Book of Mozilla

Want an excerpt from the great testament book of Mozilla? Just type: about:mozilla into the search box and you’ll get the following message, and it just might change your life.

Message from Robots

If you’re a fan of robots, just type: about:robots in the Search bar to get this message. But remember…they have a plan.

Don’t Void the Firefox Warranty

If you’ve ever done some “under the hood” customizing of Firefox you’ve seen this message. Type: about:config and you get the joke about voiding the free browser’s warranty.

About About Commands

All of the tricks above use the about: command in the search field in Firefox. For a list of other pages, that can be more helpful, type: about:about to get a list.

Run Firefox Inside Firefox

I’m not really sure what the point of this trick is, and doesn’t use the about: command, but it’s interesting nonetheless. Launch Firefox and type: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul If you want to be really nuts, run it multiple times and see how many instances of Firefox you can have running in Firefox.

Make Google Do a Barrel Roll

This is more of a Google trick, but it only work in Firefox and Google Chrome (of course). Go to Google and type: do a barrel roll and watch the Google results page flip around.

Do you know of any cool Easter Eggs or other hidden tricks that can be accessed in Firefox? Let us know in the comments. How did I not try that one earlier? Great list Brian. Will see if any of the readers know any more. The one I’ve used in the past was about:crashes. That’s a handy one. Comment