Here are our biggest questions from Game of Thrones’ season 8, episode 2. Titled “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”, the episode was a series-best celebration of the surviving characters who have gathered at Winterfell to fight the Great War against the White Walkers. Expecting it to be their last night alive, the heroes of Westeros relax, drink, indulge in some gallows humor, and cement their various relationships before next week’s Battle of Winterfell.

When “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” began, Jaime Lannister was placed on trial for his crimes against the Targaryens and Starks before Brienne of Tarth saved him by vouching for his character. Later, Jaime anoints Brienne a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, granting her the recognition she has sought all of her life. Theon Greyjoy arrived at Winterfell and reunited with Sansa Stark, Arya Stark received her weapon from Gendry and slept with him, and Jon Snow revealed the truth about his true heritage to Daenerys Targaryen. Podrick Payne also sang a song.

From Tyrion Lannister’s position as Hand of the Queen hanging by a thread to the whereabouts of the Night King as the White Walkers land at Winterfell’s gates, these are the biggest questions we have about this week’s Game of Thrones:

  • This Page: Questions About Tyrion, Jon and Daenerys, Jaime, and Sansa Page 2: Questions About Tormund, Beric, The Night’s Watch, and Arya’s New Weapon Page 3: Questions About Pod’s Song, Theon, and the Night King

13. Should Daenerys Appoint Someone Else Hand of the Queen?

Daenerys saw Jaime Lannister’s arrival at Winterfell without Cersei’s army as the latest blunder by Tyrion as Hand of the Queen and she was vocal about her disappointment at his many mistakes. So Dany was surprised when Jorah Mormont of all people, who Daenerys would have originally chosen as her Hand, advocated for Tyrion’s intelligence and that he should remain at his post - which the Dragon Queen acquiesced to.

But should Daenerys dismiss Tyrion anyway? Even if they survive the war with the White Walkers, what are the odds Tyrion will suddenly regain his previous brilliance? After all, as Tyrion confessed to Jaime, he has been humbled by the “perils of self-betterment”. Maybe Jorah Mormont would make a better Hand after all; since Cersei is not his sister, Jorah wouldn’t hesitate to show the ruthlessness that Tyrion has lacked thus far.

12. “What About the North?”

Following Jorah’s prompting, Daenerys tried to have a heart-t0-heart with Sansa to break the ice between them. It worked for a while and the two powerful women were able to commiserate about Jon. But when Sansa asked “what happens after” Jon and Daenerys beat the White Walkers and the Dragon Queen takes the Iron Throne - specifically, “What about the North?” - Dany had no answer.

Sansa made clear that after the Starks lost the North during the War of the Five Kings and won it back from the Boltons, they would never bow down to anyone again. This puts a damper of Daenerys’ dream to rule over the Seven Kingdoms the way her family had for centuries. What will happen to the North and whether Daenerys would ever allow it to be an independent kingdom if she wins the Iron Throne are questions left lingering.

11. Is Jon’s Alliance With Daenerys Already Over?

After outright avoiding Daenerys and refusing to make contact the entire episode, Jon finally confessed the truth Sam told him in the Game of Thrones season 8 premiere: that he is the son of Daenerys’ brother Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and his real name is Aegon Targaryen. Daenerys was far less troubled to learn she is his aunt than when she realized as the last male heir, Jon has a claim to the Iron Throne (though she didn’t say that it may be a stronger claim than her own). Jon didn’t say whether he would or wouldn’t press his claim.

The call to arms because the White Walkers arrived at Winterfell tabled the ramifications of Daenerys knowing the truth about Jon until after the war, but if they survive, Dany must realize her political position has significantly weakened. Most of her most loyal followers are foreign-born and the North would side with Jon if it came down to it. In spite of their love affair, has their political alliance already been broken?

10. Why Didn’t Jaime Ask For a Hand or Weapon Made of Dragonglass?

Thanks to Brienne and, in turn, Sansa vouching for his good character, Jaime Lannister escaped his trial at Winterfell unscathed. The Kingslayer touchingly knighted Brienne after volunteering to fight under his command, but he also admitted he’s not the fighter he once was. Jaime wields Widow’s Wail, one of the few Valyrian steel swords in Westeros, but why didn’t he ask for a White Walker-killing replacement for his gold right hand? Gendry was already forging Arya an exotic weapon; he could have found the time to turn some Dragonglass into a blade or bayonet to attach to his wrist so that the Kingslayer could become an effective Wightslayer.

9. What Did Bran Tell Tyrion?

After their strategy meeting, Tyrion remained behind to speak to Bran Stark. The Imp is perceptive enough to notice that Jon is outright avoiding Daenerys, who is confused by his behavior. Tyrion pulled up a chair to hear Bran’s “long story” about his “strange journey”, but is listening all Tyrion did? Did he also ask questions about Jon Snow - like why he’s evasive towards Daenerys and how he can now ride a dragon? And what did Bran tell Tyrion besides his adventures that turned him into the Three-Eyed Raven?

Page 2 of 3: Questions About Tormund, Beric, The Night’s Watch, and Arya’s New Weapon

8. Is Tormund’s Story About Killing A Giant True?

In an effort to impress Brienne, especially in front of Jaime, Tormund hunkered down and told the wild tale about how he got the surname “Giantsbane” - that he killed a giant when he was 10 and then bedded the giant’s wife, who suckled him at her teat, thinking he was her baby. Supposedly, giant’s milk is why he’s now so strong and hard to kill.

