Game of Thrones set up a number of significant relationships that stood throughout the show. Whether it was Dany and Missandei, Varys and Tyrion, or in this case, Theon and Sansa. But were the Greyjoy and the Stark ever truly friends?

There’s plenty of signs that point to the fact that Theon and Sansa were not friends at all. Perhaps it was their actions or their general attitudes towards one another but there are 10 reasons why these two were probably faking it.


When they were younger Theon and Sansa had a bit of a childhood rivalry. The fact is, Sansa didn’t really get on with anyone around her. She came off as spoilt and didn’t really respect her own family at all.

Of course, the irony is that Theon was also from a spoilt background and wanted to be elsewhere from his family. He, therefore, should have had a lot in common with Sansa but resented her for her childish behavior, perhaps recognizing it in himself.


Theon and Sansa were both similar yet so different. They both, therefore, took quite different paths early on and certainly didn’t want to be with one another. Theon chose a rebellious path we will talk more about later.

Sansa, on the other hand, wanted to move to the south, where she was in turn manipulated by the Lannisters. It was not something Theon would have ever bothered to stop and they certainly didn’t want to stick together in any way.


Theon took his actions a step way too far though. He introduced the other Greyjoys to Winterfell with the knowledge that it was unprotected. He took over the castle and killed many of its inhabitants, endangering Sansa’s family in the process.

It is obvious that if Theon has any respect for Sansa, in particular, then he would never have done that to her home. In fact, it took a long time for anyone to really forgive him for what he did and Sansa was one of the people that took the longest to deal with it.


Theon was a coward for a long period of time after his treatment and the creation of reek. When Sansa was in a terrible situation it took way too long for Theon to save her. Granted he was incredibly scared about what might happen to him.

However, if he was truly her friend he would have stepped in a lot soon and not let the horrific things that happen to Sansa take place. It’s another thing that he probably shouldn’t be forgiven for since he acted far too late.


Theon and Sansa have a real lack of understanding of one another. Sansa can never come to terms as to why Theon is in a real emotional state of depression. She doesn’t quite understand the abuse he has also suffered.

Theon can never quite piece together that Sansa is the same young girl he once left. She has grown up a lot but doesn’t need protection in quite the same way. However, he also can’t quite understand her motivations and what she really wants.


Theon and Sansa were never quite true family. While they were brought up alongside one another, Sansa was always a Stark and Theon was always a Greyjoy. They, therefore, had very different loyalties, which stopped them from bonding.

Theon would probably pick his own family over Sansa and indeed has before by leaving her to find his sister. In the same way, Sansa wouldn’t consider Theon as part of their family still, perhaps due to the fact he never quite acted like a Stark.


Sansa knows the stakes when the White Walkers and the Night King attack Winterfell for the first and last time. She also knows that by sending Theon to protect Bran he won’t be coming back and will likely die in the oncoming battle.

Yet, she allows this to happen without stopping events. She should have been the closest to Theon in theory but once again she chose her own family over him and Theon really did pay the price. It was clearly a worthy loss in her eyes.


Sansa will constantly support her own interests over Theon. Politically speaking, she will angle events to suit her rather than that of the Greyjoys. She stood up for Theon when he returned but only to keep him around to protect her.

She perhaps sees Theon more as an object to use rather than an actual friend. Later on into their relationship, Theon doesn’t quite operate in the same way. He gives up interest in being King himself and essentially serves Sansa in a very fake friendship.


Speaking of political dealings, during the quest for the Iron Throne, Theon’s family actually support the Targaryen’s over the Starks. Of course, the Starks also side with Dany eventually but this troubles Sansa even more.

She doesn’t trust this new regime that is being made and there’s a betrayal here in some way that Theon would stand by his sister who pledged house Greyjoy’s support long ago. There’s a real lack of loyalty here.


It seems that the main point that each of these entries has made is that this is a friendship of necessity if it can even be called that. Theon has Sansa for political protection in some ways, Sansa has Theon to physically protect her.

Both have however been useless in these roles as well due to only wanting to be loyal to the other when it suits their needs best. This is not a friendship by any means therefore but some sort of unstable partnership at best.