Arya Stark is arguably the character on Game of Thrones with the most compelling arc. She started off as an innocent young girl who clearly had bigger aspirations than sewing, cooking, and tending house. Once she witnessed the beheading of her father, a strong sense of revenge took over and she was out for blood.

Arya became a fierce warrior thanks to training by a number of people she met along the way. Soon, she was one of the most feared people in Westeros. Or at least she should have been.

This fierceness and the love fans had for the character has been expressed in many hilarious memes online.

I Am Arya Of House Stark

This meme is a hilarious joke that pokes fun at Daenerys. As fans of the series know, Dany never introduced herself simply as Daenerys, or even Queen Daenerys. She made sure to cite her entire resume and family history in her name, as “Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.” Phew, what a mouthful!

If Arya of House Stark were to do the same, the name noted in this meme seems like a fitting one.

You Made My List

If you recall, Arya would lull herself to sleep every night be reciting a list of names. These weren’t her friends or names of sheep she was counting. This was her “kill list” of people she vowed to murder in order to avenge her father’s death.

The expression on her face in this meme screams I’m an adorable young girl but you also don’t want to be on my bad side. Because once you’re on Arya’s list, chances are she will accomplish her goal of killing you.

What A Pretty Song

You might have forgotten that singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran, a superfan of the show, managed to get himself into an episode. He played a minor role, but one where he got to sit down and have a conversation with Arya.

He also sings on the series, to which Arya comments that the song is quite pretty. In this meme, Sheeran suggests that if she likes the song, she can buy it on iTunes. Of course there is no iTunes in this ancient world where messages are sent by super smart birds. But that is precisely what makes the comment so funny.

The Face Power

During his training with the Faceless Man, Arya at one point temporarily lost her sight. That forced her to not only learn how to get around, but also how to fight and defend herself without being able to see.

Watching her get around and grow in confidence as she had sword fights and dodged enemies completely in the dark gave viewers a whole new respect for Arya. So yes, from the moment she took the face power, the character was forever changed.

A Girl Says Happy Birthday

A perfect meme to send to a fan of the show on their birthday, this one references Arya’s training with the Faceless Man. He taught her that in order to become a Faceless Woman and be able to take on the identity of anyone and anything at any time, a girl would have to become no one.

She could no longer identify with Arya or House Stark, with any of her past, friends, or identifying habits, likes, and dislikes. She quite literally had to become no one. She was just “a girl” not “Arya.”

She’s A Serial Killer

When you really think about it, in modern day society, the types of things Arya did and the way she thought about murder would dub her a serial killer. She traveled all around devising elaborate plans to murder people. And she followed through with them whenever she had the chance.

Sure, it was all for revenge and existed in a world where beheading and murdering people was par for the course. Still, she had pretty much all the makings of a serial killer. She planned her targets and didn’t only kill people but did so brutally and without remorse.

I’ll Show You A Needle

This meme kind of reminds you of Crocodile Dundee, when a man pulls a knife on the character and he smirks, noting “that’s not a knife…” then slowing pulls out a massive sword-like knife from his holster and declares “this is a knife.”

Arya referred to her trusty sword as needle, so when she says “I’ll show you a needle” in this meme, she’s referring to her dangerous and massive sword that could chop someone to bits with a few jabs.

A Changed Girl

As noted, Arya began the series as a feisty young girl who had to witness the beheading and murder of her father. Running away and disguising herself as a boy was easy for the tomboy who had more interest in fighting with swords than using knitting needles anyway.

By the end of the series, Arya single-handedly took down the entire House that had her older brother Rob and mother killed. She was a super badass killer who could take on any enemy, even the Night King, and emerge victorious.

Cheers To You

This image of Leonardo DiCaprio has been used in so many memes, we’ve lost count. Typically, he’s giving cheers to something or someone. In this case, it’s to Arya, who was the one to finally take down the Night King.

While many thought it might have been Dany with her dragons or Jon with his army from The Night Watch, it ended up being this young woman who jumped atop him and plunged a sword in until he shattered into nothingness. So she definitely deserves a glass clinking from an A-list Hollywood actor.

Prepare To Die

A fun take on the popular scene and line from The Princess Bride, where the character Inigo Montoya, played by Mandy Patinkin, avenges his father’s death by saying “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Arya, much like Inigo, learned to fight with a sword and eventually took down at least some of those who were involved in the death of her father. Even though it wasn’t a single battle with a single person, their storylines share a lot of similarities.