A new photography app for iOS called Fuzion is set to be released this Thursday, January 23. It uses TrueDepth camera data from new iPhones to seamlessly create stunning images by automatically taking the silhouette from Portrait mode photos and removing the background. User’s can then easily blend the silhouette with another image and even add overlays.

After opening up the sharp photo editing app to a small group of beta testers last month, Fuzion is launching this week. It allows iPhone users to create stunning images by easily blending multiple images with Portrait mode shots.

Fuzion takes advantage of the iPhone’s TrueDepth camera data:

Image blending and more with Fuzion:

  • Capture portrait photos in the app with automatic silhouette detection
  • Choose from a variety of backgrounds by top photographers to blend with your portrait
  • Add dust overlays, light leaks and color filters to make the photos stand out even more

Fuzion is compatible with iPhone 8 Plus, X, XS, and XR and will be a free download. Fuzion will have a $3 in-app purchase to unlock all background images, overlays, and other features.

Check out the demo video below and head to Fuzion’s webpage and Instagram page to see more.