Tyrion Lannister is one of the most popular characters in Game of Thrones. He is an intelligent and funny character who managed to endear himself to the Game of Thrones audience from his very first season. That being said, despite his popularity, he is also known for his dark side and has very little love for his Lannister family.

Tyrion murdered his father and his girlfriend, so he is certainly not a hero by any stretch of the imagination. This article will list the 10 worst things Tyrion has done to the Lannisters.

Hitting Joffrey

While this was undoubtedly deserved on the part of Joffrey, it was also a poor move from Tyrion. Not only did this embarrass the future Lannister King, but it also caused the future king to have a gripe with Tyrion.

It is certainly due to his past treatment of him that Joffrey is so cruel to Tyrion after he is made King of the Seven Kingdoms. Joffrey forces Tyrion to Marry Sansa Stark against his will and also mocks him publicly.

Spying On Cersei

In season two of Game of Thrones, we see Tyrion in his peak. The youngest of Tywin’s children is the Hand of the King and is doing an incredible job as well. Not only is he running the city very efficiently, but he is also preparing King’s Landing for an attack from Stannis Baratheon.

However, Tyrion orders his cousin, Lancel Lannister, to spy on Cersei Lannister. While this may be a wise move politically, it was certainly indicative of a toxic family.

Trial Speech

The trial speech is one of the few times we see Tyrion acting so emotional in public. Usually, Tyrion is reserved in public yet in his trial for the murder of King Joffrey, Tyrion appears to snap after Shae testifies against him.

Tyrion, in order to assert his innocence, claims that he did not murder Joffrey but wishes he had. Yet it does not stop here, Tyrion also goes on to say that he wished he had also killed everyone else in King’s Landing due to the poor treatment he has received (which also foreshadowed season 8’s shocking fifth episode).

Getting Kidnapped By Catelyn

One cannot really be blamed for being kidnapped, but it was Tyrion’s attitude that made this list. Throughout most of the kidnapping, Tyrion was not taking it particularly seriously and this was only making matters far worse.

Additionally, the kidnapping also affected the bargaining power of the Lannisters as they no longer had any unconditional leverage on House Stark, the Northerners now had their own hostage.

Calling Out Lancel And Cersei

While Jaime was away Cersei did play. When Jaime was not in King’s Landing, Cersei settled for the next best thing, her cousin, Lancel Lannister. At the time, Lancel was a young and naive squire and was more than willing to sleep with Cersei.

However, Tyrion was made aware of their arrangement and used it to his advantage. He blackmailed Lancel into spying for him and telling Tyrion what Cersei’s plans were. In exchange, Tyrion wouldn’t spill the beans about Lancel’s relationship with Cersei.

Joined Daenerys

Despite the fact that Tyrion clearly had good reason to turn his back on the Lannisters and side with Daenerys Targaryen, he was still betraying his family. Furthermore, in turning his back on his family to help Daenerys win the Iron Throne, Tyrion essentially condemned his siblings.

Not only was his decision to join Daenerys one of the worst things he could have done to the Lannisters, but his military advice may have also been a contributing factor to Daenerys’ actions in season 8.

Planned To Take Casterly Rock

In season 7, Tyrion was trying to convince Dany not to storm King’s Landing with her dragons as it would result in far too much death and lead Dany to be seen as a barbarian rather than a queen. Tyrion, instead, suggested that Dany’s army should take Casterly Rock instead.

Taking the ancestral seat of House Lannister, regardless of its worth in the war, is one of the worst things you could have done to the Lannisters. Although it is worth mentioning that Jaime predicted their attack and allowed it to happen so that the Lannister forces could capture Highgarden.

The Field Of Fire

To be fair to Tyrion, he did attempt to stop Dany taking her revenge on the Lannister army. However, even if he did not agree with it, he still stayed with Dany after she carried out the attack. Taking Drogon and the Dothraki, Daenerys obliterated the Lannister army, burning almost every soldier in sight.

Her bloodlust, however, did not stop here. If any of the captured prisoners refused to bend the knee, they would be burned by Drogon. Both Randall and Dickon Tarly were killed by Drogon for this very reason.

Staying With Daenerys

While it is true that Tyrion publicly quit his position of Hand of the Queen in front of Dany after she destroyed most of King’s Landing, the fact that he was Hand of the Queen during the assault will not be forgotten by the history books of Westeros.

It was an attack that resulted in the deaths of countless civilians, thousands of Lannister bannermen, and even his own brother and sister. While he was not directly responsible for the attack, he did help her reach Westeros.

Killed His Father

While it isn’t as destructive as Dany’s assault on King’s Landing, Tyrion’s murder of his father damaged House Lannister in a monumental manner. It was no secret that Tywin built the Lannister House to the power it held during the series, he was the leader and figurehead of the house.

However, after Tywin, one of the cleverest and most politically astute men in Westeros was killed, House Lannister started on a downward trend in fortune. Cersei would on to lose her children, her throne, and even her life and her lover in the events after Tywin Lannister’s death. In many ways, when Tywin died, the fall of House Lannister truly began.