Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen initially appeared as the ultimate power couple of Game Of Thrones. However, we soon learn that the lovers are secretly aunt and nephew as Jon is the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and the heir to the Iron Throne.

Jon’s relationship with Dany ends in disaster after the Dragon Queen snaps in season eight’s controversial “The Bells.” After destroying King’s Landing, Daenerys declares war on the rest of the world and Jon later stabs her through the heart to protect his family. Considering the tragic culmination of this pairing, perhaps Jon should have pursued these characters instead…


Ygritte was Jon Snow’s first love and is arguably the woman he loved most in the series. The pair meet after Jon travels beyond the Wall with the Night’s Watch. Jon convinces the wildlings he has abandoned his brothers only to later betray Ygritte and the Free Folk.

Jon and Ygritte loved each other despite the bloody history between the Night’s Watch and the wildlings. If Ygritte had survived then it is likely that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen would never have been romantically involved and their alliance would have been purely political.


Melisandre is the second redhaired woman to repeat the famous Game Of Throne line “you know nothing, Jon Snow.” The red priestess meets Jon for the first time after arriving at the Wall with Stannis Baratheon. Melisandre resurrects Jon in season six and later believes him to be the Prince Who Was Promised.

Melisandre tries to seduce Jon but the former Lord Commander rejects her advances. With Melisandre by his side, Jon could have been unstoppable and could have concluded the series as King of the Seven Kingdoms.


Karsi appeared briefly in season five’s “Hardhome.” Jon travels beyond the Wall to Hardhome to make peace with the wildlings. He shares significant chemistry with outspoken wildling Karsi, but she is tragically murdered when the army of the dead descends upon them.

Jon feels more kinship with the wildlings and is happier beyond the Wall with the Free Folk. If Karsi had lived then Jon could have reunited with her in the series finale after being banished from Westeros.

Alys Karstark

Jon Snow is a true Northerner despite his Targaryen heritage. He would have arguably been a lot happier with a Northern lover and marrying another Northern lady would have strengthened his position as King in the North.

Jon pardons Alys Karstark for her family’s crimes in season seven, despite Sansa’s urging. The Karstarks were one of the Starks’ strongest allies and marrying Alys could have reunited their houses following the war.

Sansa Stark

Jon grew up believing Sansa was his half-sister, but it is later revealed that the two are cousins as Jon is Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark’s son. Marriage between cousins wasn’t uncommon in Westeros - Tywin Lannister married his cousin Joanna - and wedding Sansa would have solidified the Starks’ position as rulers of the North.

Jon may have struggled with seeing Sansa romantically but his relationship with his aunt Daenerys proved that the secret Targaryen is no stranger to incest. Sansa could have become Queen in the North in season seven, ruling Winterfell alongside Jon.

Samwell Tarly

Samwell Tarly is one of Jon Snow’s oldest and truest friends. The two characters initially meet as recruits for the Night’s Watch. Jon defends Sam from bullies and is arguably the former Tarly heir’s first friend. They swear their Night’s Watch vows together before the Old Gods in front of a weirwood tree.

Sam stuck by Jon and helped him fight against the Night King and his army of wights. He puts Jon’s name forward to be Lord Commander as he recognizes his friend’s valuable leadership skills.

Meera Reed

Jon and Meera never met but they had a lot of common throughout the series. Both characters are curly-haired Northerners who risk their lives to defend Bran Stark. Meera and Jon both fought and killed White Walkers, demonstrating their formidable skills as a warrior.

It would have been great to see Jon and Meera fighting alongside each other against the army of the dead during the Battle of Winterfell. Like Alys Karstark, Meera is another highborn Northern lady and their union could have united House Stark and House Reed.

Dolorous Edd Tollett

Dolorous Edd, like Sam Tarly, was another former Night’s Watch brother of Jon’s. They first meet at the Wall in season one and embark on several dangerous journeys with each other. Jon leaves Edd in charge of the Wall in season six after riding south to defeat Ramsay Bolton.

Edd fought by Jon until the end. Jon recognized the leadership skills Edd possessed beneath his sullen and sarcastic nature. The Lord Commander stood on the front lines defending Winterfell against the Night King until his death.

Cersei Lannister

This union was highly unlikely but it would have been an interesting and mostly peaceful resolution to the conflict between House Stark and House Lannister. Cersei ascended the Iron Throne and became Queen of Westeros before declaring war on the new King in the North. A marriage pact would have united the warring families and strengthened the monarchy in the Seven Kingdoms.

Cersei was deceitful and dishonest but she also a skilled manipulator and experienced in politics. Her shrewdness would have counterbalanced Jon Snow’s naive and honorable nature.

Myrcella Baratheon

Myrcella was a minor character who met a tragic fate in the season five finale “Mother’s Mercy.” The Lannister princess was the illegitimate daughter of Jaime and Cersei. She was betrothed to Trystane Martell and sent to Dorne where she was eventually killed by Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes.

If Myrcella had lived then marrying Jon Snow would have been a viable option that could have secured the princess’ future and reunited the Starks and Lannisters. Myrcella was a sweet-natured and compassionate character who could have surprised the King in the North.