In the fantasy world of Game of Thrones, alliances are forged and broken on a regular basis. Betrayals are all too common. Just as soon as your favorite character lets his or her guard down is when that character dies. Although the characters are sometimes oblivious, every viewer knows that absolutely no one is to be trusted.

One of the stronger friendships in Game of Thrones was the one formed between Bronn and Jamie. They trained together, drank together, and, most importantly, fought alongside one another. Despite all of this, because of the nature of Game of Thrones, they were never truly friends. Here are ten reasons why Jamie and Bronn aren’t real friends.

Jamie and Tyrion

In Game of Thrones, if you’re going to truly be someone’s friends you have to be able to stick with them through all the thick and thin of war. Any conflicting allegiances mean that your heart is not truly committed to the relationship.

Jamie loves his brother Tyrion and will do anything for him. Well, almost anything. It has been shown on numerous occasions that Jamie is willing to put his neck out for his younger brother, even if it goes against his own allegiances. As the hand of Queen Daenerys, Tyrion is not exactly on the side of Bronn. When Jamie decides to side with Tyrion, he is siding against Bronn, along with many other of his former allies.

Bronn’s Betrayal

After finding himself back in King’s Landing, Bronn was approached by Qyburn. Qyburn was there to make Bronn a tender offer too good to pass up: kill Tyrion and Jamie in exchange for wealth and his own castle.

Bronn accepted the offer and headed off to kill both of his former friends. Armed with the crossbow that Tyrion had used to murder his father, Bronn barely hesitated before agreeing to betray the two Lannisters.

Bronn Was Ready To Kill Jamie

When Bronn finally had made it to where Jamie and Tyrion were, he pointed the crossbow at the two of them and made several demands. Still believing that they had some sort of friendship, or at least that Bronn wouldn’t actually do anything, Jamie laughs it off and tries to reason with Bronn.

Bronn then fires a bolt at Jamie, just missing his head. He wanted to let his old “friend” know that he was totally willing to murder Jamie in cold blood.

Jamie’s Love For Cersei

By the end of the series, it became evident that Jamie loved his sister Cersei to a fault. He eventually was doomed to death because he was unwilling to leave her side. Despite all of the evil in her heart, Jamie loved her with all of his.

In the end, Jamie had no true friends. The only person he ever wished to serve, the only agenda he ever wished to pursue was that of Cersei. Eventually, Jamie paid for these feelings with his life.

Bronn Looks After Himself

One thing made incredibly clear in every single conversation that any character has with Bronn is that he only looks after himself. On multiple occasions, Bronn has told different GOT characters directly that if given the choice, he would betray them in exchange for higher status.

Throughout the series, Bronn continues to look after number one over all others. If killing Jamie meant that Bronn would gain all the power and titles he had ever wanted, he would do so in a heartbeat. Because of this, the two of them aren’t really friends.

Jamie Has Become A Good Person

After being captured by Rob Stark, Jamie Lannister had his hand cut off. Once he was arguably the greatest fighter in all of Westeros. Following that series of unfortunate events, he had some serious soul searching to do.

Jamie then spent some time with Brienne of Tarth. She changed him for the better, reminding him of the days when he actually fought on the side of the right. Once Jamie became more of a good person, there was no way he was ever going to truly be friends with a crook like Bronn.

Bronn Only Wants Wealth

It’s not just power and titles that Bronn desires, but untold levels of wealth as well. He has absolutely no shame about this feeling in the show and makes it known to anyone and everyone quite freely.

A greedy materialist like Bronn has no friends. The people he keeps close to himself in life are merely tools that he uses to get one step closer to his ultimate goal of attaining as much coin as possible.

Jamie Is Loyal To The Lannisters

If Jamie proved anything throughout his Game of Thrones journey, it was that he is completely loyal to his own house. The Lannisters will always be his family, and Jamie will do whatever it takes to help his house maintain as high a status in the realm of Westeros as is possible for them.

Just as Bronn would betray Jamie as soon as he knew it would further his own wealth and power, Jamie would likely do the same if he knew that it would give House Lannister any sort of advantage.

Only “Friends” By Circumstance

When Jamie first returned to King’s Landing after his horrible injury, he needed to learn how to fight with his off-hand. Bronn was hired and assigned to serve as Jamie’s instructor. This is where there “relationship” began.

The two men would never have actually chosen to be “friends” if circumstances hadn’t forced them together. Rather, Jamie would have definitely preferred to never talk to Bronn in the first place., and Bronn likely would have done the same.

No Game of Thrones Relationship is Safe

Time and time again, fans of this show have been forced to watch as their favorite characters betray each other. At times it’s torturous, but that’s what has made Game of Thrones one of the greatest television shows of the 21st Century so far.

No GoT relationship/ friendship is safe from betrayal. Bronn and Jamie’s “friendship” is especially the case for this. They were never truly friends, it just so happened that their ultimate objectives aligned with one another for a time.