The Faceless Men are one of the most mysterious organizations in the world of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. The Faceless Men worship the Many-Faced God of death, work as assassins, are said to abhor slavery, and hold the words valar morghulis (all men must die) and valar dohaeris (all men must serve) close to heart.

Despite the fact that Arya’s time with the Faceless Men reached its conclusion, we still learned very little about the organization as a whole, leading many fans to be disappointed with their treatment on the show.

This article will list 10 unanswered questions we still have about the Faceless Men.

How Does Their Magic Work?

The Faceless Men have the power to wear the faces of other people in order to disguise themselves while they go about their daily business of assassination. While their power is undoubtedly cool and interesting, it is also puzzling as no explanation is given for how they came to possess this ability.

Magic in the world of Game of Thrones is often tied to fire and blood, as well as to sacrifice. For Daenerys to wake her dragons, she had to sacrifice both Drogo and Mirri Maz Duur. Whenever someone is resurrected using the power of R’hllor, they come back different and changed. For example, Beric comes back as barely the same man and Catelyn Stark is hell-bent on revenge.

What Is Jaqen H’ghar Doing In the Citadel?

In the books, it is heavily implied that Jaqen H’ghar is also in the Citadel while Sam is there. The facial features of Jaqen after he last sees Arya are described exactly the same in Sam’s POV chapter in the Citadel.

This begs the question, what is Jaqen doing in the Citadel? The general theory is that Jaqen is searching for some lost knowledge, though what this is cannot be said for certain. Some believe he is searching for a book entitled “The Death of Dragons,” though fans will have to wait and see if that holds true.

Why Was Jaqen H’ghar In The Black Cells?

If Jaqen’s main aim while in Westeros was to reach the Citadel and Old Town, then why does he end up in the Black Cells at King’s Landing? This is mysterious for two reasons; firstly, to get to Old Town, one doesn’t necessarily have to pass through King’s Landing. Secondly, how does an elite assassin get captured in the first place?

Was Jaqen’s quest in Old Town linked to him being in King’s Landing and trapped in the Black Cells? While the show does not answer this question, there is still hope that it might be revealed in the book series.

Will They Help In The War For The Dawn?

The Faceless Men are a death worshipping cult that opposes slavery. It seems clear from this information, then, that the Faceless Men ought to be opposed to the White Walkers and their army of the dead. The reason for this is that the White Walkers bring the dead back to life, contradicting valar morghulis, and then enslave the body to their own will.

With this in mind, will the Faceless Men help fight against the White Walkers and the army of the dead in the War for Dawn?

What Do The Faceless Men Want?

While a little bit about their ideological beliefs is known, the same cannot be said about the guild’s actual goals. The Faceless Men claim to have caused the Doom of Valyria, bringing to an end the Valyrian Empire and its reliance on slavery, before then starting its own assassin’s guild in Braavos.

However, what does this reveal about their future goals and purpose in the story? Do they intend to ‘break the chains’ of all slaves in the world? Or just continue taking money for their assassinations?

In The Show, Where Were The Other Faceless Men?

In the show, the House of Black and White is shown to be sparsely populated. Aside from those who wish to die, the only people seen in the Faceless Men’s main base of operations are Arya, Jaqen, and the Waif. This is strange considering the amount of power the Faceless Men are said to hold.

Is their huge operation based on a lie or are most of their agents and assassins constantly out completing tasks? While the lack of Faceless Men in the House of Black and White could be just an issue with the production of the show, it is still an unanswered question.

While the source of their ability to change their faces is not known, the magic could be speculated to be linked to skin-changing. Skin-changing is very prevalent in the story of a Song of Ice and Fire. A Dance with Dragons’ prologue is told from the POV of the skin-changer Varamyr Six Skins; meanwhile, Arya, Jon, and Bran all possess the ability to skin-change or warg into their direwolves.

Is the ability to skin-change closely related to the power of the Faceless Men? While the source of their power may have been unexplored in the show, perhaps the book series will cover the magical side in more depth.

How Did They Destroy Valyria?

In the books, it’s heavily implied by the Kindly Man that the Faceless Men had a hand in the destruction of Valyria. The Faceless Men had been killing the Valyrian slaves for years as euthanasia before they eventually brought the gift of death to the masters of Valyria, but how did they do this?

A huge explosion doesn’t seem like the Modus Operandi of the Faceless Men. Even if they did cause the explosion, how did they manipulate the Fourteen Flames to explode and cause the Doom of Valyria?

Did Euron Hire Them To Kill Balon?

Due to Euron’s timely appearance on Pyke and the character’s questionable morals, it has long been speculated that Euron killed his brother Balon in order to take control of the Iron Islands. The show suggests that Euron himself did the murder, whereas the book appears to suggest it was a Faceless Man.

The Ghost of High Heart stated “I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung. On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings.”

As Euron is referred to as the Crow’s Eye, it heavily implies that Euron hired the Faceless Men to kill Balon. This also raises more questions, mainly, how did Euron pay to have a King murdered and could it have been Jaqen H’ghar that carried out the deed?

Do They Have A Dragon Egg?

Following on from the last entry in this list, some believe that Euron paid for the Faceless Men to kill Balon by offering them his dragon egg. Euron boasted about owning a dragon egg but alleged that he threw the egg into the sea from his ship in a fit of rage.

It would be incredibly costly to hire the Faceless Men to kill a King, but a dragon egg may just meet the asking price. If that proves to be the case, why do the Faceless Men need a dragon egg and what will they do with one?