Tywin Lannister was one of the most powerful players in the game of thrones. A respected military leader, the Lannister patriarch was considered the true power in Westeros even whilst his grandsons Joffrey and Tommen sat the Iron Throne, winning their wars for them in the battlefield and the Small Council chamber.

There is no doubt that Game Of Thrones as we know it would be completely different if Tywin Lannister had lived. Not only would his presence upset Cersei and Jaime’s storylines but Tyrion would have to face his father on more even footing after returning to Westeros with Daenerys Targaryen. Here are 10 things that might have happened if Tywin survived.

Cersei Doesn’t Become Queen

It is unclear how Cersei seized the throne after Tommen’s suicide but the most logical solution is that is there was simply nobody left to contest her. As Tywin distrusted his daughter, claiming she wasn’t as clever as she thought she was, he would have prevented her from becoming the most powerful person in Westeros, seizing that role for himself.

This means that Daenerys would have waged war against Tywin instead of Cersei. As a respected military leader, this would only make life harder for the Dragon Queen.

No Sparrows

The religious fanatics in season five were bolstered by Tywin’s death, but if he had survived then they would not have come to King’s Landing. Cersei would never arm the Faith Militant and her walk of shame would never have happened.

Tywin’s presence alone commanded fear. The High Sparrow would have laid low rather than provoke the fury of the most powerful man in Westeros.

The Sept Of Baelor Is Never Destroyed

Without the Faith Militant provoking her wrath, Cersei would have no reason to destroy the Sept of Baelor. This means that Margaery and Loras would never have perished and there would be additional players in the game of thrones.

With Margaery alive, Cersei is further ousted from power as opposed to seizing the Iron Throne. As Tommen’s wife, Margaery would have been Queen of Westeros, adored by the people of King’s Landing.

Tommen Lives

A heartbroken Tommen commits suicide after witnessing the fiery death of his wife, Margaery. With the Tyrell queen alive, Tommen would have no reason to take his own life and would continue to sit the Iron Throne.

This would mean that Tommen would technically be at war with Daenerys after the Dragon Queen arrives from Essos, with Tywin pulling the strings behind him. Given his unpopularity as the bastard son of the Lannister twins, it remains unlikely that the common people would continue to support him.

House Tyrell Remain Loyal

House Tyrell was the Lannisters’ most valuable allies. They controlled the wealth of Highgarden and the food from the Reach, making them a rich family with plenty of resources that the Lannisters need.

With Margaery and Loras alive, Olenna would have no reason to declare war on Cersei and ally with Daenerys. This goes in the Lannisters’ favor… unless Dany’s forces are the ones who sack Highgarden and put the Lannister allies to death instead.

A Smarter War With The Starks

Tywin would not have permitted his defeated enemies to regain any power. The Lannisters already defeated the Starks during the War of the Five Kings and, if Tywin lives to see Jon and Sansa reclaim Winterfell, he would ensure that their second war has the same result.

Sansa was wanted for the murder of Joffrey and Tywin would use this as an excuse to wage war on Winterfell. However, Tywin’s tactics are smarter and sneakier, meaning the Stark siblings could find themselves losing the home they momentarily reclaimed.

Tywin Sends A Faceless Man To Kill Daenerys

Tywin would have known that Dany’s armies and dragons were too great a threat for him to defeat, and Dany would never ally with the man who ordered the deaths of her niece and nephew. It is likely that Tywin, knowing he cannot defeat her in the field, would hire a Faceless Man to assassinate the Dragon Queen.

This could work if the Lannisters have enough money to fund the Faceless Men, who are known for their high prices. However, Tywin did mention to Cersei that their gold mines had run dry, meaning that they might not be able to afford the Faceless Men after all.

Tywin Vs. Tyrion

If Tyrion heeds the advice of Varys and travels to Meereen without killing his father then he is only postponing their clash. Instead of waging war against Cersei as Daenerys’ Hand, Tyrion would be in open conflict with the father who despises him.

Tywin always scorned his son due to his disability and seeing Tyrion at the head of the Targaryen army would have confirmed his bias opinions. The war between father and son would have been interesting to see as Tyrion is said to be more like Tywin than either Jaime or Cersei.

Betrayal At The Dragonpit

If Tywin had lived then the suicide mission to retrieve a wight from beyond the Wall probably would not have happened. However, if for some reason it still did and Jon and Daenerys travel to the Dragonpit to seek a truce, then there is no way Tywin would have allowed his enemies to leave King’s Landing alive.

Traps would have been set for the Starks and Targaryens from the moment they set foot in the Capitol - though with Drogon and Rhaegal circling overhead it remains unclear if Tywin’s treachery would work.

Cersei & Jaime Get Married… But Not To Each Other

Tywin had commanded Cersei to marry Loras Tyrell before his death, though the Lannister queen refused. Had he survived then there is no doubt that Tywin would have forced her to remarry as well as finding a suitable bride for Jaime, who with Tyrion in exile would be the sole heir to Casterly Rock.

Cersei informed Tywin of her incestuous relationship with Jaime before his death, much to the Lannister patriarch’s disgust. Forcing his children to marry would effectively keep them apart as well as forging new alliances for the Iron Throne.