew to love and respect one another as the ultimate team. Drogo is extremely protective of the Mother of Dragons and always knows how to lift her up (both emotionally and physically), while Daenerys helps humanize Drogo and make him a more gentle person. Both work to better each other and they both worship the ground that their lover walks upon. Daenerys and Drogo are the ultimate “power couple” on Game of Thrones and they are so much more than your average “adorable” pairing.

“You are the Moon of my Life. That is all I know, and all I need to know. And if this is a dream, we will kill the man who tries to wake me.” -Daenerys.


All couples have their issues. Some cheat on their partners. Some are complicated communicators. Others take the beheaded skull of their partner’s father and place it on a spike. Okay, maybe that’s just a Joffrey and Sansa issue. Joffrey and Sansa aren’t exactly the “relationship goals” that you’d expect find on a couple’s Pinterest board. Daily marriage counseling couldn’t possibly save these two and their relationship is possibly the worst in all of Game of Thrones, which is really saying something.  Saying Joffrey and Sansa are “toxic” is the ultimate understatement of the century and we’re just glad that Sansa is now thriving and alive while Joffrey got exactly what he deserved.


Brienne and Tormund are easily the funniest potential couple on Game of Thrones. Tormund is head over heels in love with Brienne and he sees her as a sparkly unicorn goddess. Whenever in the midst of a dangerous battle, all Tormund can think about is “the big woman”. He fully supports her desire to be a knight even though she is a woman, and it is tradition that only men can serve. He then famously responds by saying “F*ck tradition” because he is an awesome dude who wants to see his number-one crush follow her dreams and ambitions. That’s a true man right there.

Brienne has stated before that she realized she was “the ugliest girl alive” which is so incredibly heartbreaking, yet despite her thinking this, Tormund believes she is the most beautiful woman alive. This truly proves that there is someone for everyone.

“I have a beauty waiting for me back in Winterfell… Yellow hair, blue eyes… Tallest woman you’ve ever seen.” -Tormund referring to Brienne.


Myranda and Ramsay are the absolute worst and their biggest form of foreplay is torturing others. Instead of taking cooking lessons or having cuddle sessions like a normal couple, their idea of “relationship bonding” is to hunt people in the forest. You heard that right. Hunt people. Human beings. Not deer. They both live to make other people miserable, and when Myranda is killed, Ramsay cries for all of three seconds and then suggests her body be fed to the dogs. How incredibly romantic… It’s just like The Notebook!


“You know nothing, Jon Snow…”

Jon and Ygritte are arguably one of the best couples on Game of Thrones because they compliment each other so nicely. While Snow is “pretty” and gentle to a fault, Ygritte is tough and hard as nails. Ygritte teaches the king crow how to be more conscious of his surroundings while Jon teaches his wildling lover how to be more in touch with her feelings. Their chemistry on the show was beautiful, which isn’t surprising considering that Kit Harington (Jon Snow) and Rose Leslie (Ygritte) got married in real life! How beautiful is that?

Apparently, the two actors fell in love while on set in Iceland for season 2. Kit claimed his favorite moment on set was watching the Northern Lights with his now wife. Just like the characters, they are head over heels for each other. Rose even made Kit dress up as Jon Snow for a party, which totally seems like something Ygritte would make Jon do!


Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen would be a perfectly “handsome” couple if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re actually related. Oh, and if it weren’t for the fact that Jon is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne even though he doesn’t necessarily want this, and Daenerys has been striving for that position all her life.

Despite how beautiful the two look together and regardless of how fun and romantic their dragon ride was, there is just too much drama in their relationship for it to ever be considered healthy. It seems as though JS and DT have already found the loves of their lives with Drogo and Ygritte. We will just have to wait and see if they will attempt to continue their romantic relationship but knowing Game of Thrones, it is likely to come to a terrible end.


Brienne and Jaime offer the classic love/hate relationship dynamic on Game of Thrones where although The Kingslayer and The Knight are constantly throwing digs at each other and fighting like an old married couple, it is no secret that the two care deeply about each other. This is seen most clearly in season 8 when Brienne defends Jaime’s character to Daenerys and when Jaime knights Brienne - which shows his enormous growth since season 1. The two have one of the most interesting dynamics on the show, and although they have yet to jump into bed together, they still manage to be the steamiest relationship on Game Of Thrones.


Umm Lolita, much? Sansa and Lord Baelish aka Littlefinger have one of the creepiest dynamics on Game of Thrones. Despite the squeamish age difference between the two characters, Lord Baelish becomes utterly fascinated with the red-headed Stark and even plants a lingering kiss on Sansa despite the fact that he is wed to her Aunt Lysa and used to love her mother. Sooo technically that makes him her uncle. Can it get any creepier?

As awful as their “romance” is, there is a certain logical sense to why Baelish would develop feelings towards Sansa. He has been madly in love with her mother, Catelyn Stark, since boyhood, so perhaps he has a fetish for strong-willed Stark women.


Catelyn Stark and Ned Stark have created your typical nuclear family. Cat and Ned are a loving couple who fell for each other after an arranged marriage. Just like your typical sitcom-style family, you’ve got your happy husband and wife, your tomboy daughter, your whiney pretty daughter, and your adventurous sons who look up to their pops and hope to be just like him one day. But their family goes from something you’d expect from a fantasy version of 7th Heaven to a blood bath full of sorrow.

This occurs after the beloved Ned is killed. Their family was perhaps the happiest and most normal dynamic on Game of Thrones, but of course in the typical George RR Martin fashion, “happy” and “normal” can only exist for so long. Catelyn and Ned were too good to make it in the cold world of Winterfell…


Tyrion and Shae started off by having a beautiful relationship that was filled with love and tenderness. Unfortunately, it ended with utter betrayal after Shae accused her “lion” of forcing her to have sexual relations with him during Tyrion’s trial. She comes up with a whole lie about how he “stole” her and sent one of his cutthroats to bring Shae to him. She then claims Tyrion said, “you belong to me now” and thus made her perform sexual acts for him. We know this all to be false based on everything we have witnessed in their relationship. It was clear that she was madly in love with Tyrion, which is why her betrayal was so shocking to viewers. Hopefully, Tyrion will find love with someone who appreciates him. Until then, he’s got a whole lot of wine to keep him company, which is perhaps his one true love.