Remember the iPad case that could be thrown off a balcony or have a bowling ball dropped on it from a few feet in the air without hurting the iPad inside?

From the obvious “don’t try this at home” category, Mobile Syrup popped their iPad 2 into a G-Form Sleeve, abused it for awhile, then had a car run it over.

Result? The video stopped playing but the iPad was unharmed, at least as far as we could tell.

We’re looking forward to some more extreme iPad sports when these start getting into users hands.

We got ours a week ago (above) but haven’t figured out any good stunts (and frankly don’t have an iPad to burn).  Suggestions welcome.

The car runneth over video is below:

  • MacBook survives a drop from balcony thanks to a new G-Form sleeve (
  • G-Form ups the ante to 12lb bowling ball, still protects iPad (