The last Game of Thrones season is right around the corner. In fact, fans have been patiently waiting for its return. They’re eager to see how the show will end. On the other hand, fans are sad to see the show go. Of course, fans watch the show closely and don’t miss a thing. They catch each hint and clue. A lot has gone on in the show. At the same time, a lot happened before the first episode. The show has a rich history that impacts current events.

The show has a loyal and large fan base. Since the start, there have been many questions. Indeed, there have been many strange events. For instance, Jon Snow coming back to life or Bram time traveling. It sometimes feels that things can’t get any stranger. Of course, anything can happen in the show. Nobody is safe. Well, there were many strange events before the show. In fact, those past events help explain a lot.

The history of Westeros and Essos is vast. It includes great wars, peaceful kings, dragons, giants and mad kings. The history is dark and sad at times. It also has some brighter moments of peace and happiness. The show’s myth and history are just as interesting as the show itself. In fact, it’s crucial to the show. It’s time to take a closer look at the Seven Kingdoms, The Free Cities, The Wall, and beyond. Here’s Game Of Thrones: 25 Strange Events That Happened Before The First Episode.

The Dawn Age

The Dawn Age goes back roughly 8,000 years. During that time, no humans lived on Westeros. Living there were only the non-human Children of the Forest and Giants. A small number of Giants still exist. The Children of the Forest were small creatures with magic skills. The prayed to the Old Gods and carved their images in the woods. In fact, they built small hidden villages in the trees. There is very little information from the Dawn Age. Soon the First Men arrive and start a war with The Children.

The Regin Of Aegon The Unworthy

There have been many kings in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. Some kings had a peaceful reign that brought happiness to the world. Then there’s King Aegon IV or Aegon The Unworthy. He’s the worst Targaryen king in the history of the world. He was king from 172 to 184 AC. In fact, he might be the worst of them all. He was mean, vindictive, and petty. He could have treated his people and family better. His time as king is a low point in history.

The Tales Of Dunk And Egg

The Tales of Dunk and Egg is a prequel series that takes place before the show. In fact, it takes place 90 years before the show itself. The tale also exists in the show. It follows the adventures of Ser Duncan The Tall and his Squire Aegon “Egg” Targaryen. Egg later becomes King Aegon V or Aegon the Unlikely. They go on many adventures during a time of great tensions in the Seven Kingdoms. Dunk and Egg meet during a tournament and begin their adventures. Eventually, Aegon becomes King and Dunk becomes the Lord Commander of the Knightsguard. Their story ends at the Tragedy of Summerhall.

The Great Spring Sickness

The Great Spring Sickness was a plague that swept across Westeros. The sickness wiped out a good portion of the Seven Kingdoms. King’s Landing lost the most amount of life. The only two areas that avoided the sickness were the Vale and Dorne. They were able to keep people and the sickness out. Dunk and Egg go on many adventures during that time. They’re able to avoid the sickness by hiding out in Dorne. Unfortunately, the rest didn’t have that choice. The sickness features in the Dunk and Egg story.

Slaves Rebel And Found Braavos

To the east of Westeros is Essos. It now consists of the nine Free Cities but at a time was under Valyrian control. In 500 BC, slaves rebel against their Valyrian master and take over the fleet. They sail to the farthest point and end up in a lagoon. Large mountains and trees hide the area. It’s a series of tiny connected islands. The slaves create the secret city of Braavos. Eventually, they come out of hiding. The city also includes the Iron Bank.

Old Ghis’s Burned To Ashes By Dragon Fire And Never Rebuilt

The Ghiscari Empire ruled over Essos some 5,000 years ago. They built many great structures and were firmly in control. The city of Old Ghis was the center of their power. Of course, that all changes when the Valyrian find dragons. They soon defeat the empire and take control of Essos. In fact, they even burn Old Ghis to the ground. They poison the soil and sea to ensure it never raises again. The empire crumbles and the city fades away. It simply becomes a memory.

Aegon V Arranges Marriages For His Kids

King Aegon V had his good and bad times. He was good to his people but it didn’t always work out. For instance, he planned a series of arranged marriages for his kids. Of course, it was really about politics. He was trying to secure his power. Well, his kids had other plans. Instead, they all marry for love. In fact, he also married for love so was powerless to stop his kids. Clearly, he was happy for his kids. At the same time, it weakens his rule.

Aegon V Lowers Taxes

Turns out that it doesn’t take a big betrayal to start a war. In fact, Westeros is just like any other place. Indeed, dragons and giants aren’t the problems. The real issues are taxes. Aegon V’s reign was a good time for the Seven Kingdoms. However, there was a conflict. At one point, Aegon lowered taxes on the poor and raised taxes for the rich. It only made him more popular with the poor. Of course, the rich didn’t like that. Eventually, it turned several rich nobles against him.

The King Of The Wall

During the Age of Heroes, The Lord Commander of The Wall proclaims himself King of The Wall. In addition, he fell in love with a woman from beyond the wall. History implies that it might have been a white walker. He soon earns the title the Night’s King, which is not the same as the Night King. The Night’s King and Queen held strange rituals and sacrifices. Eventually, people began to fear them. The King Beyond The Wall and the Stark King in the North teamed up. They defeat the Night’s King and restore order.

