There’s no question that Tyrion Lannister, the most famous imp in all of Westeros, was a massive fan-favorite throughout all eight Game of Thrones seasons. No matter the dire circumstances, you could always count on Tyrion for a good laugh with his hysterical and sarcastic wit.

Even though the show’s eighth and final season left a bad taste in most fans’ mouths, people clung on to their love for Tyrion and even wished he had been the one to wind up on the now destroyed iron throne. Since there’s no doubt that we all miss the hilarious Tyrion Lannister, let’s treat ourselves to some memes about the character that’ll have us laughing like the first time we saw him smack Joffrey.

Lannister Debts

We’ll kick things off with an oldie but a goodie. At one point or another, during the run of Game of Thrones, nearly every member of House Lannister uttered the signature phrase, “A Lannister always pays their debts.” With the phrase being pumped out so much between Tyrion, Tywin, Jaime, and Cersei, you had to imagine that at some point it’d be used for a meme.

With so many debts to repay, the Lannisters could easily be part of any credit card advertisement. Well, that’s exactly what this meme aims to do, making Tyrion Lannister the face for Mastercard.

Tallest Lannister Alive

By the end of the final season, Tyrion was the last Lannister standing. Ironically, that means he was the tallest Lannister left alive. Although most jokes from those around Tyrion were made about his height, there was no one better at teasing his size than Tyrion. So you have to imagine that at some point once the final season of events had concluded, Tyrion probably made plenty of jokes regarding being the tallest Lannister alive.

The Decline

Like most characters in Game of Thrones, even Tyrion’s character arc is criticized ad nauseum. Basically from the moment he joined Daenerys, Tyrion was accused of losing that signature flavor that made him such a loveable character from the get-go.

Regardless of your love for Tyrion, you have to admit he did lose some of the hysterical sarcasm that made him one of the funniest characters throughout the earlier seasons. Here, in meme fashion, we get a better idea of the biggest changes that came with the shift of Tyrion’s character arc.

Deadly Bowels

Even though it came with some serious implications, one of the funniest moments in Game of Thrones history has to be Tyrion killing his father while on the toilet. From the first time we saw that scene, we all could’ve guessed someone would meme at some point. This one, in particular, is short and sweet and gets to the most important question of all, who kills a man while he’s using the bathroom?

Modern Problems

One of Tyrion’s final act in the series was pushing for Bran Stark to become the King of Westeros. Why he did this, we’ll never really have a good idea. There’s probably a large contingent out there who would’ve preferred Tyrion end up on the throne himself, but that dream quickly faded away.

So, maybe Tyrion had some bizarre reasoning behind choosing Bran to take the throne. Maybe modern problems require modern solutions. With how much criticism and jokes are made towards the ending of Game of Thrones, this meme feels appropriate to poke fun at the way Tyrion made that ending happen.

Brains and Bronn

No matter what your stance on Game of Thrones is after the finale, we can all agree that the relationship between Tyrion Lannister and Ser Bronn of the Blackwater is one of the best the show had to offer. Not only did the two secretly care for each other, but they provided some of the most hysterical back and forth moments in the show’s time on air.

One of the longest-running jokes between the two is that Bronn always technically worked for Tyrion, regardless of their friendship. As this so beautifully and hilariously points out, for a while, Tyrion wasn’t just the brains that could talk himself out of any situation, but he had some Bronn to back it up as well.

The Gift

If there’s one thing that defines Tyrion’s character throughout the earlier seasons of the show, it was his quick wit and sarcastic comments. Even in the tensest and serious situations, Tyrion could make light of it with some kind of quip.

What was so great about most of those quips is that make for hilarious memes like this one. Something as simple as “I’m the gift” can be utilized in hundreds of different contexts, making for some hilarious content.


Although he moved away from it throughout the later seasons, alcohol was always another big part of Tyrion Lannister’s character. You’d almost always find him with a drink in hand accompanying some kind of witty remark. Plus, with every cup of wine or simple mention of alcohol, Tyrion was indirectly creating more and more meme potential. Along with memes like this one, there are hundreds in which Tyrion either praises or shamefully admits his love for alcohol and being drunk in hilarious fashion.

Happy Father’s Day

There was absolutely no way we could only mention Tyrion’s infamous toilet bowl killing just once. The murder of Tywin Lannister was just as critical to the show as it was hilarious to the fans.

It also helped created an incredible amount of memes. In fact, the entire relationship between Tyrion and Tywin sparked hundreds of memes playing on their contempt for one another. Although it’s simple and to the point, this happy Father’s Day meme is hysterically ironic and a perfect testament to the dysfunctional father-son relationship of Tyrion and Tywin.

For The Haters

Last, but certainly not least, comes a special message to all the Game of Thrones haters from Tyrion Lannister himself. While we can all agree that the ending of the beloved saga didn’t exactly meet expectations, there’s still certainly plenty to love about what Game of Thrones did over the last decade. There’s really no reason to claim hatred for the entire show just for a lackluster final season.

From the moment it happened, you knew that Tyrion slapping Joffrey would be made into dozens of memes. Well, that’s exactly what we’ve got here and in beautiful fashion. If you still find yourselves claiming you hate the show, just take a look back at all the great and hilarious moments Tyrion delivered over eight seasons and try to remind yourself why we all fell in love with this show in the first place.