Jaime Lannister is one of the most complex and interesting characters in Game of Thrones. The Lannister knight started life in the show as the central villain, after he pushed a young Bran Stark from the Winterfell tower and frequently clashed with Ned and Catelyn Stark. However, as the series went on, Jaime started to redeem himself to a certain extent. All of the damage he received, both mental and physical, appeared to reveal the diamond within. That being said, we should not forget his earlier misdeeds, particularly against the Starks.

This article will list the 10 worst things Jaime Lannister has done to the Starks.

Mocks Jon For Joining The Night’s Watch

In season one, Jaime appeared to thank Jon for deciding to join the Night’s Watch; however, he was actually subtly mocking the future King in the North. That being said, there was a clear irony in Jaime’s criticism of Jon’s decision to take the black.

While those in the south may see the Night’s Watch as a waste of time, its vows to father no children and take no wives are similar to the vows of the Kingsguard.

Saying Bran Should Die

After pushing Bran out of the window, Tyrion Lannister was discussing the boy’s future with Jaime, and the Kingslayer suggested that it may be kinder to put Bran out of his misery rather than allowing him to live, though Tyrion disagreed. From this, we can see just how selfish and devious Jaime Lannister used to be.

Knowing that his plan to kill Bran had already failed, he then decided to act as if it would be an act of kindness to finish Bran off. However, Jaime suggested it solely to ensure his relationship with Cersei remained confidential.

Disrespecting/ Challenging Ned Stark

Throughout season 1, Jaime Lannister seems to be constantly challenging and disrespecting the Warden of the North. In the first episode of the season, Jaime walks straight up to Ned, blocking his path in the process, in order to ask if they may compete against each other in a tournament. A few episodes later, Jaime complains that he does not get the respect he deserves for slaying the Mad King from Ned, but the Warden of the North dismisses his complaints.

Later in the season, Jory Cassel asks Jaime to relay a message to Ned, and Jaime retorts that he does not serve Ned Stark. Finally, Jaime disrespects Ned’s memory by telling Catelyn that he is a more honorable man than Ned Stark, reminding her of the common belief that Ned cheated on Catelyn to father Jon Snow. There is a clear lack of respect here that is insulting to the Starks. While it may not be the worst entry on this list, it highlights many of Jaime’s character flaws earlier in the series.

Taunting Catelyn

While imprisoned by Starks, and soon after the death of Ned Stark, Jaime Lannister receives a visit from Catelyn Stark. During this meeting, Jaime taunts the Stark matriarch, suggesting that he would have sex with her if she wished and that being a widow may suit her.

Unfortunately for Jaime, he underestimated Catelyn Stark as she hit him across the head with a stone soon after he made the vile comments. Perhaps it was this strike to the head that kickstarted his quest for redemption.

Killed One Of Their Bannermen

In season one, Jaime Lannister was captured by Robb Stark’s men after the Battle of the Whispering Wood. In order to escape, Jaime killed both his cousin, Alton Lannister, and Torrhen Karstark. While this is not a direct attack on the Starks, it still impacted the Starks severely.

It led to tensions with the Karstarks and severely tested Robb Stark’s leadership and authority, as Rickard Karstark demanded Jaime be executed for his actions.

Injuring Ned

While Ned was walking from Littlefinger’s brothel, he and his men were attacked by Jaime Lannister and some Lannister men. It was during this fight between Ned Stark and Jaime Lannister that Ned’s leg was wounded by a Lannister guard. While the injury itself is fairly bad, the unprovoked attack was worse.

Jaime argued that the attack was to receive information about Tyrion’s kidnapping by Catelyn Stark, but it was fairly clear that Ned had little (if anything) to do with it.

Fleeing From King’s Landing

After his unprovoked attack on Ned Stark and the Stark men, Jaime Lannister flees the city. While it is unlikely that Jaime would have been punished too heavily, it did still result in a lack of justice for the men that Jaime killed, as well as for the injury that he inflicted upon Ned Stark.

Furthermore, Jaime fleed King’s Landing and joined Tywin Lannister in the fight against Robb Stark and the northern lords.

Ordering The Killing Of Ned’s Men

If attacking Ned Stark and injuring his leg in an unprovoked attack wasn’t enough, Jaime Lannister and the Lannister men also killed several of Ned Stark’s loyal men, including Jory Cassel, in the assault. Not only was this bad in and of itself, but it also severely weakened Ned Stark’s power in King’s Landing as he had fewer men to protect him.

The murdering of Ned Stark’s men in a sneak attack was a sign of things to come for the Starks, showing the underhanded techniques that the Lannisters would use against them.

Trying To Kill Robb

This one is described in more detail in the books, but is still worth mentioning. During the Battle of the Whispering Wood, and after seeing the battle was lost, Jaime decided to charge Robb in a last-ditch attempt to kill the rebellious Stark.

Much like Jaime’s charge for Drogon in season 7, his attempt to kill Robb Stark didn’t work, and he was taken prisoner soon after. Despite the fact that it was during a battle and clearly justifiable, it was still a bad thing to do to the Starks.

Pushing Bran 

Naturally, this one had to take first place on this list. While Jaime and Cersei were having sex in the Winterfell tower, the young Bran Stark was slowly climbing up the tower. He eventually made it to the top of the tower, only to be greeted by Jaime Lannister. After checking to see if anyone else was at the base of the tower, Jaime proclaimed ’the things I do for love’ and pushed Bran from the window.

It was this act that made Jaime the main villain in season 1 of Game of Thrones, though none of us expected this character to essentially become a hero by the end of the series.