After spending most of the series totally down for the count, House Stark managed to not only rally when they needed to most, they essentially saved all of Westeros and took over all of Westeros in a few short days. It felt like vindication for Ned, Robb, and all of the fallen Starks who didn’t make it to this point, and anyone who considered themselves a fan of the Starks was undoubtedly somewhat satisfied with the conclusion of the series.

However, like with most of the characters on Game of Thrones, questions still remain about the Starks. It’s impossible to know what will happen to them beyond this moment, but here are the 10 biggest questions we have lingering about this family of wolves.

How Does Their Familial Inheritance Work Now?

So technically it would seem that Sansa is now the head of House Stark. However, as Ned Stark’s eldest son, Bran should technically be the inheritor of House Stark. And there is even an argument to be made that Jon should now be the Lord of House Stark.

But even beyond that, how will the line of succession change based on who has children? Presumably at least one of the Stark siblings will have children, but it’s very possible that none of them will, so what would happen then?

Why Was Bran Made King?

We all heard Tyrion’s (rather flimsy) argument as to why Bran Stark should be the king of the Seven Kingdoms. And although Tyrion didn’t mention it, it does seem fair to point out that as the three-eyed raven Bran is pretty uniquely qualified to be a good king.

However, it’s not the Seven Kingdoms anymore, it’s Six. And very noticeably, the one kingdom that is now gone is the North, which is the seat of House Stark. So technically, the Starks are no longer even a noble house of the kingdoms, so why would Bran be their king?

Why Would Sansa Want Independence From Her Brother?

The war for Northern independence was hard won, and Sansa Stark truly was the spearhead of this successful campaign. However, Sansa is more politically savvy than anyone.

Being the leader of the North means a lot to her, but taking it’s independence from the crown that now sits on her own brother’s head does a lot to destabilize the already tenuous position of the Seven Kingdoms as well as Bran’s position. The North will never be completely independent from the rest of Westeros anyway, so why would Sansa of all people go for such a bad political play?

Will Jon Ever Be Lord Commander Again?

Or hell, is he even Lord Commander again already? It would seem that despite his extraordinary journey and literal royal parentage, Jon Snow’s life was always meant to be lived at the Wall.

Of all the punishments Jon could endure, this is one that seems like it’s barely a punishment, but is he just going to be an average foot soldier in the Night’s Watch? Or will he become Lord Commander once again? Edd was undoubtedly good at it, but Jon was likely better, so it’d be interesting to know if he resumes that duty someday.

Why Would Arya Leave?

Arya’s journey as a character has been absolutely insane, and her transformation from a brave young girl to one of the deadliest assassins in the world was extraordinary. However, Arya’s sole motivation for everything she has ever done has been her family.

She went through all of this in order to avenge them, and she went on a massive journey away from home only to do everything she could to get back there. So why when she finally had her family back and safe would she decide to live on what may be a suicide mission?

Is Nymeria Still Connected To Arya?

The Starks clearly have very strong connections to their direwolves. In fact, Arya is the only Stark to ever leave her direwolf behind willingly (or at least willingly in comparison to the way that other Starks have lost their own direwolves).

And the reunion between Arya and Nymeria was a long awaited one, that unfortunately wound up being a bit of a dud. The direwolves are meant to be extensions of Starks themselves, so Arya leaving Nymeria behind and taking off again begs the question, is she even connected to her direwolf anymore?

Who Will Succeed Sansa?

Sansa Stark is now the queen of the independent North. She has no husband or children as of yet, and although she likely will marry it seems relevant who is poised to take over for her in the event of her untimely death.

But more interestingly and importantly, has Sansa’s selection as queen changed the way succession works in the North forever? Namely, will her firstborn child inherit the throne no matter if it’s a boy or a girl?

Who Will Succeed Bran?

No offense meant to Bran, but the line of his succession seems significant for other reasons. Even if Sansa’s skill as a leader have changed the minds of the Northmen when it comes to needing a man to lead them, it seems like the other six kingdoms are more than happy to stick to a male leader for the time being.

However, who is set up as Bran’s successor at the moment? And, to be frank, even if Bran decides that he wants to marry and have children, how many people are really going to want to hook up with robo-Bran, even if he is king now?

Why Did Arya Go West Instead Of East?

The trip west from Westeros is obviously shorter than the trip east, however if Arya wants to explore the unknown world why not start the route through the known world first? Arya is brave and bold to be sure, but she’s not dumb.

For most people, setting sail to the west has been a permanent death sentence, so logic would dictate that the seas (or at least something) in the west are dangerous, and Arya isn’t exactly an expert sailor. Presumably she took off with the best sailors the North had to offer, but plenty more experienced seamen have tried and failed to make the trip.

Will The Starks Ever Reunite?

The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. That was meant to be one of the major lessons that Ned Stark imparted on his children, and past experience would demonstrate that this parable was pretty reliably true.

And after the Starks spent most of the series separated against their will, it was thrilling to see them finally reunite and basically save the world, but that made their decision to all separate by the end even more confusing. So now that they’re scattered across the world, will they ever actually reunite again?