Game of Thrones has come to a conclusion to a mixed response. While some fans are looking for other shows and comics that are similar, others are re-watching the series, and a few have put the whole thing behind them.

However, as we revisit the series, we take a look at one of the most villainous characters, Cersei Lannister and the evilest things she has done. Here are 10 of the worst things that Cersei did to the Starks during her time throughout the show.


One of the biggest problems plaguing Westeros was the incoming White Walkers, lead by the deadly Night King. He was determined to take over world as they knew it and plunge it into a dark and brutal winter that would last an eternity.

Many different forces came together to help fight against this oncoming storm. However, Cersei pledged that she would also join the fight before tricking the Starks and northerners and refusing to send an army. Jaime left his sister anyway and joined the battle.


The Lannisters were responsible for the events that took place at the Red Wedding, and Cersei would have been a big factor in this. The family plotted with the Frey household at the Twins, to kill off some of the threats to the throne.

When Robb Stark was to be married, the family turned on the Starks. The famous line, ’the Lannisters send their regards,’ is still one of the most chilling of the show and demonstrates what kind of bloodshed Cersei is happy to involve herself with.


Sansa has had a pretty unfortunate run throughout the show. She’s gone from one horrific prison to another. During her earlier days, she was trapped by Joffrey and Cersei, who came to call her a little bird- ironic since she could never fly away.

Cersei knew exactly what kind of danger Sansa was in, yet set up the wedding between her and Joffrey to take place. Luckily, Sansa managed to escape that fate, but Cersei was still part of the plot to have the young Stark marry her brother Tyrion instead.


While Sansa was under Cersei’s control, she used it as an opportunity to further manipulate the Stark family. She had Sansa write a letter to her family, urging them to follow exactly what she instructs them to do.

She wants the Starks to bend the knee, even though they had declared their own King in the North. This not only put pressure on them to perhaps save Sansa but also provided questions as to where the young Lady Stark’s loyalties actually lay.


When the alliance of the Stark’s and Dany’s army finally make it to King’s Landing, Cersei is given the option to surrender. Instead, she takes off the head of Missandei, showing that the only way to the throne is war.

This puts the Starks in an awkward position because she also uses the civilians of King’s Landing as a shield, putting them in the way of the alliance conquering the Iron Throne. Jon took great issue with this and urged his men to stop fighting at many points, playing into Cersei’s manipulation.


While Ned acted as the Hand to the King, he had to deal with all sorts of politics that he wasn’t normally used to. One such person he had to deal with was Cersei, who wanted to constantly exert her own influence over the King.

Eventually, Ned became too much of a problem, and Cersei betrayed him, playing a part in the ambush that saw Jaime Lannister wound Ned, before he ultimately fell to the blade of the executioner. Ironically this was the one part that didn’t go to her plan.


Speaking of Ned and Robert, their friendship was brilliant before the Stark took the job in King’s Landing. They fell out over a number of issues, but Ned would always remain honest and loyal. Two traits that Cersei did not respect.

She tried to weave opportunities that would create conflict between the two of them. A weaker friendship would therefore mean a weaker King and give her the chance to exert her own dominance. Her murder of Robert then ended that friendship for Ned for good.


Cersei has no problem with taking the life of a human, so she certainly doesn’t take issue with taking the life of an animal. The Direwolves of the Stark family are not only their symbol of power but are connected to each member of the house.

Lady was the wolf of Sansa, who behaved perfectly. Due to Arya’s own wolf running away however, Lady was used as an example for their actions against Joffrey. Lady was therefore killed, deeply wounding a young Sansa.


One of the most disturbing things about the show is the relationship between Cersei and Jaime. The two are twins and yet have an incestuous bond and have even had kids together. It’s fitting they found their ending together, killed by falling debris.

Bran actually discovered this in the first-ever episode of the show. Fearing the worse, Cersei encouraged Jaime to do something about it, so the Kingslayer pushed the young boy from the window, with the child seemingly falling to his death.


One thing that affected the Starks and other major households more than most was the fact that Cersei actually sat on the Iron Throne for some time. This of course interfered with the true heir to the throne, Jon Snow.

Not only this, her power seeped into every aspect of Westeros, deeply weakening the Starks in some areas. Her level of control only continued as she sought to wipe out the Starks and anyone else that wanted her throne!