The mysterious prophecy surrounding Azor Ahai is one of the most intriguing in both Game of Thrones and a Song of Ice and Fire. It is said that Azor Ahai helped to end the Long Night eight thousand years before the events in Game of Thrones. The legend says that Azor Ahai forged his burning sword, Lightbringer after he tempered its steel by stabbing his own wife, Nissa Nissa.

With Lightbringer, Azor Ahai was able to defeat the Others and drive off the Long Night. Throughout Game of Thrones, we have references to Azor Ahai, both to the original story and to a prophecy that tells the tale of Azor Ahai’s return. This article will list 10 unanswered questions we still have about Azor Ahai.

How Did Azor Ahai End The Long Night?

While we know that the legendary Azor Ahai committed some form of blood magic to form his flaming sword by sacrificing his own wife, we know very little about how this helped defeat the Others and end the Long Night. It’s heavily implied by the forging of this magical sword that he ended the Long Night with blood and violence, but this isn’t necessarily the case.

We know that the fight between the Children of the Forest and the First Men ended with a pact between the two races, perhaps this was similar in the Long Night. The tales of Craster and the Night’s King show us that you can make deals with the Others, so the possibility exists.

Is Azor Ahai Connected To The Last Hero?

The Azor Ahai story is mainly connected to Essos, the land to the east of Westeros; it is through Melisandre that we learn the story of Azor Ahai. In Westeros, however, we have the story of the Last Hero. It is said that the Last Hero ventured north during the Long Night to find the Others.

Old Nan said the Last Hero went north with 13 companions, horses, and a dog. As he went north his companions died, his horses died; eventually, even his dog died, leaving him alone. The Others could smell the warm blood in his veins and closed in on the Last Hero… Old Nan is cut off before she can finish the story, but it bears similarities to the Azor Ahai story. Are they the same person? Or is the Last Hero the Song of Ice, to Azor Ahai’s Song of Fire?

Where Is Lightbringer?

A central element of the Azor Ahai story is the legendary, burning sword, Lightbringer. It is hinted that Lightbringer is the cause of the White Walkers’ eventual defeat during the original Long Night. This leads to the question, then, where is Lightbringer?

A fan theory suggests that the ancestral sword of House Dayne, Dawn, is Lightbringer. It is said that Dawn was forged from the heart of a burning star, which bears a literary similarity to Lightbringer’s forging through Nissa Nissa’s heart. Additionally, Dawn glows like pale milk which sets it apart from Valyrian steel yet it shares similar properties. Finally, those deemed worthy of wielding Dawn are called ’the Sword of the Morning'.

Did The Others Attack From Westeros And Essos?

The Essos connection to the Azor Ahai legend begs the question of whether or not the Others attacked both Essos and Westeros. George Martin has said his world is round, so it seems feasible to suggest that there may be some unknown connection between the two continents.

Additionally, beyond Yi-Ti in the far east of Essos, there exists a structure called the Five Forts. It is said that this structure was built to keep the Lion of the Night and his demons from the lands of men, which makes the Five Forts sound very similar in form and function to the Wall of Westeros.

Will Azor Ahai Return?

One of the many prophecies in Game of Thrones is concerned with the return of Azor Ahai. Melisandre is obsessed with the prophecy, believing that it is Stannis Baratheon who is Azor Ahai reborn, though she appears to change her mind in this belief later in the TV series and book series.

However, will Azor Ahai actually return or is the purpose of the Azor Ahai prophecy and legend simply a literary device to highlight the impending doom of the Long Night?

Is Azor Ahai Daenerys?

If the Azor Ahai prophecy does point to a rebirth of Azor Ahai, then who is the modern Azor Ahai? Some believe that the obvious choice is Daenerys Targaryen. The prophecy states that Azor Ahai will be reborn beneath bleeding stars, amidst salt and smoke, will wake dragons from stone, and will draw the burning sword Lightbringer.

During the events of the first book and the first season of Game of Thrones, Daenerys wakes dragons from stone and is ‘reborn’ under a red comet (bleeding star) during her rebirth in the pyre (where there is also salt and smoke). The only mystery is whether or not she has drawn Lightbringer. Some believe that the dragons themselves are ‘Lightbringer’, but this is simply a fan theory.

Is Azor Ahai Jon Snow?

While Jon Snow doesn’t fit the Azor Ahai prophecy as literally as Daenerys, there is still some cause to believe that he may be the prophecized hero. After the mutiny in season 5 and in a Dance with Dragons, Jon’s wounds are described as ‘smoking’, Bowen Marsh’s tears are salty, and Ser Patrick’s cloak with its 5 pointed star is seen as the bleeding star.

Furthermore, Jon has dreams in which he fights the Others with a burning red sword in his hand, which is heavy foreshadowing. However, Jon is yet to wake dragons from stone as the prophecy requires.

Did The Bloodstone Emperor Really Cause The Long Night? 

One of the old stories Essos suggests that it was the Bloodstone Emperor who causes the Long Night 8 thousand years ago. The Great Empire of the Dawn was an advanced civilization that existed in the far east of Essos and was governed by ‘Gemstone Emperors’, such as the Pearl, Opal, and Amethyst Emperors.

However, it is said that the Long Night was ushered in after the Bloodstone Emperor killed his own sister, the Amethyst Emperor, to gain power over the Empire.

Who Is The Modern Nissa Nissa? 

The original tale of Azor Ahai is one of tragedy and sacrifice. In order to save the world from the Others and the Long Night, Azor Ahai must sacrifice his own love. This begs two questions: will Nissa Nissa need a modern counterpart and if yes, who will this be?

The obvious answer to this question is that Nissa Nissa will be Daenerys, the show even had a scene in which Jon Snow stabbed Dany in a similar way to Nissa Nissa. Although, some fans believe that Nissa Nissa will be Melisandre.

Will Lightbringer Have To Be Reformed?

There is a question over whether or not Lightbringer will have to be reforged. Perhaps any sword could be Lightbringer, one just has to perform the ritual that will make it able to defeat the White Walkers and the army of the undead.

The Game of Thrones TV series didn’t really touch on Lightbringer or the Azor Ahai prophecy, so there are little answers to be found over the existence of Lightbringer in the show. We will have to wait and see how the story plays out in the books to get the answer to this question.