Our favorite show came to an end this year in 2019, but that’s doesn’t mean we still can’t dive into every aspect of Game of Thrones. This show’s production is absolutely astounding, and we’re not sure anyone can deny the thought and skill that went into every scene. Mainly, the costumes in this show are breathtaking. Not only are they visually stunning, but they’re actually incredibly meaningful, with a purpose and detail behind every stitch.

In case you’re not ready to let go of the Queen of the North, we made a list to keep her costumes in the forefront of our minds. In fact, Sansa Stark’s outfits are extremely telling to just about every aspect of her character. Don’t believe us? Here are 10 hidden details about Sansa’s costumes throughout the series that you probably didn’t notice. Also, here’s a shout out to Michele Clapton and her brilliance.

Her Clothing Represents Her Family

From the one-sided cloak for Arya, the black cloak for Jon, or the weirwood leaves for Bran, Sansa puts her family in her costumes. Every detail on her gown usually represents who is meaningful to her, and shows who she is trying to represent or honor. In fact, she usually wears grey, which is a nod to her father’s house and ancestors. We all remember that black cloak she wears in the North, and we were all totally fired up. That one wasn’t as subtle, but you can see now there are many that were. Nothing this gal wears is without meaning, and we see she wears her family (quite literally) on her sleeve.

The Lannister-Themed Wedding Dress

When Sansa is marrying Tyrion, you’ll remember her tight, golden-glittery gown. The tight girdle is supposed to represent her entrapment. Also, there is a lion’s head on her cloak, and there is A LOT of golden embroidery.

These represent the Lannister family, and how she is becoming a member of it, and is supposed to leave the Stark name behind. Of course, this is influential for the Lannisters, as they want to rid her of her name, but it’s also a nod to Sansa’s original desire to become a Lannister.

The Loose-Fitting Gowns

At the beginning of the series, you’ll notice that Sansa wears typical, colorful gowns that a Northern lady would wear. While this transitions quickly into golden colors at King’s landing, we also see her dresses become looser. When she is being interrogated by Joffrey, after her father’s death, you’ll remember she is wearing a grey gown with huge sleeves that is extremely loose and flowing. You can’t even see her hands. Clapton states this represents her desire to hide and remain invisible following her father’s treason. We see this transition as she gains more power and strength later on.

The Blue Gowns, and The Last of Them

From the first time we see Sansa in season 1, she’s often wearing a light, pale blue gown. This is representative of her home, and we still see her wearing this color long into her stay at King’s landing. It becomes less prominent when Joffrey begins abusing her, but we still see her in blue when Sansa gets her first period. In fact, this is the last time we ever see her wear this color. This is to resemble the farewell to her childhood. That’s some deep stuff, Clapton.

Her Hair Represents Her Role Model

You can tell who Sansa is learning from based on how she wears her hair. When she’s at King’s landing, you’ll notice her hair is down and braided at the sides, much like that of Cersei. Then, when Margaery comes into the picture, it’s clear that Sansa looks up to her.

So, her hair becomes more representative of the Queen. Eventually, even as she meets Daenerys, you’ll notice her hair also begins to resemble that of the mother of dragons. Regardless of whether Sansa likes the woman or not, she learns from each of these powerful gals, and her hair is a reflection of that.

The Black Crow Dress

You’ll remember when Sansa turns ‘dark’, after she escapes with Littlefinger. She has dyed black hair, and wears a black cloak with fur lining. With black feathers on the bodice, this has become an iconic look for Sansa in her dark and desperate time. If we didn’t love this look enough, there is also speculation that this crow-inspired look is to fight back against her bird-themed nicknames. You’ll remember the Hound calling her “little bird” or Cersei calling her “little dove”. Clearly, she’s a crow.

The Last White Gown

In her marriage to Ramsay, you’ll remember she wears a very bright, white gown with fur. Firstly, it’s very concealing, and almost acts as armor against the marriage. What’s more important though, is that this gown is another purposeful and brilliant use of color. This is the last time Sansa is shown wearing anything other than black. Of course, she is raped in this dress by Ramsay, which is the final step away from her childhood and innocence. Again, this is deep and depressing.

The Needle Necklace

You’ll remember Sansa’s infamous necklace she begins wearing after her escape from King’s landing, the dark circle on a chain. Clapton calls this “Sansa’s needle”, and is meant to represent her reliance on and gift of sewing and embroidery.

Yes, this is also a reference to Arya’s “needle”, and this is supposed to be a link for Sansa to her sister, who she has lost. She finds her strength after she begins to wear this necklace, and it’s a huge symbol of her growth.

The Transition to Armor

Of course, when the series began, you’re likely to find Sansa in nothing but a colorful dress. Then she transitions into her darker gowns, and dull-colored dresses when she is captive by Ramsay or Joffrey. When she returns to the North, and has her eyes on the Crown, her costumes transform into armor. She wears black, but her accessories are often strapped belts and cloaks, which resemble more of a fighter’s uniform. She is no longer feminine, but she also separates herself from the men. Her leathery dresses become more warrior-inspired. This is her armor, and she wears it proudly.

The Coronation Costume

While this gown definitely looked spectacular, every single aspect of it was purposeful. We see the same details that represent her family, but the gown is also a mixture of the fabrics from her wedding in King’s landing and her iconic “dark Sansa” dress. The bodice of the coronation gown represented the weirwood tree’s growing branches, an iconic part of Winterfell. And let’s not forget the crown, which has two direwolves howling. Not only is it absolutely breathtaking, but it’s a nod to Cersei’s crown we see her wear in season seven. We love the two direwolves, and it definitely resembles the idea that the pack survives.