Daenerys Targaryen undergoes one of the most transformative character arcs in Game of Thrones. Fans first meet her as a meek and scared princess in exile who is forced to marry Khal Drogo by her brother, Viserys. The Targaryen queen grows more powerful throughout the series as she hatches dragons and conquers kingdoms.

Daenerys changed immensely throughout Game of Thrones, and looking back, is near unrecognizable from the person she was in the series finale. She began her journey as a powerless princess and grew into a formidable Dragon Queen. Here are the ten biggest ways the Targaryen queen changed throughout the series.

She Becomes A Queen

When we are first introduced to Daenerys Targaryen, she is a timid girl living in the shadow of her brother, Viserys. She gradually becomes stronger and embraces her role as Khaleesi before declaring herself the rightful queen of Westeros after the deaths of her husband, Drogo, and unborn son, Rhaego.

Daenerys comes into her power as queen as the series progresses. She conquers Slaver’s Bay, and rules from Meereen before invading Westeros and briefly subjugating the Seven Kingdoms.

She Becomes The First Dragonrider In Over A Century

Daenerys hatches three living dragons in the Season 1 finale, “Fire And Blood.” Throughout the series, she struggles to raise her growing dragons before eventually becoming the first dragonrider in over a century in Season 5’s “The Dance of the Dragons.”

The Dragon Queen takes to the skies on Drogon after he rescues her from the Sons of the Harpy for the first time, but not the last time. After that, she regularly rides her dragon into battle, unleashing fiery destruction upon her enemies.

She Learns How To Rule A City

Daenerys is initially preoccupied with returning to Westeros with an army and taking back the Iron Throne. She becomes sidetracked in Season 4, however. Jorah informs her that her liberation of Slaver’s Bay isn’t going as smoothly as she hoped, and the Targaryen queen elects to remain in Meereen so she can learn how to rule as queen.

She struggles to control the city as the Sons of the Harpy rise against her. It is a crucial learning period that parallels Jon Snow’s journey as Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.

She Becomes More Ruthless

As Daenerys grows more powerful, she also grows more ruthless. The Targaryen queen has to make several difficult decisions, and demonstrates her fiery nature by crucifying the slave masters of Meereen and executing Randyll and Dickon Tarly with dragonfire.

Dany’s violent ways culminate in Season 8’s controversial “The Bells.” After defeating Cersei’s forces, the Dragon Queen succumbs to rage and destroys the surrendered city with Drogon’s fire.

She Becomes The Most Powerful Player In The Game Of Thrones

Daenerys started her journey as a powerless princess with nothing but her name. She learns to stand up for herself and becomes a queen as the show progresses, growing in power as she conquers the Bay of Dragons and unites the Dothraki.

By the series finale, Daenerys is arguably the most powerful player in the game of thrones. She has her loyal dragon, Drogon, and a seemingly unkillable army of Dothraki screamers and Unsullied soldiers.

She’s No Longer The Last Targaryen

Daenerys believed herself to be the last surviving member of House Targaryen after Viserys’ death until the reveal of Jon Snow’s true parentage. He is revealed to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, weakening Daenerys’ claim to the Iron Throne.

She Becomes More Power-Hungry

In Season 1, Daenerys uses the power she has as Drogo’s Khaleesi to help women who are being attacked by the khalasar. She continues to use her power for the greater good by freeing slaves and defending Westeros from the Army of the Dead.

Daenerys becomes far more power-hungry in the season finale, however. Despite having defeated Cersei and conquered the Seven Kingdoms, she tells her army that they are not done “liberating” the world, and makes it clear that her war is not over.

She Was Determined To End Slavery

Daenerys is surrounded by slaves in Season 1 whilst she is married to Khal Drogo. The Dothraki trade in slaves, and the Khaleesi witnesses the brutal destruction of a Lhazareen village. Despite this, Daenerys is still more concerned with taking back the Seven Kingdoms than liberating Slaver’s Bay until she travels to Astapor in Season 3.

It is witnessing the barbarity in Astapor that fully convinces Daenerys to briefly abandon Westeros and refocus her attention on Slaver’s Bay. She conquers Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen, and tells Tyrion Lannister that she intends to continue her campaign against slavery.

She Grew Stronger

Daenerys is young and frightened when we first meet her in Season 1, and with good reason: her brother Viserys abuses her and forces her to marry a frightening stranger. Dany grows stronger throughout the seasons, however, and the fierce Dragon Queen in the series finale is unrecognizable from the quiet girl she used to be.

Daenerys becomes stronger as the series progresses. Magister Illyrio encapsulates her character arc perfectly in the books, stating “The frightened child who dwelt in my manse died on the Dothraki sea and was reborn in blood and fire. This dragon queen who wears her name is a true Targaryen.”

She Succumbed To Targaryen Madness

Daenerys made a shocking decision in “The Bells” that divided the Game Of Thrones fandom. The Targaryen queen destroys the Iron Fleet and the Golden Company, defeating Cersei’s forces and finally winning the war. However, although the city surrenders, a rage-fueled Daenerys snaps and decimates the city, killing thousands of innocent people.

The earlier incarnation of Daenerys would likely never have done this, and it highlights just how hard the Targaryen queen has fallen from grace. Daenerys imprisons her dragons in Meereen after Drogon kills a child but expresses no remorse for the children she burned in King’s Landing.