Game of Thrones is full of characters who shamelessly betray one another and make morally questionable power grabs, and Cersei Lannister is probably the worst offender when it comes to such things. From the first season, it’s clear that Cersei is determined to seize power no matter what the cost. But as the series continues, she becomes increasingly less concerned with what other people think about her actions – or whether or not what she’s doing is actually right.

To be fair, there are times Cersei seems to question herself – or at least has the decency to feel a little bit sorry about what she’s doing. But there are far more scenes during which Cersei embraces what she’s willing to do to get what she wants. And those shameless moments make her character that much more interesting.

Here are 10 of the most shameless things Cersei Lannister ever did.

Had An Affair With Her Twin Brother

While Cersei and Jaime hide their affair during the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones, Cersei becomes increasingly bold about her incestual relationship with her twin as the series progresses. Not only does she claim not to care what others think, but she lets servants in the Red Keep get a look at them after they’ve been together and she never quite denies the accusations against her in the later seasons.

Despite the fact that people find her relationship with Jaime disgusting, it’s clear Cersei has never regretted having children with him. And her feelings seem to remain until the very end, with her showing little remorse about it.

Had Robert Baratheon Killed

It’s hard to blame Cersei for feeling little sorrow following Robert Baratheon’s death, but she is shameless in taking power after orchestrating her husband’s demise. It’s bad enough she devised a successful plan to have him killed in a hunting accident, but she wastes no time claiming the throne for her children – and naming herself Queen Regent so that she can be the one pulling the strings.

Given how Robert treated her, Cersei even seems smug about what she’s done. She certainly never intends to actually face punishment for the crime, and we have to question whether she views it as a crime at all.

Betrayed The Starks

While Cersei never intended for Ned to get beheaded, she had no qualms about betraying the Starks and knocking their family down a few pegs on the power totem pole. When Ned threatens to reveal her secrets, she’s smug, knowing that she and Littlefinger have a plan to arrest him and send him to the Night’s Watch.

On top of that, she uses Sansa Stark as a pawn, hoping to control the rest of the Stark family and their rebellion against the crown. She uses how trusting poor Sansa is against her, and she uses what the Starks care about against them – and she seems proud that she’s clever enough to do so.

Tried Having Tyrion Sentenced To Death

Cersei might have been devastated when Joffrey was poisoned, but that didn’t justify her blaming her younger brother for murdering her son. It’s unclear whether Cersei ever truly believed Tyrion was responsible for the death of her eldest. But even if part of her did believe this, she used her son’s death as an opportunity to get rid of a brother she always despised – and she never seems sorry about it, even after it’s revealed that he wasn’t the one who poisoned Joffrey.

But then, Cersei has never been shy about her desire to remove Tyrion from power. This is just one of her more direct ploys.

Blew Up The Sept Of Baelor

When the time comes for her trial with the High Sparrow, Cersei opts to destroy the Sept of Baelor and kill off her enemies rather than be submitted to whatever punishment the zealots of King’s Landing have in store for her. Conveniently, this also gets rid of the Tyrells, enabling Cersei to seize power in the capitol once more.

While most people wouldn’t even think of using wildfire to destroy the sept and everyone inside of it, Cersei barely blanches while watching the whole thing go up in flames.

Became Queen Of The Seven Kingdoms

Cersei’s corronation at the end of season six comes with plenty of tragedy attached to it. Not only did her youngest son die by suicide for her to get there, but she killed most of the people left to oppose her. And though she was upset about the first part, she masks it well. At this point of the series, she almost seems eager to leave behind her familial attachments and take the throne already.

That even Jaime seems chilled by Cersei’s power grab is a sure sign that she probably should feel some remorse for taking the crown. But she’s too far gone for that.

Went Back On Her Word To Tyrion, Jon, And Daenerys

During the seventh season of Game of Thrones, Cersei meets with Tyrion and agrees to a truce while their forces fight the building threat in the north: the Night King and his armies. But despite seeing the wight Jon and the others worked so hard to bring to King’s Landing, Cersei immediately admits to Jaime that she has no intention of actually helping their enemies. She’d prefer to watch them all wipe each other out fighting the Army of the Dead, further securing her own place on the throne.

Cersei has no qualms about endangering her people or going back on her word if it’s advantageous to her.

Poisoned Ellaria And Tyene

Ellaria and Tyene Sand don’t seem to regret taking Myrcella Lannister’s life — even if she was innocent — and so, it makes sense that Cersei doesn’t feel guilt overpaying them back for it. Still, her plan to enact revenge is a bit over the top; she’s always had an appreciation for poetic justice.

When Cersei poisons Tyene with the same poison used on Myrcella, leaving Ellaria to watch as her daughter suffers and dies, she seems positively thrilled to do so. She’s not just shameless about this move, she’s proud of it.

Slept With Euron Greyjoy

If there’s anything Cersei seems slightly ashamed of, it’s having an affair with Euron Greyjoy. Not only is the guy probably the biggest sleazeball on the show, but it’s clear that Cersei is disgusted by him. Still, she gives him what he’s looking for in order to win his armies and loyalty — and it does work in her favor for a while.

Even if Cersei isn’t thrilled with her choice to keep Euron around, she makes no move to hide him from her court. She embraces her decision even if she’s not happy with it.

Ordered Bronn To Kill Her Brothers

Cersei does a lot of terrible things during Game of Thrones’ final season, but she’s detached from most of them. She doesn’t know Daenerys or her followers, nor does she have any real relationship with her subjects or the northerners.

Asking Bronn to kill both of her brothers, however, does cross a line — and she doesn’t seem reluctant to cross it. She even makes a crossbow to serve them both “poetic justice” when they die. It comes off as incredibly cruel, especially since you know she cares for her family, er, deep down. Unfortunately, Cersei is beyond such things by the time we reach the final season.