Euron Greyjoy from Game of Thrones is one of the show’s biggest antagonizers, getting under people’s skin with his boastful attitude and cocky persona. Despite his rude manner, Euron was one of the most brilliant naval captains in Westeros, beating almost anyone in the open water.

But his actions speak more than his words, earning him a place alongside Cersei Lannister in both the throne room and bedroom. With that, here are the most shameless things he has ever done.

Opts to Leave Upon Seeing a Wight

Fans learn towards the end of the show that, at times, Euron’s bark is worse than his bite. With Jon Snow and co. having returned to King’s Landing with a wight, Euron vows to leave the city for good. We like his honesty but his loyalty is gone despite pledging his allegiance towards Cersei.

Even Jaime stuck around for the worst of what Cersei had to endure. The moment Euron sees it he wishes to have no part in it all, although we do later learn it was all part of a plan.

Had Sex with Cersei

Euron, unfortunately, got what he wanted in the end. Cersei lost all respect for herself by inviting Euron into her bed, even though she made a point of earning a queen rather than buying one. Euron is similar to the Joker in that he wants to watch the world burn and have some fun while he’s at it. His wishes to have sex with Cersei were simply disgusting, born from lust rather than love. Imagine the two of them having a child together.

Killed His Brother

Euron has always been power-hungry, driven by his cocky attitude and testosterone-filled persona. The murder of his brother will never be justified as it was done in cold blood. At least when Jaime struck down the Mad King he had a reason for doing so. Euron lacked a valid reason.

His excuse for killing him was rooted in the slow progress of the Iron Islands and the cowardice behavior they’ve taken on since Balon took over. Though the Iron Islanders supported him, the audience didn’t. Euron was an enemy from the start and the murder of his brother was answered with his own death.

Made Killing Yara and Theon a Top Priority

Not even five minutes after claiming the Salt Throne, Euron decides to kill Yara and Theon, simply because they’re a threat. You’d think a good King would forgive his enemies and make peace with them, but no. Euron employed a Ghengis Khan-approach to his reign by wiping out all that opposed him. The most shameless part of this is the cooperation of everyone else, going along with Euron’s decision to capture them. In exchange for it, Euron promised them the largest fleet in the world. This was enough to convince them to commit treason.

Made Yara Endure a Walk of Shame

Like Cersei’s walk of shame, Yara endured the same. Instead of transporting her directly to the Queen, Euron felt it was necessary to bask in the glory of his newly captured foe by parading in the streets with her.

The long walk to the Queen was sadistic, with Euron in ecstasy at the sight of her suffering along with the knowledge of Theon’s cowardly act. If there was a list of dishonorable characters from GOT, Euron would be close to the top.

Killed Rhaegal

Dragons are wonderful but terrifying creatures, capable of turning a war around with a wave of fire. When Euron shot Rhaegal out of the sky with Qyburn’s scorpion, fans couldn’t wait to see his head on a spike. Not only that, but the first shot was enough to kill him. Instead, Euron and his men rained fire (get it?) on Rhaegal, firing multiple times until he fell into the sea. Though it’s not her fault, how did she not see the entire Iron Fleet floating by with a giant crossbow aimed up at her?

Cut Out His Crewmates’ Tongues

Though it isn’t mentioned in the TV series, Euron cut out the tongues of his shipmates after being caught in the middle of the storm. His crew tied him to the mast as his sanity began to slip but when the storm cleared, Euron wanted nothing more than silence.

With their tongues gone, Euron named his ship Silence. Fitting, considering his boastful attitude and ineptitude remains so for more than a few seconds.

Mocked Tyrion For His Height

Tyrion, from day one, was mocked for his height. Euron put the icing on the cake to kick off the meeting in King’s Landing. Shameless and simply mean, Euron takes advantage of every opportunity to mock those who are weaker than him. Although, Tyrion is mentally superior to him, capable of outwitting him instantly. Euron is taller, but Tyrion certainly casts a bigger shadow when it comes to his intelligence. Bravo, Euron, another dwarf joke, what else is new?

Stole the Throne from Yara

Coinciding with his wish to see her dead, Euron essentially stole the throne from Yara. She’s a natural-born leader with the respect and support of hundreds of Iron Islanders. Euron’s reasoning revolves around Yara being a woman, one he uses to shame her for.

Though Euron may boast more of a battle malice-oriented attitude, Yara is a perfect balance of a commanding voice and sympathetic soul, something Euron lacked.

Stole Cersei from Jaime

Jaime may not be able to fulfill his duty as a knight, but his love for Cersei never diminished. Euron stole the image that was Jaime, a successful knight who always got the job done. Cersei was foolish enough to fall for it, finally happy that someone was doing what she wanted. This coincides with Euron having sex with Cersei, but the act as a whole holds more significance. Euron made Jaime look like a fool when in reality, his cockiness is what got him where he was.