Bran from Game of Thrones is more than just the Three-Eyed Raven, but the King of Westeros as of now. His rise to fame was a rocky road but the remaining Stark child managed to make through the end despite being paralyzed from the waist down. However, his journey wasn’t the cleanest as he made some questionable decisions along the way.

Despite his power, Bran can be a bratty and pushy boy at times. His short temper and patience level tend to get in the way of the bigger picture. With that, here are the ten most shameless things Bran Stark ever did in Game of Thrones.

Climbed The Tower

Though Jaime is to blame for him falling out, Bran didn’t listen to his mother. She told him (countless times) to not climb the tower, fearing he’ll fall and die. Unfortunately, Bran learns this the hard way and walks in on Jaime and Cersei being intimate with one another.

Bran saw too much and started a war. He was just a kid doing kid things, but his lack of self-awareness and respect towards his mother’s wishes costs him his legs and dreams of riding (although Tyrion comes in to help him with the latter.)

Took The Throne

Many fans were upset with the final season for a myriad of reasons with one of the prominent ones being who takes the throne. Bran came out of the left-field with his taking of the throne as fans were left shocked he was chosen by Tyrion to lead Westeros.

But where’s the shameless aspect of all of this? It lies within the fact that Bran has visions of the future, and essentially watched his own coronation play out. Selfish yes, clever, certainly.

Lingered In The Past

With Bran’s legs gone his only walking ability comes when he enters memories with the Three-Eyed Raven. But his lust for information gets the better of him, causing the Night King to find him. Not only that, but this chain reaction leads to the death of the Three-Eyed Raven, the children of the forest, Jojen and Hodor.

Curiosity certainly killed the cat, and once again Bran learned his lesson the hard way. Bran even admitted he was not ready to assume the role of the Three-Eyed Raven to which the Warg confirmed. Talk about a baptism by fire.

An Empty Thank You To Meera

Bran becomes more and more robotic as the season’s progress with his slow acclimation to becoming the Three-Eyed Raven. But with his power comes a lack of respect towards some. When Jojen died for Bran, he simply said thank you and goodbye to Meera.

He may as well as say nothing at that point, leaving Meera in tears feeling her efforts were worthless. In exchange for intelligence Bran gave up his compassion and care for those who made him who he is today.

Sat Idly During The Battle Of Winterfell

Bran may not be helpful on the battlefield, but his gift of foresight and animal vision could have offered some reconnaissance help for everyone else. But no, Bran decided to chill in the Godswood and await the Night King all the while Theon and the Iron Islanders die protecting him.

Theon knew walking into this he’d die, but Bran could have at least offered a little bit of help considering the Night King wanted him dead as soon as possible.

Doesn’t Pay Attention During Council Meetings

Bran may be a child, but his role as the only male Stark in Winterfell was imperative to the ongoing success of the city. With Ned and Rob away, Bran became the man of the house with little to no experience on how to run a capital.

He relied on Maester Lewyn to get him through the meetings, but the least he could have done was pay attention. While citizens voiced their complaints and opinions, Bran sat playing with specks of wood on the table.

Causes Hodor’s Speech Impediment

Hodor’s speech problems were finally answered when he met his grizzly demise at the hands of the dead. But looking back at it, Bran and Meera were the cause of it all. With Bran having revealed their location to the Night King, Hodor sacrifices himself so they can escape.

But not only that, it’s this moment, “Hold the Door” that causes him to have a seizure and break down. Bran can only help as his efforts of escaping cause a lifetime of being labeled as a simpleton and a bloody death by the army of the dead.

Shows No Emotion When Reunited With Arya And Sansa

With Bran’s new powers as the Three-Eyed Raven, his emotions are rendered obsolete and irrelevant. However, this doesn’t mean he can’t process what’s in front of him and access memories of his own. When he finally reunites with Sansa and Arya after years of being away, he simply sits there motionless.

If it weren’t for Sansa jumping on the wagon to say hello, the two would have had an awkward staredown until somebody finally said something.

Triggers Sansa’s PTSD

When Bran catches up with Sansa, he chooses to bring up her wedding dress the night Ramsay assaulted her. Not the best thing to bring up at a sibling reunion, Bran. The lack of subtlety here is hard to get over as Bran has no filter or care for what this might to do Sansa.

Unlike Sansa, Bran has been cared for all his life with someone always there to help him. Sansa endured some of the worst through all eight seasons but emerged stronger every time. But despite this, it probably wasn’t the best idea to bring it up.

Assumes He Knows Everything

Bran may be the Three-Eyed Raven, but that doesn’t mean he knows everything. When the truth about Jon Snow’s heritage is revealed, Bran claims he’s a Sand when he’s actually a Targaryen.

Had it not been for Samwell Tarly, Jon would have gone on thinking he was a Sand and would have likely continued his questionable relationship with Daenerys. Thankfully there was always someone to question Bran’s logic, just like Sam did.