Unfortunately for fans of Game of Thrones, the popular HBO show came to an end in 2019 with its divisive and polarizing 8th season. That being said, this is not the end for fans of the show, or Westeros and its surrounding world. Aside from the upcoming release of the Winds of Winter, whenever George RR Martin decides to finish it, we also have some spin-offs to look forward to. The world of Planetos that George RR Martin created is vast and full of terrors, drenched in mysterious and entertaining lore that would make a fantastic spin-off show.

This article will list 10 historical events in Westeros and beyond that would make for great spin-offs.

Age Of Heroes

The Age of Heroes is one of the most interesting and important times in Westeros’ history. Taking place after the Pact between the Children of the Forest and the First Men, the Age of Heroes was a time of peace, prosperity, and heroes. It was during this time that many of the Great Houses of Westeros were formed by great individuals.

In the north, Bran the Builder was the founder of House Stark and in the Westerlands Lann the Clever founded House Lannister after taking Casterly Rock from the Casterlys. This is clearly a time of great importance for Westeros and would make for fantastic TV.

The Long Night

The Long Night takes place immediately after the Age of Heroes. It is said that the Long Night lasted for a generation, with children being born who did not know the feeling of a summer’s sun on their faces. During this time, the Others invaded from the far north of Westeros, raising the dead in their wake, and killing any who opposed them.

It was only due to the efforts of the Last Hero and Azor Ahai that humans were able to defeat the White Walkers and bring dawn to Westeros after a generation of night. This prequel series would have great parallels to the Game of Thrones show. While Game of Thrones ended with the destruction of the Wall, this series would end with the construction of a Wall.

The Night’s King

Taking place just after the Long Night, a prequel about the Night’s King would focus on the Thirteenth Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. The Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch was seduced by a woman with skin as pale as milk and eyes as blue as stars. He declared himself the Night’s King, used sorcery to bind the Night’s Watch to his will, and ruled from the Nightfort for thirteen years.

It took an alliance between the King Beyond the Wall, Joramun, and the King of Winter, Brandon the Breaker, to defeat the Night’s King once and for all. Though the name of the Thirteenth Lord Commander was removed from any record, the stories of the Night’s King’s rule are still told in the north.

Robert’s Rebellion

While we already know a lot about Robert’s Rebellion from the main series, it would still make interesting TV to return to this momentous event and explore it in further detail. This series would cover the decline of the Targaryen rule on the Iron Throne, showing the impending collapse of their dynasty.

In addition to the history, the show would also allow us to return to some of our favorite characters, such as Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, and Tywin Lannister. It would also allow us to better understand characters like Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, and even the Mad King far better than before.

The Dance Of The Dragons

The Dance of the Dragons was a time that truly symbolized the decline in the Targaryen rule of Westeros. While previously, the Dragon Lords had used their dragons to great effect in Westeros, their ability to breed their dragons was waning, with the fire beasts getting smaller and smaller as the years went by.

The Dance of the Dragons was the name given to the civil war that erupted from within House Targaryen. Due to this civil war, we not only have political scheming between family members, but we also have dragon on dragon fights in the sky and battles between Great Houses.

The Doom Of Valyria

The Doom of Valyria is one of the most mysterious events in Game of Thrones history. Prior to the Doom, Valyria was an advanced empire, capable of burning cities to the ground with their dragons and the ability to forge the magical Valyrian Steel.

However, Valyria was built on a volcanic chain called the Fourteen Flames and after these volcanoes erupted, the entire Valyrian Freehold was destroyed. While one could suggest this was a mere natural occurrence, you should not dispense with the idea that magic was involved in the great Freehold’s destruction.

The Andal Invasion

The Andal Invasion was one of the most important events in Westerosi history, changing the lands and their culture forever. Prior to the invasion, Westeros was inhabited by Giants, the Children of the Forest, and the First Men, who all worshipped the Old Gods.

However, the Andals invaded and brought their own religion with them, the Faith of the Seven. The Andals laid waste to the inhabitants of Westeros, forcing the First Men to change religion and culture. It was only in the north that the Old Gods remained powerful.

The Rise And Fall Of The Great Empire Of The Dawn

Although the Great Empire of the Dawn was situated in the far east of Essos, its existence has great implications on all of Planetos. The Great Empire of the Dawn was a highly advanced civilization that was ruled by emperors, each named after a precious stone: the Pearl Emperor, the Jade Emperor, and the Amethyst Emperor. Additionally, it is said that this civilization built the Five Forts in Essos, a structure that is very similar to the Wall.

One of the most interesting stories comes around the fall of the Great Empire. It is said that the Bloodstone Emperor killed his sister, the Amethyst Emperor took control of the empire and in doing so ushered in the Long Night. It was after this that the Bloodstone Emperor took a tiger-woman for his bride, enslaved his own people, and practiced dark magic. This story has clear parallels to the story of the Night’s King in Westeros and would certainly make for great TV.

Aegon’s Conquest

Aegon’s Conquest was arguably the most important event in recent Westerosi history. The invasion of Westeros changed the entire system of government, introducing the Iron Throne and installing one figurehead as ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Aside from the obvious importance of the story, exploring Aegon and his sisters would also make for great TV. The show could also explore events in the build-up to the invasion as it would be set between the Doom of Valyria and Aegon’s Conquest.

Tales Of Dunk And Egg - Tragedy At Summerhall

This one would certainly be the easiest to adapt due to George RR Martin’s fantastic series of spin-off novellas. The show would follow the titular Dunk and Egg as they travel around Westeros on adventures, building its storylines directly from the novellas.

However, as both characters meet their end at Sumerhall in a mysterious and magical event, it would also be interesting to explore the exact nature of the Tragedy at Summerhall.