Throughout Game of Thrones’ eight-season run, Bran Stark was an integral character on the popular show. He began as a young boy who was crippled after being cruelly thrown out of a window and ended up the Three-Eyed Raven, eventually becoming a King.

But as Bran progressively turned into the Raven, he got, well, weirder. He would speak quietly and thoughtfully, sometimes just glaring at people. Or his eyes would roll back into his head as he began “warging” into another world where he could see both the past and the future.

The story was quite intense, but that didn’t stop the internet from coming out with some hilarious memes that poke fun at the character.

It’s Just A Phase

When young kids start wearing all black, getting piercings, and brooding, it’s sometimes referred to as an “emo phase.” It’s called as such because it relates to the emo rock music genre that is characterized by heightened emotions with lyrics that are often considered confessional.

So this meme looks at Bran’s journey into a seemingly more withdrawn phase of his life as though he is living in present times and just going through an emo phase. He’ll grow out of it. Or will he?

Delete Your Browser History

The joke that one should always delete their browser history suggests that there might be something to hide, whether you were looking at questionable photos or searching embarrassing terms.

As the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran can see everything, including all from your past and your future. If he were to live in modern times, this might be the look he would give someone after seeing things they searched for online. Perhaps Jaime Lannister searching for “how to kill the Three-Eyed Raven” or “survival rates from falls from windows?”

Time To Study!

Any student can relate to this meme. In the first screenshot, which shows the moment Jaime Lannister pushed Bran out of the window, it suggests that this is how a student might feel when studying a boring topic.

But then when exam time comes, your expression might look more like Jaime’s, which was the face of realization he gave when Bran said something that confirmed he knew exactly how he became a cripple, and that Jaime was responsible for it. And Bran’s face? Well, that’s the teacher staring back at you with a look of vindication and an “I told you so” about studying.

Change of Heart

The idea was brought up to Bran many times about him taking over Winterfell as Lord, something he always brushed off; he had a bigger job to do as the Three-Eyed Raven. In fact, he went so far as to say that he could not lead anything because of this commitment.

Fast forward to the final episode and he has seen the light and, when nominated, happily takes on the position of King. Er, what happened to the Three-Eyed Raven? We suppose now that the Night King and White Walkers have been taken out, Bran has more time to multitask.

I Know What You Did

Another screenshot of Bran showing his all-knowing expression that suggests that no one can hide anything from him ⁠— and, well, they can’t. This meme is a play on the popular horror movie, I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Except, in Westeros, it’s all about the winter. And Bran knows exactly what was done last winter. Most notably, when Jaime almost killed him, though that led Bran on his path to become the most powerful being ever. If Jaime was still alive, he’d likely have lived trembling in fear.

My Expressions

There’s a popular T-shirt that displays an image of Darth Vader with various captions about the emotion he’s feeling at the time. Considering he’s wearing a mask, the image is the same throughout.

This take on that shows the faces of Bran instead. There’s no mask, but his expression really doesn’t ever change. He doesn’t show anger, happiness, surprise, excitement ⁠— probably because he always knows what’s coming and never needs to. Thus, every emotion you could possibly feel looks the same on him.

One-Night Stand

If you’ve ever had a casual hook-up and then ended up seeing the person again by chance, this might be exactly what your face looks like. Bran’s face is either your confident face when you enter the bar, or the look on the other person’s face when they see you hanging around, trying to pick up someone else.

Meanwhile, there’s no doubt that Jaime Lannister’s face is the look you likely have upon recognizing them. Oops, did I forget to call you?

Feel Old Yet?

A popular meme that has been circulating for some time shows an actor or public figure, often a child actor, decades ago compared to what they look like now. The captions always reads “Feel old yet?”

This funny one uses an image of a young Bran from Season 1 of the show, with wide eyes and an adorable face. The “now” picture is not actually of Bran, but of a wrinkly and angry Night King. Of course, Bran isn’t the Night King. Nonetheless, the juxtaposition of the two photos takes the meme to the extreme.

Quiet Ride

While some people love to get chatty with their Uber drivers when heading to a destination, most simply appreciate a quiet ride where they can reflect, check their phone messages, or watch the scenery go by.

When Bran says, “You are a good man. Thank you,” in the scene shown in this meme, he’s actually talking to Theon, who is about to save his life. But in meme world, he’s complimenting an Uber driver who knew to stay quiet and just let him enjoy his ride.

Watching Season 8

This meme was probably created just before Season 8, the final season, was released. In it, we see Bran in his warging phase, eyes rolled back into his head as he travels mentally to another time where he learns about what happened in the past and what will happen in the future (or even what’s happening right now, somewhere else.)

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could just sit back on our couches, roll our eyes back into our heads, and watch the upcoming season of a hot show before it’s released?