How to Park a G/L Document Posting How to Hold a G/L Document Posting How to Post a Document with Reference in SAP

How to Park a G/L Document Posting

In SAP ,User can be provided with Limited Authorization Amount for Posting . For example ,an Accounting clerk has authority to post documents to a maximum amount $5000. .While feeding document he finds that the document amount is $10000 for which he does not have the authority . In such cases, SAP has provided Park Facility for the document which allows the user to save the document but the amount is not posted in the G/L Accounts .The document can be later reviewed by High Authority Personnel who has appropriate posting amount authorization. Once approved , the document is posted in G/L Accounts. Here is an Demo for Parking a G/L Account Document Step 1) Enter Transaction Code FB50 for G/L Account Posting in SAP Command Field

Step 2) In the next screen , Enter the following

	Enter Document Date

	Enter G/L Account To be Credited

	Enter Credit Amount

	Enter G/L Account To be Debited

	Enter Debit Amount

Step 3) Press Park Button

Step 4) Check the status for the Park Document Number.

How to Hold a G/L Document Posting

A user may want to temporarily save the document under following conditions

	G/L Document is not complete

	User does not has complete or accurate information

	User wants to complete or correct  the document at a later stage

Under such situations , you can HOLD a document without posting the document amount in the G/L Accounts. Here is an Demo for Holding a G/L Account Document Step 1) Enter Transaction Code FB50 for G/L Account Posting in SAP Command Field

Step 2) In the next screen , Enter the following

	Enter Document Date

	Enter G/L Account To be Credited

	Enter Credit Amount

	Enter G/L Account To be Debited

	Enter Debit Amount

Step 3) Press Hold Button

Step 4) In the next screen, Enter the Temporary Document Number and Press Hold Document

Step 5) Check the status bar for the document to Held

How to Post a Document with Reference in SAP

Step 1) Enter Transaction code FB50 in the SAP command Field

Step 2) In the next screen, Select Goto-> Post with Reference from the SAP Standard Menu Bar

Step 3) In the next screen , Enter the Following

Enter the Reference Document Number Enter the Company Code the Document was posted Enter the Fiscal Year in Which it was posted Press Enter

Step 4) In the next screen,Make appropriate changes in the document

Step 5) Press Enter , In the next screen , Check the Document

Step 6) Press Save, to Post the new document