Game of Thrones is known for its huge world. While many TV shows and books series are limited to the world surrounding their characters, the world of Planetos is not only dark and full of terror, but also vast and full of character. While we didn’t get to see as many locations as we may have liked in the TV series (or even the books so far), the future spin-offs do allow for some hope in seeing these locations.

This article will detail 10 locations we want to see in any Game of Thrones spin-offs. And while some locations have been seen in the show before, it will focus on those locations that have more stories to tell.


Asshai by the Shadow is one of the most mysterious places in all of Planetos. No one knows who built the city, but the city is said to be larger than King’s Landing, Old Town, Volantis, and Qarth combined. In addition, the city is built from a mysterious, oily black stone that is found across in mysterious locations around the world.

The city has deep connections to the magical world, with Marwyn the Mage, Melisandre, and Mirri Maz Duur all visiting Asshai. Having Asshai in a spin-off would help explore the in-depth lore that and world that George RR Martin has built.


A spin-off that explores Valyria would be incredible. We would finally be able to see just how advanced the Valryians were, how their freehold worked, and even what caused the Doom of Valyria. Additionally, we could also see the rise of the Targaryens from a lowly House in Valyria to kings in Westeros.

While a spin-off is already said to be about the early Targaryens in Westeros, it would have been far more interesting to explore their roots prior to Aegon’s Conquest.


Yi-Ti is one of the oldest and most advanced civilizations in Planetos. The area is situated in the far east of Essos and has a deep history. Prior to modern Yi-Ti, a civilization existed called the Great Empire of the Dawn that was ruled by the Gem Stone Emperors.

It is said that the Bloodstone Emperor married a half-human woman and ushered in the Long Night, which is a similar tale to the Westerosi story of the Night’s King, the 13th Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch who married a woman with pale skin and blue eyes.


Sothoryos is one of the most mysterious continents on Planetos. For a start, the continent is huge. A dragon rider from Valyria once flew her dragon across the continent for three years in the hope of finding the end of Sothoryos, but she returned claiming it had no end.

Additionally, there is a city in Sothoryos called Yeen that appears to be older than time itself. The city has structures made of oily, black stone that even the jungle refuses to touch. Princess Nymeria once tried to settle some people from Essos in Yeen, only for the settlers to disappear overnight.

Isle of Faces

The Isle of Faces is one of the most interesting places in all of Westeros. It is an island that has a large connection of some of the oldest Weirwoods on the continent.

A spin-off that visits this land would almost certainly explore some of the lore surrounding the Children of the Forest and the magic of the Old Gods. This would be a deeply fascinating plot that would be a guaranteed hit among Game of Thrones fans.

Five Forts

The Five Forts is a structure near Yi-Ti that was built with the intention of keeping out the demons of the freezing desert. There is a clear connection here with the Wall of Westeros.

The people of Yi-Ti also have their own version of the Long Night. Rather than the White Walkers, the people of Yi-Ti tell of the demons of the freezing desert and their leader, the Lion of the Night out of Essos. Perhaps the Long Night was a global event, George RR Martin has said his world is round after all.


While Dorne did appear in Game of Thrones, it wasn’t given the respect it deserved on the show. While the books included a Dornish plot to marry Quentyn Martell to Daenerys Targaryen, this plot did not materialize in the show.

Aside from Game of ThronesDorne has a wealth of history that would make an interesting spin-off location. For instance, during Aegon’s Conquest, the Dornish presented a difficult challenge for the invading Targaryens.

Vaes Tolorro

Vaes Tolorro is another mysterious city that would be an interesting location for a spin-off or prequel. The city appears in the first series and book of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. The city lies in the middle of the Red Waste and is completely abandoned by its inhabitants, which leads Dany to call it Vaes Tolorro, or City of Bones.

A spin-off that covers what happened to the city would be very interesting and could also link to other political or magical events in Essos.

The Wall

While it is clear that the Wall featured heavily in Game of Thrones, the Wall is also a location with a deep and lore-filled past. The connection to the White Walkers and the original Long Night is obviously an interesting place to start with a prequel or spin-off, but the Wall does have more stories than just White Walkers.

A prequel involving the Wall could involve the tale of Bael the Bard, Brave Dany Flint, or even the Rat Cook and Symeon Star-Eyes.


Carcosa is a city in George RR Martin’s Planetos that is heavily linked to the H.P. Lovecraft and his Cthulhu collection of cosmic horror. Not much is known of the city besides the fact that it is located next to the Hidden Sea and near the City of Winged Men. The ruler of the city is said to be a sorcerer who claims to be the 69th Yellow Emperor of Yi Ti.

A spin-off about Carcosa would obviously be steeped in elements of cosmic horror and would certainly allow for a fresh take on the world of Planetos, one completely alien from Westeros.