Futurama was a fan favorite series while it aired, and even years after the series concluded, fans still obsess about it. And with good reason – the characters and plots captivated us, presenting us with humor and so much more. With a series as complex as Futurama, it should probably come as no surprise to hear that there are a few loose ends still hanging.

While there’s nothing wrong with that (not automatically, at least) we would’ve loved to see where these threads led. So we’ve gone ahead and compiled 10 storylines that were never resolved. And while we may never get an answer for any of these plots, you sure can’t blame us for hoping.

Where are Kif and Amy’s (Leela’s biological) Children?

Fans will likely remember the episode “Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch.” In this episode, Kif finds himself in a very particular situation: he’s pregnant. The doner for the DNA is the one and only Leela, though it is Amy who is technically the mother, being the one to inspire Kif’s feelings and cause him to be receptive to becoming pregnant.

The episode ends with the babies swimming safely away, with a promise that they’ll grow legs and come out of the water one day. That is a day that fans never got to see. And we for one are sad about that fact, as we would have loved to see how the mutant babies did.

The Temptation of Barbados Slim

Another plotline never resolved is the one of LeBarbara’s infidelity. Throughout the series, she’s repeatedly seen running off into the arms of Hermes’ greatest rival, Barbados Slim.

Even though she actively leaves Hermes for him at one point, and is seen implying an affair at other points, we’re never shown any consequences for her actions. This is a fact that upsets some fans, as Hermes truly did deserve better than that.

The Mystery of the Horrible Ex

Michelle Jenkins is not a fan favorite, and with good reason. She’s Fry’s ex-girlfriend, and even when they were together she treated him like dirt. Through a series of strange events she too found herself in the future with Fry, though she didn’t seem to fit in as well as he did.

And while we don’t really care what happened to her, we are left wondering what actually did happen with her character. Last we saw she was running off with another guy. But knowing her, that relationship didn’t last.

What Happened to the Mutant Atomic Supermen?

During the episode “Time Keeps on Slippin,” the professor did his thing and created a whole basketball team worth of mutant atomic supermen. They aged rapidly, becoming competent players in a matter of minutes. And yet after that one episode, we never saw them again.

Fans are left wondering what happened to them. Did they continue to play basketball, even without their father/Farnsworth checking in on them? Or did their aging continue, causing them all early deaths? Fans have no idea.

Who Is ‘The Other?’

The Why of Fry explained to us some of the reasons why Fry is such a unique character. But it also introduced a mystery for the fans. While Fry was talking with Nibbler and the other Nibblonians, they mentioned the possibility that Leela is ’the other.'

But they never confirmed that fact. Nor did they explain what being ’the other’ entailed. We can guess based on context, but without any confirmations fans don’t actually know anything for certain. And that’s mildly frustrating.

Mom’s Three Sons

The infamous mom has three sons in the series, Walt, Larry, and Igner. And we don’t really know what ended up happening with all of them. We can probably assume that the older two at the very least continued to follow her bidding.

But what about Igner? It was revealed that he was Farnsworth’s son during one of the movies, and yet after that point nothing was ever done with that particular plot. Was he okay with seeing his mother so actively hate his father? Or did he eventually walk? Did he form a relationship off-screen with his father? Or not?

Professor Farnworth’s Money Problems

Fans are well aware of the fact that the Professor is not the best with money. He may have started Planet Express to support his scientific adventures, but he never seems to have an abundance of money whatsoever.

And we have a question about that money. During “The Problem with Popplers” we know for a fact that they pulled in a ton of money. While presumably, Bender got a good chunk of it (both through legitimate earnings and theft) we don’t know what happened to the rest of it. Since it was Farnsworth’s ship that hauled it all, we can only assume that he got at least some of that money. So where did it go?

Kif and Amy’s Relationship Status

Let’s go back to Kif and Amy real quick here. The series has given them a bit of a rocky relationship. One minute they’re (accidentally) having kids together, the next they’re breaking up. And don’t even get us started on the time that Amy slept with Zapp because she thought Kif was dead (well, he was, but he didn’t stay dead).

What happened to their relationship? Were they able to make it work? Why or why not? And how did Amy handle it when their children eventually came out of the waters? Or worse, how did Kif handle it if the children never appeared again?

How’d He Survive?

During “War Is the H-Word,” Bender ends up getting a massive bomb fused inside of him. And apparently there’s a specific trigger word to set off that bomb (we’re going to play it safe and not say it again here).

In the end, Bender accurately guesses the word. And we can only assume that this means the bomb blew up. A bomb that we were led to believe would blow up a whole planet. So…how did Bender (and anybody near him) survive? Was this another example of Zoidberg’s shoddy work?

What Happened the ‘Next Time Around’

The series concluded with Fry asking Leela if she ‘[wanted] to go around again?’ and while that was enough to make us all start blubbering at the time, it does leave us wondering as well. We know that Fry and Leela were able to make it work in a world in which they were the only two people not frozen in time.

But what about when they went back to the world and timeline we all know? Would they have made it? They didn’t have the advantage of keeping their memories from their life together (the life after the time freeze that is). So we’re left uncertain. There’s something sweet about that. Sweet, and a bit concerning.