Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow’s romance culminated tragically in the controversial series finale of Game of Thrones. After witnessing the Targaryen queen succumb to madness and destroy King’s Landing with dragonfire, Jon kills his lover, aunt, and queen during an embrace in front of the Iron Throne.

Daenerys first meets Jon after she returns to Dragonstone, and later helps the Northerners defend Winterfell against the Army of the Dead. The Targaryen gave almost everything to Jon Snow — including a dragon — but in hindsight, there were other characters more deserving of her love…

Jorah Mormont

Jorah Mormont loved Daenerys Targaryen more than any other character in Game of Thrones. He initially spies on the Targaryens for Varys, but as he travels with Daenerys across Essos, he falls in love with her and fully devotes himself to her as his queen.

Daenerys never reciprocated Jorah’s feelings, although she did care deeply for him. Despite being banished twice, Jorah returns to serve his queen and dies defending her during “The Long Night.” His fierce loyalty means that Dany would have never had anything to fear.


Irri is one of the Dothraki handmaidens who is given to Daenerys when she marries Khal Drogo, along with Jhiqui and Doreah. Irri is a loyal companion to the new Khaleesi, until she is murdered in Season 2.

In the books, Daenerys has a brief sexual encounter with Irri whilst onboard a ship in Astapor. Irri is still alive in the A Song Of Ice And Fire book series and is last seen leaving Meereen with a search party to look for Daenerys after the Targaryen queen flees Daznak’s Pit atop Drogon.

Daario Naharis

Daenerys first meets Daario Naharis in the show’s third season. Daario is a sellsword hired by Yunkai to defend the city against the Unsullied. He initially opposes Dany along with the other sellsword captains, but later betrays his allies and defects to Daenerys’ army.

Dany and Daario were lovers until Tyrion convinced her to leave the sellsword in Meereen after they set sail for Westeros. If Daario had been by his queen’s side during her conquest of the Seven Kingdoms then her war might have been more successful.


Missandei was Daenerys’ best friend, and her shocking death in Season 8’s “The Last of the Starks” pushed the Targaryen queen over the edge. Dany first meets Missandei in Season 3 when she frees the Unsullied from the slave masters in Astapor.

Missandei remained by her friend’s side until her death. She defended Daenerys against Sansa while in the crypts of Winterfell in “The Long Night,” and was more loyal to her friend than Jon Snow.

Robb Stark

Robb Stark died tragically in Season 3, but if he had lived then he would have made a far better match for Daenerys than Jon Snow. Robb was a skilled battle commander with a fair nature. He understood the importance of Northern independence, and would likely have allied with Daenerys under better terms.

A marriage between the King in the North and the Targaryen queen could have united the forces of Westeros against their common enemy. Robb was at war with the Lannisters until his death, and understood the threat Cersei posed.

Yara Greyjoy

Yara Greyjoy meets Daenerys Targaryen for the first time in Season 6. The Ironborn queen travels to Meereen with Theon to seek an alliance after their uncle Euron returns to the Iron Islands and usurps the throne.

Yara and Daenerys shared significant chemistry during their scenes together. Yara was one of the few people to defend the Targaryen queen after her death in the series finale.

Gendry Baratheon

Daenerys legitimizes Gendry in Season 8’s “The Last of the Starks,” making him the official Lord of Storm’s End. As Robert Baratheon’s legitimate son, however, he also had a claim to the Iron Throne. If Daenerys and Gendry had married then their houses could have been united at long last in an ironic conclusion to Robert’s Rebellion.

Robert rebelled against the Targaryens and ruled from the Iron Throne until his death. A union between House Baratheon and House Targaryen would have been a bittersweet way to truly break the wheel.

Jaime Lannister

Jaime only had eyes for his sister Cersei and Brienne of Tarth throughout the show, but a union with Daenerys could have ended the war before it began. Unlikely as it was, the Kingslayer could have married the Dragon Queen to unite House Lannister and House Targaryen, preventing further bloodshed.

This would have been the ultimate insult to Cersei, who would never agree to this match. Jaime did kill Daenerys’ father and attempt to kill her during “The Spoils of War,” but he is still preferable to Jon Snow, who ultimately took Dany’s life.

Hizdahr zo Loraq

Hizdahr was a minor character in the fourth and fifth season of Game Of Thrones. He is a former slave trader whose father was crucified by Daenerys Targaryen after she conquered the city of Meereen.

Dany eventually arranges a political marriage with Hizdahr to stop the Sons of the Harpy and bring peace to the city. Hizdahr was suspected to be betraying the Targaryen queen, but his death in Season 5’s “The Dance of the Dragons” highlighted that he was never aligned with the murderous faction.

The Prince of Dorne

The new Prince of Dorne was a minor character in Season 8 who never received an official name. He is mentioned to have taken control of Dorne after the capture of Ellaria Sand, and pledges his support to Daenerys after the Battle of Winterfell.

Although his name was never mentioned, the unnamed Prince of Dorne was an ally to the Targaryen queen. A union between the two could have also healed the wounds of Robert’s Rebellion, as Rhaegar Targaryen betrayed Elia Martell of Dorne by leaving her for Jon’s mother, Lyanna Stark.