Of all the characters from Game of Thrones, Sansa Stark is probably one of the more morally righteous characters fans meet. Even after she finds herself the victim of dishonest and cruel people, she never quite loses her moral compass — she just learns who she can’t trust and uses it to her advantage.

Of course, even with her morals, Sansa’s not above seeking vengeance against those who have wronged her — or taking what she believes is rightfully hers. She’s had her share of shameless moments throughout the series, and most of them showcase how far she’s come as a character. Here are 10 of the most shameless things Sansa ever did.

Wished Death On Joffrey

Most Game of Thrones fans are probably guilty of this one, but Sansa frequently wishes death on Joffrey after he beheads her father — and especially after the Lannisters have her mother and brother killed at the Red Wedding. Not only does Sansa nearly push him off the Red Keep at the end of season one, but she prays the Lannisters lose the Battle of the Blackwater in season two.

And while she may not have actually killed Joffrey during season four, there’s no doubt Sansa enjoys watching him go. She even jests about it when she sees Tyrion during the show’s final season, meaning she clearly isn’t bothered by his demise.

Slapped Robin Arryn

When Littlefinger brings Sansa to the Vale of Arryn, it’s undoubtedly better than being in King’s Landing – but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still jerks to contend with. Although Robin Arryn is just a child at the time, he’s been spoiled his whole life, and it shows in his treatment of his subjects and even his own cousin.

When Robin knocks her replica of Winterfell to the ground, she slaps him. It may not be the best way to deal with the situation, but Sansa’s fed up with people treating her poorly and she puts her foot down. To be fair, she does seem to feel sorry about it directly after – but at Littlefinger’s suggestion that the boy could use someone standing up to him, she quickly gets over it.

Told Jon Off For Underestimating Her

Sadly, Sansa has to tell Jon off for leaving her out of important discussions or underestimating the value of her input multiple times during the show’s later seasons. But the time prior to the Battle of the Bastards stands out the most, as Jon never thinks to ask Sansa what Ramsay is like – even if she could give him better insight into how the enemy thinks than any of his advisors.

Sansa unabashedly tells Jon that he should be consulting her, and she only stands by this sentiment as the series progresses. It’s part of her character growth that will leave most fans cheering for her.

Rallied The Knights Of The Vale

When Jon finally leaves to face Ramsay’s forces, he and his men are outnumbered and quickly outmaneuvered. Little does he know that Sansa has reconnected with Littlefinger and rallied the Knights of the Vale to her cause. It’s her doing that the Starks win the Battle of the Bastards, and as she tells Jon that he should be thanking her, it’s clear that Sansa knows that.

Despite the fact that she has to lie to her brother and tolerate Littlefinger for longer than she would have liked, Sansa stands firm in her decision because it won her back her home.

Fed Her Abuser To His Dogs

No one was sorry to see Ramsay Bolton go at the end of season six, and certainly not Sansa. After everything Ramsay puts her through, she’s more than happy to see his end. And she makes sure it’s as agonizing as possible for him, telling him that no one will remember him before feeding him to his own dogs.

It’s poetic justice worthy of Cersei Lannister, and Sansa’s smirk at the end of the scene captures how little sorrow she feels about any of it.

Tricked Littlefinger Into A Trial

There’s no moment quite as amusing as when Littlefinger realizes that Sansa and Arya have set him up to face justice for his crimes. For seven seasons, the man manages to trick every person he comes into contact with, constantly switching allegiances to gain his own advantage. It seems he’ll always get away with it, but Sansa uses how much he underestimates her to trap him.

And as much as she learned from Littlefinger’s scheming, she clearly isn’t sad to see him go.

Threw Shade At Daenerys The Whole Time She Was At Winterfell

Watching Sansa and Daenerys interact during Game of Thrones’ final season is certainly entertaining, especially as the two of them are constantly throwing shade at one another. To be fair, this is initially Sansa’s doing. She doesn’t trust Jon’s new queen, and she makes that clear from the get-go. Even Dany’s attempts to connect with her fall short, as Sansa is only concerned with the fate of the north.

Sansa shamelessly stands by her values when it comes to Daenerys, and she even uses a few snarky remarks to get her point across.

Told Tyrion Who Jon Really Is

When Jon tells his siblings who he really is — Aegon Targaryen — he begs them not to speak of it. He’s prepared to throw away his claim to the throne in favor of Daenerys, but Sansa isn’t having it. Already suspicious of Dany’s intentions, Sansa immediately breaks her promise to Jon and tells Tyrion who his parents are.

Sansa knows it’ll get out once other people know, and she’s not sorry about it. She wants Dany to lose her claim to power, and this is the only way of making that happen.

Wished The Worst On Cersei

Sansa has never been shy about wanting revenge for the things that were done to her, and the Lannisters treated her despicably at the beginning of the series. For that, she’s always wanted to see their downfall, especially Cersei’s.

When she openly tells Jaime, “I always wanted to be there when they executed your sister,” it’s a shameless moment, but it’s one we can understand. Given how much Cersei had to do with the execution of Sansa’s own family members, she wants to finally see justice play out.

Became Queen In The North

Throughout the later seasons, Sansa begins to embrace how much she’s learned about leadership from spending time amongst manipulative and power-hungry people. She begins to win over the northerners, and she learns how to maneuver those who pose a threat to her people.

That’s why it’s no surprise when Sansa asks the newly appointed king — Bran — to allow the north to secede and rule over itself. And, of course, that means she gets the crown she always wanted. She’s not reluctant to take it, and really, she shouldn’t be.