Even though he met his untimely end at the end of the first season, Eddard “Ned” Stark is still one of the most favorite heroes of the HBO epic fantasy show Game of Thrones. Fans liked him because of his honest nature and kindness with which he treated his children - daughters Arya and Sansa, and sons Bran, Rickon, and Robb.

And, of course, Jon Snow, whom Ned raised as his own. While Ned’s children and his fans alike mourned his death, it also led to the creation of plenty of memes that will make you laugh. So here are 10 hilarious Ned Stark memes.

King Of Westeros

The question of who will become the king of Westeros was on everyone’s minds while they watched the show. There’s no doubt that Ned Stark would be a great king, should he even decide to accept such a position and not remain in the north, at Winterfell with his wife and children. However, all chances of Ned’s reign died the moment they chopped off his head.

That’s something your friend who just started watching the show might now know, though, and he might still believe that Ned will become king. Don’t react like Robb and Catelyn in this picture, and just let your friend have his dream. He deserves it.

Hand Of The King

Ned’s downfall began the moment he accepted the position of the hand of the king, a close advisor to the ruler. How different his life could have been had he stayed at Winterfall! But Ned made the unwise choice and went to the King’s Landing, which sealed his fate.

Then again, to be fair, he didn’t really have any say in this. King Robert Baratheon was Ned’s close friend, but you can’t exactly say no to a king’s order, even if he happens to be your drinking buddy. That’s just not how it works in Westeros, as poor Ned Stark found out.

Awesome Even in Death

The first season of Game of Thrones pretty much starts and ends with Ned Stark. During the first ten episodes, the viewers grew to know and love Ned, so his death was an unpleasant surprise for many of them… especially those who were hoping for a last-minute miraculous rescue.

The best thing about the whole debacle is that even though multiple seasons have been released since then, the fans still keep talking about Ned and remembering how awesome he was. That is the mark of a truly remarkable character - such a character never truly disappears, not even after his death.

Cursed Name

It seems that the concept of dangerous names is very real in Westeros. It happens with Stark as the last name, especially if you’re a man, so it would seem (Sansa and Arya both survived in relative health and with all limbs functional). But apparently even the name Ned is now very bad for your ability to stay alive.

Rob and Talisa’s child didn’t deserve his fate, as it ended up a victim of the infamous Red Wedding, which also killed the unborn boy’s father, mother, and grandmother. He doesn’t have to worry, though. At least his aunt Arya avenged him in the end.

Unfortunate Similarity

You can’t erase your genes, not with our modern science, and especially not in the world of Game of Thrones. So if the ability to get into dangerous and potentially deadly situations runs in the Stark family, Ned’s children should be very careful.

Arya learned this the hard way. One badly chosen hairstyle led to her getting stabbed as the Stark genes prevailed, and she began resembling her late father more strongly. Fortunately for Arya, she didn’t entirely follow in her dad’s footsteps and came out of the whole show alive, which is more than the viewers can say for many older and more experienced characters.

Broken Promise

Ned Stark did his best to keep his “bastard son” Jon Snow from danger. He also tried to save him from Catelyn’s anger, since she did not like Jon at all, considering she viewed the young man as the living, breathing proof of Ned’s betrayal of her.

If only she knew… However, no matter how hard Ned tried to treat Jon in the best possible way, he still overstepped when he let him go to the Night’s Watch. There are certainly better ways to keep one out of danger, and living in the place which separates the civilized world from armies of ice zombies isn’t one of them.

The Nicest Man Alive

Barry Allen might be the fastest man alive (obligatory superhero reference inserted), but Ned Stark is actually the nicest man alive. Or, at least was, you know, when he was still alive.

Not every man would agree to take care of his nephew, hide him from the people who would come after him if they knew who Jon really was (yes, we’re looking at you, Lannisters), and face his wife’s anger and resentment for years. There’s no doubt that Ned and Catelyn loved each other, but this still put a wedge between them, and Ned deserves all the praise for taking Jon in nonetheless.

Head And Shoulders

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, sometimes even the most tragic events can make people laugh, even those involving the death of their favorite heroes. While Ned’s demise was no doubt sad, it led to the creation of more than one funny meme.

Such as this one, which combines two different areas: Game of Thrones and the well-known hair brand. Ned never did seem overly interested in fashion and personal appearance, considering he wore the same hairstyle for decades, but it’s doubtful that better hair hygiene would save him from having his head chopped off and then showed off for all to see.

The True Villain

Ned Stark is mostly considered a good guy. Not only do the other heroes in the show see him in this way, so do the fans. But the truth lies somewhere else. While he masks it excellently, Ned is actually the true villain of Game of Thrones and responsible, either directly or indirectly, for many terrible deeds.

He certainly could have done a better job at raising his kids, since Sansa, for example, spills Jon’s deepest secret to Tyrion after thirty seconds of talking to him. And let’s not mention Bran, who can scare people just by sitting under a tree and staring blankly ahead.

Got A Secret?

Let’s stay with Ned and his kids for a moment longer, Sansa, more specifically. Unlike Ned, who has been able to keep the secret of Jon’s real origin for years, Sansa has betrayed it to Tyrion almost immediately after they began talking.

True, Sansa trusts Tyrion to a certain level, as he was the nicest one of her husbands/potential husbands (Joffrey included), but she still could have kept her mouth shut and would have saved Jon a lot of trouble with his aunt Daenerys. If Ned was there, he would have probably fixed things, and maybe Game of Thrones would have ended with a much more suitable king than Bran. Oh, well, that’s life.