Brienne of Tarth is a fan-favorite character from Game of Thrones and it’s not hard to see why. She is noble, which is rare on the show, loyal and one of the best warriors in Westeros. She is also part of one of the most interesting relationships on the show with Jaime Lannister.

Though they started out as enemies, these two formed an unlikely bond and eventual romance. Sadly, Jaime left Brienne to return to Cersei, a move that upset many fans. But was there another character who could have brought her true happiness? Here are all the characters Brienne should have been with besides Jaime.

Renly Baratheon

Before Jaime entered the picture, Brienne’s first love was Renly Baratheon. When they were younger, a bunch of boys played a cruel joke on Brienne, but Renly made her feel better, hinting at his truly good heart. From then on, she vowed to protect him as part of his Kingsguard.

For Renly, a romance with Brienne was of no interest as he was a gay man hiding that secret from the world. However, Brienne understood this and loved him all the same, a love that was more important than romance. If he had lived, she would have remained by his side forever.

The Kingsguard

Romance does not seem like something that is terribly important to Brienne. Her passion in life was finding someone worth serving as the head of their Kingsguard. Like being in the Night’s Watch, committing yourself to the Kingsguard means giving up marriage and children.

Though this would be a difficult sacrifice for many, it likely isn’t for Brienne. She seems to have a higher calling and, in the end, she achieves it by serving on Bran Stark’s Kingsguard.

Podrick Payne

Perhaps the one character that could give Brienne some competition as the most loyal in Westeros is Podrick Payne. Pod started out as Tyrion Lannister’s squire and while he didn’t seem like much, he was always there for Tyrion, even saving his life at the Battle of Blackwater.

Pod was then sent to squire for Brienne to get him out of King’s Landing. He proved just as loyal even if he did require a good bit of teaching. They could have made a nice could with them both being loyal to each other, or they could have just remained as best buddies without the need for a romance.


Bronn can be quite a prickly character and one that might be difficult to get along with. Given his less than noble activities at times, Brienne probably would have needed some time to warm to him just as she did with Jaime.

However, it cannot be denied that Bronn is heroic and, following the Battle of Blackwater, gained a strong reputation. He has admitted that he finds Brienne attractive and he’s not bad looking himself. Though they don’t seem like a totally likely pair, they could have had fun together.

Davos Seaworth

Brienne and Davos first met on opposite sides of the battlefield with Brienne by Renly’s side and Davos by Stannis’ side. They met again when Brienne told Davos she executed Stannis. A lot of romances start off awkwardly on Game of Thrones, so there’s no reason this wouldn’t have worked out eventually.

Despite fighting for the opposing sides, Davos and Brienne were the loyal right-hand people of their kings. They are noble and kind-hearted people who would eventually find themselves on the same side of the fight. Despite an obvious age-gap, it could have worked out.

Theon Greyjoy

For the first few seasons of the show, Theon Greyjoy is the kind of person Brienne would have absolutely hated. He was a dishonest, disloyal, sneaky coward without any morals to speak of. However, Theon obviously changed a lot over the course of the show.

After a lot of suffering, Theon found his courage and saved Sansa Stark, something Brienne was trying to do herself. Brienne clearly likes men who find redemption, so it is possible she could have warmed to Theon over time and he probably would have appreciated such a courageous partner.

Jon Snow

Jon Snow is probably a pretty tempting romantic choice for a lot of the female characters on Game of Thrones, and while he might not seem like the best match for Brienne, he would probably have been better suited for her than Jaime.

Jon is also a heroic warrior whose skills in battle are renowned. Though she complains that he can be a bit broody, she can be guilty of that sometimes herself. Perhaps they could have fought many battles then brooded together, living happily ever after.

Jorah Mormont

Jorah Mormont is another love interest possibility who’s maybe a bit too old for Brienne. But putting that aside, he does feel like a pretty good match. As with most good matches for Brienne, loyalty is a key factor here. Jorah’s loyalty to Daenerys is intense to the point of bordering on unhealthy.

In fact, if Brienne and Jorah were to get together, it probably would have saved them from their respective unhealthy relationships. They could have lived a quiet and simple life together instead of falling in love with crazy people.

Tormund Giantsbane

It’s hard no to feel sorry for Tormund. The big, hairy and lovable Wildling found love at first sight as soon as he saw Brienne stroll into Castle Black. He was not subtle with his desire and, unfortunately for him, he may have come on too strong.

Brienne was scared off by the red-headed madman even though he just appreciated her beauty more than most men. If she had spent some time getting to know him, the two might have hit it off and formed a passionate bond together.

Tyrion Lannister

Perhaps Brienne simply had the wrong Lannister brother all along. While Jaime’s dashing good looks might be instantly attractive, it is Tyrion who offers the most as a romantic partner. Not only is he also a good-looking guy, but he is smart, kind and heroic without all the extra baggage that comes with Jaime.

Brienne and Tyrion also share a lot in common due to the cruelty they have faced throughout their lives because of their appearance. They probably understand each other more than most and could have shared the strength that they have for having overcome such abuse all their lives.