Even by Tormund’s standards, it’s a ridiculous (and hilarious) backstory. In Game of Thrones season 3, Tormund regaled the Wildlings with another of his personal legends, that he had sex with a bear. Ygritte called him out on it and, if she were still alive, she would probably debunk Tormund’s giant story as well. But is Tormund just full of B.S. or could his backstories actually be true?

7. Did Beric Dondarrion Really Die 19 Times?

Another tall tale that might be untrue is when the Hound told Beric Dondarrion the Lord of Light didn’t bring him back to life 19 times just to watch Sandor Clegane throw him off Winterfell’s balcony. When Thoros of Myr was still alive, the drunken priest could resurrect Beric but back in Game of Thrones season 3, they both established it only happened 6 times. So was the Hound fudging the numbers or did Beric somehow die and come back to life 13 more times between Game of Thrones season 3 and when the Night’s Watch imprisoned the Brotherhood at Eastwatch before Jon Snow led them to capture a Wight beyond the wall?

6. What Happened To The Rest of the Night’s Watch That Joined With Jon?

Atop Winterfell, the former Night’s Watch brothers Jon Snow, Sam Tarly, and Dolorous Edd talked about the imminent war with the White Walkers. After defending his status as the first person to kill a White Walker, Sam considered how far the three of them have come since they originally joined the Night’s Watch, mentioning Grenn and Pyp, who were their friends and part of the ‘Class of 2011’. Grenn and Pyp both died during the Battle at Castle Black in Game of Thrones season 4; Pyp was killed by an arrow through the neck by Ygritte while Grenn perished leading a group to hold the tunnel gate against a giant named Mag the Mighty. Both of their bodies were burned, preventing them from becoming part of the Army of the Dead.

Now, Jon Snow is Warden of the North and heir to the Iron Throne, Sam has survived the unthinkable and is settled down with Gilly, while Edd is Lord of Commander of the Night’s Watch.

5. What Does Arya’s New Weapon Do?

Before Arya Stark decided to spend what could be her last night alive finding out what it’s like to have sex with Gendry, the blacksmith revealed that he’s the bastard son of Robert Baratheon and handed her the weapon she asked him to make: it appears to be a staff with dragonglass blades at both ends that possibly also breaks into separate components. Significantly, Arya’s weapon resembles an upgraded version of the staff she trained with when she was blind and learning to be one of the Faceless Men. If that’s the case, it makes sense Arya would ask for a weapon she’s so proficient with, especially since Needle is not a Valyrian steel sword and wouldn’t be effective against White Walkers and Wights.

Page 3 of 3: Questions About Pod’s Song, Theon, and the Night King

4. What Is The Significance of Podrick’s Song?

Podrick surprised everyone when he suddenly and harmoniously started singing a song. Pod’s song is called “Jenny of Oldstones” and it refers to the titular character, a peasant woman who married Prince Duncan Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne. Prince Duncan forfeited his claim to the throne by going against his father’s wishes and marrying Jenny, the woman he loved. The sad ballad also hints at tragedy to come, especially since it leads into Jon telling Daenerys the truth about his Targaryen origins. Could either Jon or Daenerys give up their claim to the Iron Throne for the person they love?

3. How Did Theon Get To Winterfell So Fast?

Theon freed Yara from Euron’s flagship, the Silence, in the Game of Thrones season 8 premiere. En route to retake the Iron Islands, Theon decided he wanted to return to Winterfell and fight for the Starks. Lord Greyjoy then arrived at Winterfell - but how did he get there so quickly? It’s not clear when, exactly, Theon saved Yara compared to the events in Winterfell but just like fans complained about Game of Thrones season 7, this seems to be another case of characters being able to miraculously travel great distances for the convenience of the plot.

2. Is There a Romance Between Sansa and Theon?

Theon was justifiably afraid of what kind of reception he would receive at Winterfell but Sansa warmly welcomed him with open arms. Later, as Pod sang his song, Theon and Sansa were seen in the courtyard choosing to spend what could be their last night alive in each other’s company. Could romance be brewing between them? At the very least, there’s a deep affection between Sansa and Theon, especially after he risked his life to rescue her from Ramsay Bolton. In turn, Sansa forgave Theon for his crimes against her family. If they survive the Battle of Winterfell, Lord Greyjoy could be a match for Lady Stark, though he wouldn’t be able to give her an heir.

1. Where Is The Night King?

The episode ended with the Army of the Dead arriving at Winterfell, with a cadre of White Walkers on horseback at the vanguard. But conspicuously absent was the Night King - where is he? Most likely, the Night King is riding his ice dragon Viserion and in the past, fans have seen him remain in the rear and letting the Wights do most of the fighting. The Night King might also be aware he is the ultimate target for the Army of the Living.

While some fans theorize the Night King flew ahead to attack King’s Landing, the trailer for next week’s Battle of Winterfell episode shows the Night King joining in the fight. After all, if he does want to kill the Three-Eyed Raven, the Night King will have to come at Bran Stark himself. The idea here, though, is for all the survivors in Winterfell to draw out the Night King in order to kill him once and for all. Whether they can or not remains to be seen.

Next: Game Of Thrones: Where All The New White Walkers Came From

Game of Thrones Season 8 airs Sundays @ 9 pm on HBO.