Game of Thrones has provided some fantastic memes since it first started airing on HBO. However, no single family of characters has been more open to mockery and strangeless than the Targaryens, who have provided quite a series of hilarious memes based on both the series and the best-selling books.

We’ve scoured the internet for some of the best memes that have been produced about Dany, Jon and the other Targaryens from the show. They will absolutely have you crying with laughter and say a lot about some of the major plot points of the show.


The famous Batman phrase couldn’t be any more relevant than when we watched the finale of the show. Dany finally took a turn to the villainous side and fans were not happy with the major twist in the series. Her actions in King’s Landing considerably changed her character, mostly in a single episode.

Dany definitely lived a little too long and ironically ended up dying as the villain. While the choice to change the character so drastically was strange, at least it allows for this hilarious meme that blends it with another major pop culture franchise.


Fans were also scratching their heads after the death of Dany. One of her loyal dragons decided that instead of burning her killer alive, he instead melted the chair. Some people speculated he was only completing the work of his master.

However, others have speculated that Jon tricked the dragon into thinking one of the swords on the chair had killed her. This meme summarises it perfectly and the strange turn of events that caused the melting of the Iron Throne.


One of the huge twists of the series was also the reveal that Jon Snow was not just a Stark but also a Targaryen. We’d all been led to believe for some time that Daenerys was actually the last of her family, after the death of Aemon.

However, although the famous phrase is that Jon knows nothing, as this meme suggests, it’s actually Dany that knew nothing about her own family history. We know the shock of another family member was a little bit too much for her to handle.


We briefly mentioned Aegon Targaryen and he was one of the last of the family. He hid with the Night’s Watch after the terrible crimes his family had committed. He is also perhaps one of the most beloved characters in the series.

The show is known for brutally killing off some of its key characters. It’s therefore really important to point out that Aegon was actually the only person to actually die of old age, which is hilarious considering the huge death count across the series.


The mad queen certainly has a high opinion of herself. As her story has progressed she has continued to add to her many list of titles and names. It got to a point where it’s actually laughable how many names she has given herself.

This meme perfectly encapsulates that, with Jon Snow looking extremely confused at the number of titles that Dany is offering him, in a fake meeting between the two. The irony of this meme, of course, is that Jon Snow doesn’t actually even know his real name.


Shopping is a difficult thing at the best of times. This recent uptake in avocado sales has been mocked many times and this meme is no different. When picking an avocado you have to be really specific about what you want!

Dany absolutely loved the dragon eggs that she was gifted. Eventually, they became children to her. For avocado lovers, they can relate to that hilarious look of love that the queen of dragons is giving to her future child.


Jorah always had an unhealthy obsession with Dany. His love was always unrequited and he quietly continued to compliment and support her to a creepy point. Other men came into and out of the scene and Ser Jorah Friendzone always remained.

With Jon Snow now in the mix, this makes it even more awkward for Jorah, who doesn’t know how to react to his arrival. Jon is both being true to his ‘I know nothing’ mantra and acting like he doesn’t know what’s going on, while also being a protective boyfriend.


Dany really struggled with the idea that the people loved Jon more than her, especially when it was revealed that he had a rightful path to the throne. There were only a couple of ways she could stop him from taking over from her as Queen.

She could either remove Jon Snow or as this meme suggests, remove the people. This may explain why she completely burnt down Kings Landing, so that she could rule over the ashes without anyone there to love Jon over her.


Expectation vs reality memes are always hilarious. Unfortunately for Dany’s brother, Viserys Targaryen, when he asked for the golden crown he believed he deserved, the reality of that request wasn’t anywhere near what he would have hoped for.

The disgusting and harrowing scene sees molten gold poured on the head of the abusive brother, killing him painfully. It’s a disturbing moment but one that’s made a lot more palatable by this meme and the fact that if anyone deserved it it was Viserys.


We’ve been talking about major plot twists from throughout the series and we’ve already spoken about the Jon Snow reveal. However, there’s a difficult issue to discuss surrounding this massive change in the narrative.

Dany and Jon were both lovers and aunt and uncle. This meme reflects what should have been the reaction of Dany when she found out, as once again Game of Thrones was working from a storyline about incest.