Tormund Giantsbane is, without a doubt, one of the most entertaining characters on Game of Thrones. The wildling warrior was first introduced in Season 3 as Mance Rayder’s right-hand man and is now one of Jon Snow’s closest allies. Though he is not one of the key characters on the show, he’s one of those people that gets audiences excited every time he pops up on screen.

Tormund is a fierce fighter having survived some of the show’s biggest battles. But he is also a bit of a mad man as his appearance might suggest. His unhinged behavior is endlessly fun, leading to some of the show’s funniest quotes. In case we might have to soon say goodbye to the man they call Giantsbane, here are Tormund’s best quotes from Game of Thrones.

“Thenns. I f***ing hate Thenns.”

When Mance Rayder realized the Night King was coming and living Beyond the Wall was no longer safe, he did the impossible and brought all the warring tribes of wildlings together. But while they all agreed to fight together, the alliance was shaky at best.

Tormund might have trusted Mance, but that didn’t mean he was going to be accepting of all his new allies, especially the Thenns. While Thenns seem to be the most despised wildling group, the fact that Tormund regards these extremely creepy cannibals with just slight annoyance tells you a lot about the company Tormund keeps.

“Looks like we’re the Night’s Watch now.”

Jon’s decision to let the wildlings through the Wall was certainly a controversial one with the Northern lords. For years, the wildlings have raided their lands and killed innocent people, so the idea of having to fight alongside them was hard to swallow for some.

However, with the Night King approaching, differences were put aside and the wildlings were actually chosen to man Eastwatch and become the new guardians of the Wall. Even though they’re all friends now, Tormund can’t help but rub his new position in the face of the Northern lords. No one can claim Tormund is submissive.

“I saw your per. What kind of god would have a per that small?”

You would think seeing your friend who had been stabbed to death suddenly rise from the dead would be an alarming experience. Apparently, for Tormund, it’s just the perfect occasional for a good penis joke.

While the other wildlings are understandably shaken by the resurrected Jon Snow, Tormund dismisses the idea of Jo being special and goes right back to mocking him like the good old days. Even in the strangest of times, you can always count of Tormund to break the ice.

“I’ve always had blue eyes!”

Tormund has had more run-ins with the White Walkers than just about any other character on the show. It stands to reason someone might mistake him for one at this point. His reunion with Edd hilariously points out the fact that Tormund does share a distinct trait with their undead foes.

The idea that we could soon see some of our favorite characters die is hard to think about. Even more disturbing, some of those characters may also return as the undead. Tormund is certainly a possibility for that terrible fate, and while we’d hate to see that happen, at least he’d get to keep his blue eyes.

 “And if you fall, don’t scream. You don’t want that to be the last thing she remembers.”

The relationship between Jon and Ygritte was one of the best the show has produced. So good in fact, that it led to a real-life romance. And while these two were falling in love Beyond the Wall, Tormund was there to help fan the flames of that love.

Despite his rough exterior, Tormund seems like a romantic at heart. So before they attempt the dangerous task of climbing the Wall, he gives Jon a bit of helpful advice about how to look good to his lady, even while plummeting to his death.

“I want to make babies with her. Think of them… great big monsters. They’d conquer the world.”

Certainly, the most entertaining thing about Tormund on the show is his obsessive love for Brienne of Tarth. From the moment she arrived at Castle Black, the wilding was smitten and he hasn’t lost interest at all, even without any recognition from her.

Tormund is not a shy man so he remains very open about his hopes and dreams for the future. While the bond between Brienne and Jaime remains very strong, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t want to see her settle down with Tormund.

“You spent too much time with us, Jon Snow. You can never be a kneeler again.”

The freefolk are proud people. Their desire to live without a ruler and to refrain from kneeling for any king has meant they are condemned to live a harsh life Beyond the Wall. It’s a compromise that someone like Tormund gladly made in order to ensure he lived a free life.

In an ironic way, this is a principle the wildings share with the Night’s Watch, as the latter also aren’t ruled by whomever sits on the Iron Throne. Tormund recognizes that Jon Snow can never kneel again, something Jon has struggled with ever since.

“He’s prettier than both my daughters, but he knows how to fight.”

Jon Snow might not always be the smartest character on the show, but he does know how to inspire loyalty in people who used to hate him. Though Tormund previously tried to kill him, Jon chooses to trust him in order to help save the remaining wildlings.

“He’s young, but he knows how to lead. He didn’t have to come to Hardhome. He came because he needs us and we need him.”

Despite their differences, Tormund was the one to vouch for Jon to the other wildlings, albeit in a very Tormund way. Through insults mixed with compliments, this moment shows the bond that has formed between these two characters and the fact that Tormund is smarter than he looks.

“The big woman still here?”

Tormund has shown that, despite being an absolute madman, he knows enough to be afraid of the White Walkers and their army. After narrowly surviving the collapse of the Wall and running into more of their undead artwork at Last Hearth, Tormund makes it to Winterfell ahead of the Night King. And he has one thing on his mind?

In all fairness, if you knew an unstoppable army would be arriving before the sun rises, of course you would immediately seek out the woman you loved.

“They call me ‘Giantsbane.’ Want to know why?”

Of all the great character moments in “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” few of them can top Tormund’s explanation of how he got his name. Trying to both impress Brienne and intimidate Jaime, Tormund’s hilarious recounting of the epic tale is as funny for the delivery as it is for the reaction from everyone else in the room.

Add to that his glorious chugging of milk to sell his story and it is the character’s finest moment on the show. And while the story is too outrageous to be true, the fact that it’s Tormund sort of makes you think it could be true.