The Tale Of The Rat Cook

The tale of the Rat Cook is a myth in the Seven Kingdoms. It’s a story of a king that visits the then main castle of the Wall, the Nightfort. Somehow, the King offended the cook so he decides to get revenge. He bakes the King an alarming pie that really hits home. The gods punish the cook by turning him into a big white rat. To be clear, the gods did not turn him into a rat for baking that disgusting pie. In fact, it was because he was a terrible host. Arya Stark bakes a similar pie in the show.

The Dance Of Dragons

The Dance of Dragons is the first full-scale civil war in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. In fact, it’s the first war that has dragons on both sides. It took place from 129 to 131 AC, which is about 170 years before the War of the Five Kings. It was a war between two rival Targaryan factions. Rhaenyra Targaryen was the only heir to the throne but the Kingdoms never had a Queen before. Instead, King Aegon II took control with a coup. Eventually, he let his dragon take care of the would-be Queen.

A Stark Won Bear Island In A Wrestling Match

There have been many great wars in the Seven Kingdoms. Not all wars have dragons and giants. The Stark’s have always been a powerful family in the North. At times, they’ve even been the Kings of the North. Of course, they’re also loyal when there’s one ruling King of the Seven Kingdoms. The Starks always end up in interesting situations. During the Age of Heroes, Rodrik Stark beat an iron-born for control of Bear Island in a wrestling match. The Starks then gave Bear Island to House Mormont. There are worse ways to win an island.

Nagga The Sea-Dragon

The Iron Islands are like a separate world from the Seven Kingdoms. In fact, they have their own culture and religion. They pray to the drowned god and are the only ones too. Of course, dragons are part of almost every myth and story. As a matter of fact, the Iron Islands have sea dragons. Nagga The Sea-Dragon is the first sea dragon in the Iron Islands history. According to legend, the Grey King beat Nagga and built a great hall out of the bones. Indeed, he uses her fire to warm the hall.

Aegon III Dislikes Dragons

The Targaryen’s are famous for using dragons in battle. In fact, dragons are a big part of the culture. At one point, they were the only ones to have dragons. Indeed, they used three dragons to conquer Westeros. Turns out not all of them liked dragons. In fact, King Aegon III disliked dragons. As a young boy, he witnesses a dragon end his mother’s life. Therefore, he disliked and was afraid of dragons. The last remaining dragons didn’t survive his reign. In fact, he gets the blame for dragons becoming extinct. He attempted to hatch the last dragon eggs but failed. He earned the title Aegon The Dragonbane.

The Targaryen’s Can’t Conquer Dorne

From 2 BC to 1 AC, the Targaryen’s conquered Westeros and created the Seven Kingdoms. They would rule over the Seven Kingdoms for three centuries. At first, it was just the Six Kingdoms. That’s because they couldn’t conquer Dorne. The area’s hidden behind mountains and giant trees. Therefore, the Dornish were able to win using guerrilla tactics. In fact, they were never able to defeat Dorne, even with dragons. In the end, they joined in through marriage. When dragons don’t work, marriage will.

Peaceful Shepherds Discover Dragons

In 6,000 BC, The Ghriscal Empire ruled over peaceful shepherds. Of course, that would soon change. Shepherds were busy working when they made a startling discovery. They found dragons lairing in the 14 Fires Volcanoes. Soon the shepherds would use magic to tame the beasts. This was the birth of the Valyrian Freehold. They use the dragons to rise up against the Ghriscal and destroy the empire. They went on to conquer all of Essos. The myth of dragons became very real only to became a myth again.

Lann The Clever

Lann The Clever is an infamous trickster during the Age of Heroes. According to legend, he tricked House Casterley out of their castle. To be fair, there are different tales of how he really did it. For example, one story claims he infested the castle with rats or lions. Another story claims he snuck into the castle and caused mayhem. He turned the members of the house against each other through pranks. It’s also possible that he simply marries into the family. He’s also the founder of House Lannister.

The Long Night

In 8, 000 BC, The Long Night hit the world. The winter season lasted an entire generation and destroyed all the fields and crops. In fact, most of it was all buried in snow. Of course, that wasn’t the worst of it. The white walkers emerged and attempted to bring a permanent winter. They also put an end to life. This resulted in the War of the Dawn. The Children and the First Men joined to defeat the white walkers. They were able to send them to the north most part of the world.

Children Of The Forest Disappear

As noted, there was a time when the Children of the Forest were the only ones living in Westeros. However, they were still a small population. The war with the First Men and later the White Walkers cost The Children a great deal of life. Eventually, they started to disappear and became extinct. In fact, in the show, there is only one in the world. Aside from the wars, there isn’t an explanation to why they disappeared. Initially, they simply went into hiding and become a myth.

The Doom Of Valyria

In 200 BC, The Targaryan’s took control of Dragonstone. They were a powerful family in the Valyria Freehold. They move to Dragonstone to run it for the Freehold. Aenar Targaryen moved his family because of a vision he had. He saw a horrible event that would cause a great deal of destruction. His vision ends up right. In 100 BC, The Fourteen Fires Volcanoes erupt destroying Valryia and the Freehold. The Targaryans are the only surviving family of the Valyrian Freehold. In fact, they’re also the only ones with dragons. This leads to the conquest.